Brutal/Slam Death Metal

It's getting close to the end of the year, so I thought I'd post all the notable releases of the year in-case you've missed any.

Abnormity - 2011 - Irreversible Disintegration
Abominable Putridity - 2011 - Promo
Bodysnatch - 2011 - Insights Of A Rotten Theatre
Carnivorous Voracity - 2011 - Debasement Incarnated EP
Cephalotripsy - 2011 - Promo
Condemned - 2011 - Realms Of The Ungodly
Decaying Purity - 2011 - The Existence Of Infinite Agony
Disfigured - 2011 - Amputated Gorewhore
Embrionic Death - 2011 - Reguritated Stream Of Rot (Compilation)
Envenomation - 2011 - Pyogenic Harvest EP
Eternal Suffering - 2011 - Recollections Of Tragedy And Misery (Compilation)
Euphoric Defilement - 2011 - Promo
Ezophagothomia - 2011 - Instinct Of Inhuman Devourment
Fumes Of Decay - 2011 - Devouring The Excavated
Gorgasm - 2011 - Orgy Of Murder
Human Mastication - 2011 - Persecute To Bloodbath
Immolation - 2011 - Providence EP
Indecent Excision - 2011 - Deification Of The Grotesque
Infernal Revulsion - 2011 - An Epic Conviction (Compilation)
Ingested - 2011 - The Surreption
Prophecy - 2011 - Don't Fuckin' Mess With Texas
Putridity - 2011 - Degenerating Anthropophagical Euphoria
Regurgitation - 2011 - Clitoraldectomy EP
Rest In Gore - 2011 - Culinary Buffet Of Hacked Innards
Scattered Remains - 2011 - Led To The Slaughter
Sick - 2011 - Promo
Syphilic - 2011 - A Composition Of Murder
New Carnivore Diprosopus updates!! Their MySpace says they are returning in 2012 to Sevared. An old post from 2010 claims they are/were working on a third full length titled "Deeds of Supreme Alliance." I hope this is true and happens soon. Their first two albums were about as close to Devourment cloning as you can get. I loved the style they played. Also, as of 2007, they are supposedly based out of Spain as opposed to Columbia. I hope this doesn't affect their sound at all. If anyone else hears anything, report it here!!
About time. Their last album is one of the more underrated in the genre. Haven't heard their debut and there really aren't all that many reviews on it. Any opinions on that album?
Not really a brutal death album, but some would argue. It fits better into technical death metal, the instrumentation approaches slam at some points but overall, it's a bit too jangly and wacky to be "brutal death."
Not really a brutal death album, but some would argue. It fits better into technical death metal, the instrumentation approaches slam at some points but overall, it's a bit too jangly and wacky to be "brutal death."

Yeah I would consider them brutal/slam technical death metal band. The end break down on Benedictine Convulsions is amazing.
Begging for Incest is releasing a new album in January, any thoughts? Also, Disgorge is releasing a new album at the end of this month and I have heard ZERO discussion of it!! WTF!?!
Well, huh. I dunno what to say then. I saw that and got all excited. I suppose we shall see.

EDIT: UL put a statement about the linup and everything for it on their myspace. I hope it's true!
Begging for Incest is releasing a new album in January, any thoughts? Also, Disgorge is releasing a new album at the end of this month and I have heard ZERO discussion of it!! WTF!?!

I'm assuming the new "Disgorge" will be named by To Violently Vomit (you all probably know this). Got this from the lumbago productions clips from Mountains of Death 2011 of To Violently Vomit. More clarity about what is up with them would be much appreciated. Diego Sanchez did say they will be in the studio recording. Something new in the future more than likely? Two tracks from new Begging for Incest's Orgasmic Self-mutilation are floating around. Stuff's not bad.
Yes it is and they're both supposed to release material next year. Not gonna hold my breath but it should actually be pretty great if it does. Next year, if everything that's supposed to drop actually drops, it should be a pretty monumental slam year. Devourment, Wormed, TWO DISGORGES(!!?), Defeated Sanity, Down from the Wound and a bunch more I believe. Not to mention the random stuff here and there. I also think Goretrade might have a new one out soon as well since I follow them on FB.
It shall be a good year indeed. Man, if the world DID end in 2012, it better not end before new Devourment. After that, it can.