Brutal/Slam Death Metal


Flesh Throne - 2011 - Onslaught mCD

Vocals - Lou Martinez (ex-Vomitous (SWE))
Guitars - Paul Tavora (ex-Dehumanized (NY))
Bass - Gustuv Trodin (Vomitous (SWE))
Drums - Haanes Nysten (Extirpated (SWE))

Guest Vocals:
01. Unmerciful Remedies (ft. Livio Wellinger of Bodysnatch)
02. Wounds Of Annihilation (ft. Livio Wellinger of Bodysnatch & Hidenori Sato of Infernal Revulsion)
03. A King Of This World (ft. Janis Erker of Impulsive Evisceration)

I'm fairly new to the TRUE brutal/slam death metal bands. I usually stick to old school death metal and earlier technical death. what would be some essential BDM albums to start out with?
Molesting the Decapitated-Devourment
Cranial Impalement-Disgorge
Chapters of Repugnance-Defeated Sanity
In the End of Human Existence-Abominable Putridity
Human Meat Gluttony-Amputated Genitals
Degenerating Anthropophagical Euphoria-Putridity
Reek of Pubescent Despoilment-Guttural Secrete
Uterovaginal Insertion of Extirpated Anomalies-Cephalotripsy
Could't Tell the Bodies Apart-Awaiting the Autopsy
Asphyxiating in Excrement-Cerebral Incubation
Worship Paganism-Gorevent
Realms of the Ungodly-Condemned
The Wet Sound of Flesh on Concrete-Saprogenic
Instruments of Torture-Brodequin
Filled My Stomach with A Pregnant's Corpse-Carnivore Diprosopus
Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards-Human Mastication
Mistaken Conception-Goretrade
Prolly missed some. Have fun dude!
Molesting the Decapitated-Devourment
Cranial Impalement-Disgorge
Chapters of Repugnance-Defeated Sanity
In the End of Human Existence-Abominable Putridity
Human Meat Gluttony-Amputated Genitals
Degenerating Anthropophagical Euphoria-Putridity
Reek of Pubescent Despoilment-Guttural Secrete
Uterovaginal Insertion of Extirpated Anomalies-Cephalotripsy
Could't Tell the Bodies Apart-Awaiting the Autopsy
Asphyxiating in Excrement-Cerebral Incubation
Worship Paganism-Gorevent
Realms of the Ungodly-Condemned
The Wet Sound of Flesh on Concrete-Saprogenic
Instruments of Torture-Brodequin
Filled My Stomach with A Pregnant's Corpse-Carnivore Diprosopus
Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards-Human Mastication
Mistaken Conception-Goretrade
Prolly missed some. Have fun dude!

Thanks man!
Molesting the Decapitated-Devourment
Cranial Impalement-Disgorge
Chapters of Repugnance-Defeated Sanity
In the End of Human Existence-Abominable Putridity
Human Meat Gluttony-Amputated Genitals
Degenerating Anthropophagical Euphoria-Putridity
Reek of Pubescent Despoilment-Guttural Secrete
Uterovaginal Insertion of Extirpated Anomalies-Cephalotripsy
Could't Tell the Bodies Apart-Awaiting the Autopsy
Asphyxiating in Excrement-Cerebral Incubation
Worship Paganism-Gorevent
Realms of the Ungodly-Condemned
The Wet Sound of Flesh on Concrete-Saprogenic
Instruments of Torture-Brodequin
Filled My Stomach with A Pregnant's Corpse-Carnivore Diprosopus
Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards-Human Mastication
Mistaken Conception-Goretrade
Prolly missed some. Have fun dude!

Awesome dude!, im pretty "new" too!
Krucifier said:
:erk: Devourment hasn't slammed since they reissued Butcher The Weak.

Lol. The worst of all the "X band hasn't put out anything good since 19XX" comments I've seen ever. First, it's your opinion, simply saying "they haven't slammed" makes it sound like cold hard fact, when the cold hard fact is that it ain't. Second, the only thing they've done after the BTW re-recording (which is not the same as a re-issue) is UTC, couldn't you just have said you didn't like UTC? That way you would've said exactly the same thing without having to sound like a pretentious douchebag whose opinion is worth more than that of others.

I think UTC is their best, but all their albums so far are classics and best in the genre.
BTW is prolly the album that I listened to least of theirs. No reason, really, just never got around to it lol.
Wanted to get your guys' opinion on the German brutal death metal band Cytotoxin. Posted about them a while back, but no one replied :-/ I think they kick ass. Can't find any other songs on Youtube for you guys to check out... I ordered their CD online and the whole thing is great.

Thought I would post my top 10 recordings for 2011, mostly to prompt the real men of this forum to post soon, in case I have missed any gems from this year.

Top 10 Brutal/Slam Death Metal “Albums” (FL, EP, MCD, Promo, etc.) of 2011
by Leroy Lungvomit

10. All the Honorable Mentions
9. Acranius ~ The Echo of Her Cracking Chest
8. Bodysnatch – Insights of a Rotten Theatre
7. Pathology – Awaken to the Suffering
6. Visceral Disgorge – Ingesting Putridity
5. Putridity – Degenerating Anthropophagical Euphoria (the drums on this album are the most insane I have heard, both the skill level and production)
4. Carnal Disfigurement – Inhuman Devoured Content From Cranial Cavity
3. Abominable Putridity – Promo 2011
2. Abnormity – Irreversible Disintegration
1. Ezophagothomia – Instinct of Inhuman Devourment (the best slam death metal album this year, the 5 original tracks from this album were in very heavy rotation for me since March and I still can’t get enough!)

Honorable Mentions
Turbidity – Suffering of Human Decapitated
Sickening – Against the Wall of Pretense
Resurrecting Judas – Vast Realms of Chaos Incarnate
Origin – Entity
Auticed – Cemetery of Necronymph
Nephelium – Coils of Entropy (2012 release)
Fumes of Decay – Devouring the Excavated
Encephalopathy – Promo 2011
Cranial Osteotomy – Victim of Wicked Sickness
Condemned – Realms of the Ungodly
Cerebral Engorgement – Orgasmica
Cephalotripsy – Promo 2011
Carnivorous Voracity – Debasement Incarnated
Begging for Incest – Orgasmic Selfmutilation “Promo”
Decaying Purity – The Existence of Infinite Agony
Prophecy – Don’t Fuckin’ Mess With Texas
Sapanakith – Promo 2011 (Laotian Brutal Death!)
7 H.Target – Electric Tools for Electric Human

May look like I am an Inherited Suffering Records lackey, but this is not the case. Three albums from them in my top four. Delaying for better production was well worth the wait!

Hey Malice, I’ve noticed you enjoy making lists. Was wondering if you could post a comprehensive list of all the “essential” brutal/slam death metal record labels currently operating? That would make my year.
Sadly, the more I listened to it, the more the Putridity album became lukewarm to me. It's an absolute ass-blaster of intensity, but the more I spun it, the more I felt like there was no real substance to it. No songs that gripped me like I got on, say, Pathology's latest (Hostility Towards Conformity FTW).
You put Acranius above Realms of the Ungodly??.............

Maybe what I should have done is just post a top 8. For whatever reason, Condemned’s new one has never gripped me like 1-8 did. The production is great, but as of yet, it has not distinguished itself from the mass of honorable mentions. Acranius doesn’t belong in a top 10, but it was one of the last discs I remembered listening to which made me smile(Always Battlesome is a pretty fun song). I will have to give Realms of the Ungodly more listens. With Putridity's new one, it was the first time I heard double bass which itself sounded like a blast beat. Thought this was unique.