Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Cephalotripsy & Membro Genitali Befurcator - 2012 - Membro Cephalic Symbiosis 7'' EP (Split)


I'd assume the tracks will be the same as the Promo.
I'd honestly call it my favorite slam album by a wide margin. Great production, excellent groove, heavy as fuck. It's everything you need in this style.
New AP is pretty mediocre, I'm sorry. The production is way too overblown, they attmempt to be technical for no reason, and Matti Way never shuts the fuck up. There's already a few albums out this year that easily top it in the BDM scene. It wouldn't have even made my top 10 last year, and that was a pretty slow year for slam. :p
You know, I fucking love Matti Way, but goddamn. He's starting to grate on my nerves. Stick to one fucking band and just repeat your vocal performance from She Lay Gutted pl0x.
Can't agree that Matti Way never shuts up, no more than any other vocalist. I like the direction they went, sure is a hell of a lot better than their first album, which gets monotonous as you're listening to it.

I've just cleared a huge debt that was holding me back from obtaining the most recent BDM albums. I can't wait to get back in the swing of things.. I'm just old fashioned enough to wait until I own the CD's to listen to every song on the album.
New AP is pretty mediocre, I'm sorry. The production is way too overblown, they attmempt to be technical for no reason, and Matti Way never shuts the fuck up. There's already a few albums out this year that easily top it in the BDM scene. It wouldn't have even made my top 10 last year, and that was a pretty slow year for slam. :p

I dunno. I like the production, but that's why I don't have a blog about it, I guess my taste in slam isn't very refined. Like I seriously did NOT like the Ezophagowhatever release. It sounded thin and sterile to my ears and didn't have a heartbeat. There were a couple on the S-M list that I just couldn't get into.

Meanwhile, AP's newest just blew me away on all fronts. Maybe it's not true to their roots or whatever, but it's definitely one of my favorites.
S-M is still my favorite slam/BDM site by a long shot. Especially the year-end lists and the occasional unearthing of gems I'd have never found otherwise (Down from the Wound is a big one). Even if I sometimes disagree with your reviews. ;)