Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I know it was a joke question, but honestly "more brutal" is a tough thing to say. Sometimes those ultra gutturals really hit the spot, but other times I prefer a grindcore shriek just because it sounds like there's more actual energy behind it, y'know?
ENOUGH noob talk. Discuss actual slam, not what it is. We've been over this. Read the fucking thread. Cephalotripsy needs to release a new album SOON!
Thank you my friend. I mean, Jesus H. Christ people, I JUST EXPLAINED THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SLAM AND BRUTAL DEATH! Learn to read you scum sucking lazy. Anyways....slam is good....yup.
Hey Jarrod. Been a while for sure. What's going on?
nada bro. Decided to check out this forum for the first time in years, some decent threads kickin' about. I'm actually surprised you're still posting. Nice blog, too.

that new Cephalotripsy promo is indeed badass. Angel sounds so killer in both Condemned and this.

If you like the oldest of the old school stuff, pick up Embrionic Death - Regurgitated Stream of Rot.

It contains Regurgitate the Dead and Dead Rotten Corpse, two of the earliest demos I'd consider slamming. (1991 and 1992) (and the fantastic atheist esque Stream of Solidarity demo)
YES! I've had these demos for years! Great suggestion. Haven't checked out that compilation released this year however. No real point unless it sounds better.
Slam death metal is the only style/genre of metal that can even get wallflowers into the pit. When done well live, the spiritual energies present are fucking crushing. In 1992, when entering a venue for the Milwaukee Metalfest, Baphomet was playing. They are still the most powerful presence live of any band I have ever seen. Would love to see Defeated Sanity or Ezophagothomia in the near future. How can we get Ezophagothomia over to the US to play a few shows?
Agreed. The "big four" in the early '90's for me were:

Cannibal Corpse - Tomb of the Mutilated
Suffocation - Effigy of the Forgotten
Baphomet - The Dead Shall Inherit
Broken Hope - Swamped in Gore

These albums rose above the rest.
The only one of those that is actually brutal death are Suffocation dude. The others are just plain old death metal. Nothing wrong with that, but it doesn't really belong here.
New Carnivore Diprosopus updates!! Their MySpace says they are returning in 2012 to Sevared. An old post from 2010 claims they are/were working on a third full length titled "Deeds of Supreme Alliance." I hope this is true and happens soon. Their first two albums were about as close to Devourment cloning as you can get. I loved the style they played. Also, as of 2007, they are supposedly based out of Spain as opposed to Columbia. I hope this doesn't affect their sound at all. If anyone else hears anything, report it here!!
The only one of those that is actually brutal death are Suffocation dude. The others are just plain old death metal. Nothing wrong with that, but it doesn't really belong here.

Wasn't meaning to sound anachronistic, putting the contemporary "brutal" label on these death metal bands where it might not fit. But at the time, these were some of the more "brutal" death metal bands I encountered. I would consider Baphomet a forerunner to some slam death metal styles, but then again I consider some of the groovy thrash metal/crossover bands during this time and earlier as precursors to slam also.