Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Hey Malice, I’ve noticed you enjoy making lists. Was wondering if you could post a comprehensive list of all the “essential” brutal/slam death metal record labels currently operating? That would make my year.

Unique Leader
Brutal Bands
Inherited Suffering
Macabre Mementos
Amputated Vein
Lacerated Enemy
Pathologically Explicit
With Putridity's new one, it was the first time I heard double bass which itself sounded like a blast beat. Thought this was unique.

Well that's because they triggered the ever-loving fuck out of the drums and put them way up in the mix, so the bass's click is one of the loudest things you hear.
I've heard no talk of this and its better than most 2011 releases.


Indecent Excision - 2011 - Deification Of The Grotesque

I wasn't in love with Ezophagothomia, I dunno. Good article otherwise.

HOWEVER, I heavily disagree with best album cover. Ingested's "The Surreption" wins that by a LONG shot. It's just perfect. Doesn't try to slap you over the head with anything. It just EMANATES dread and horror.

Ehh I thought that looked horrendous. I hate shit like that. Looks like a try hard metalcore band. The Indecent Excision looks badass, reminds me of Daemon Foetal Harvest's Where it Dwells. Some creature thingy next to a chasm. I'm gonna go see if it's the same guy :)

EDIT: I'm pretty sure they're both Tony Koehl, one of my favorites.
What's horrendous to me is shit like Guttural Secrete or Vulvectomy's covers. THAT is a "try hard" cover. Gimme subtle and eerie over overtly violent any day.
But the gory stuff fits the music. Slam is disgusting, the album art should be as well. That Ingested cover is cheesy, generic, unorginal, boring, and just plain bad. I like super detailed stuff like Tony Koehl's work. I like dark and ominous too, dude, but that is neither to me. Just shitty. And the Daemon Foetal Harvest cover was by Mike Hrubovkak with Visual Darkness. Very similar to the Indecent Excision one, which IS by Koehl.
Wait. THAT is generic and unoriginal? You can say you're not a fan, but do me a favor and find all the covers like that you can, and I'll see how many covers I can find of slam bands that are just viscera and gore all over, and we'll compare notes.

Again, I'm cool with you saying it's not your speed, but don't go and just make shit up.

EDIT: I should point out that I love brutal death and slam musically, but I find the reliance on over-the-top gore to be trite and tiresome. Especially when it's overdone to the point of sounding like someone just opened up a medical dictionary and rifled through to find as many words for terrible maladies as possible. You'll never hear the word "extirpation" as much as you will going through a slam catalogue.
As do I. Too much gore and perversion gets old. But that is honestly one of the WORST and least favorite album covers. There's nothing interesting about it at all. No cool details to make you wonder, just one person withering away. That is not very "death metal" to me at all. A stick person impaling another stick person with a spear would be more metal. That Ingested cover certainly marks their descent into faggotry. C'mon guys, help me out, I know I'm not the only one who hates that cover.
That Ingested cover is boring, but I’ve seen them live and they were okay.
I guess I'm alone on this one. But then again, I adore that kind of art in general. Goes right alongside some of my other favorite covers like Drainland's "And So Our Troubles Began". I'll take subtle any day. There's more of a deft touch. Ah well.
Yeah it's sublte, but it looks more like something on a Bring me the HIV CD. And the art is just not good. Some computer generated garbage. Gimme Hasmann, Koehl, or Seagrave any day.
See, I like that Aborted cover, it's violent and dark and powerful. And the artwork is well done. It captures an ominous grotesque quality that the Ingested cover plainly failed to do.