Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Devourment was one of the first slam bands I heard, and a reason I didn't explore the (sub)subgenre for a while.

Their arrangements make no sense to me and their riffs don't stick. And worse, the singing in a lot of their songs sounds like a guy singing nursery rhymes (eg. the last two songs on Molesting) or limericks or almost rapping, but with a guttural voice. Although the timbre is slam, the phrases are playful and not heavy.

But sure, I understand how nursery rhymes and limericks and rap phrasing might work for people who use terms like "wiggity" and "whack."

To each his own. Keep in mind that this vocal style of "almost rapping" is seen in A LOT of slam. It goes with the pace of a lot of the music and if that comes off as rapping or nursery rhym-ish, so be it.

And I was fuckin' around, don't get your panties in a ruffle.
To each his own. Keep in mind that this vocal style of "almost rapping" is seen in A LOT of slam. It goes with the pace of a lot of the music and if that comes off as rapping or nursery rhym-ish, so be it.

And I was fuckin' around, don't get your panties in a ruffle.

My panties are unruffled boxer shorts--- no sweat. I have something in common with people on any metal board, I just don't believe all the classic bands are deserving of their classic status.

And yeah, this playful vocal style is why I like but don't love Begging for Incest and what ruined Bodysnatch and Pighead for me. I really like slam music, but disagree in that I think other--less playful-- vocals fit better, creepier stuff like Cephalotripsy (or the cricket obscurity of No One Gets Out Alive). Urogenital Macrophage is a great example of a reserved but more musically compelling approach to slam death singing. And Pyrexia's Sermon of Mockery is creepier as well.

I think there is always room to do something better than singing the riff or singing the beats or singing rap phrases or singing nursery rhymes, whether it's slam death or Cannibal Corpse or even Bruce Dickinson.

Recommendations of slam bands with cool riffs and creepy vocals are welcome...
Cephalotripsy's vocals are brain damagingly annoying. They're exactly the kind of vocals that turned me away from slam after being a fan for quite a while (I've posted in this thread for years) I really hate constant inhales and Crickety vocals. I know people like to worship matti way, but he can fuck right off too. Any more I can only tolerate bdm with vocals closer to traditional death growls/grunts/gurgles.

Oh and I just finally bought Unleash the Carnivore. Brutal bands is the only place I could find it. Hope theyre doing better, heard of problems with the label as of late. Oh well. Twelve bucks is twelve bucks either way.
Oh and I just finally bought Unleash the Carnivore. Brutal bands is the only place I could find it. Hope theyre doing better, heard of problems with the label as of late. Oh well. Twelve bucks is twelve bucks either way.

Fuck man, good luck with that. I still don't have my shit and I've made no headway in getting information....Check out their Facebook page. Scroll through and see how many pissed off people there are...I got my copy of Unleash the Carnivore from Brutal Bands a while back when they didn't have their head up their ass and weren't stealing people's money. I wish you luck though.

I actually found it on Sevared Records, did you check there?
I'll give him two weeks. Then straight to PayPal claim.

Well speak of the fuckin' devil man.....I just got an email saying my order was shipped. After almost 2 months of not hearing anything. I guess the guy rose from the dead. Looks like you lucked out.
Cephalotripsy's vocals are brain damagingly annoying. They're exactly the kind of vocals that turned me away from slam after being a fan for quite a while (I've posted in this thread for years) I really hate constant inhales and Crickety vocals. I know people like to worship matti way, but he can fuck right off too. Any more I can only tolerate bdm with vocals closer to traditional death growls/grunts/gurgles.

I too prefer traditional death metal singing, especially Van Drunen or the genius in Necros Christos. I'm new to slam, but been writing about metal for a long time (Nile sent me a thank you letter when I review their very first album in my hand-stapled fanzine) and playing for just as long. I just can't stand the rap & nursery rhyme stuff that pops up in slam, which goes against the heavy mood. So dry gurgling (Cephalotripsy) or creaking (NOGOA) at least maintains the sick mood, even if it's not that exciting.

My opinion of Matti Way is no better than is yours--

And please recommend any slam albums with more traditional death metal singing and lots of slam--- recommendations are why I'm here (and how I learned about Urogenital Macrophage, which is a great mix of singing styles and loaded with hooks).
I too prefer traditional death metal singing, especially Van Drunen or the genius in Necros Christos. I'm new to slam, but been writing about metal for a long time (Nile sent me a thank you letter when I review their very first album in my hand-stapled fanzine) and playing for just as long. I just can't stand the rap & nursery rhyme stuff that pops up in slam, which goes against the heavy mood. So dry gurgling (Cephalotripsy) or creaking (NOGOA) at least maintains the sick mood, even if it's not that exciting.

My opinion of Matti Way is no better than is yours--

And please recommend any slam albums with more traditional death metal singing and lots of slam--- recommendations are why I'm here (and how I learned about Urogenital Macrophage, which is a great mix of singing styles and loaded with hooks).

You may have heard of these, but you might like:
Cerebral Effusion


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I have a very low tolerance for slam at this point in listening to it. 95% of it is just fucking annoying. Minus what balls posted here's some that have stuck with me throughout the years...
I just realized most of the guys I used to talk slam with here are gone. Big Post incoming...

Regurgitation - Tales of Necrophilia

Eternal Suffering - Drowning in Tragedy

Visceral Disgorge - Ingesting Putridity

Suture - Skeletal Vortex

Defeated Sanity - New Song

Insidious Decrepancy - The Innerancy of Profanation (may have a soft spot for this one because i've had several conversations with Shawn.)

Saprogenic - The Wet Sound of Flesh on Concrete (possibly the most evil sounding slam ever recorded)

Sintury - Disgorging the Dead

Internal Bleeding - Voracious Contempt

Vomit Remnants - Supreme Entity

Goratory - Sexual Intercorpse
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Top 10 Brutal/Slam Death Metal Albums of 2012 by Leroy Lungvomit

1. Devour the Unborn – Consuming the Morgue Remains
2. Kraanium – Post Mortal Coital Fixation
3. Chordotomy – The Precious Ideal
4. Cerebral Incubation – Gonorrhea Nodule Mastication
5. Meathook – Facing Deformity
6. Deadly Remains – Severing Humanity
7. Necrotorture – Gore Solution
8. Abominable Putridity – The Anomalies of Artificial Origin
9. Begging for Incest – Orgasmic Selfmutilation
10. Pathology – The Time of Great Purification

Honorable Mentions:
Absurdist – Absurdist
Antropofagus – Architecture of Lust
Birth of Depravity – The Coming of the Ineffable
Coprocephalic – Gluttonous Chunks
Cystic Dysentery – Culture of Death
Dehumanized – Controlled Elite
Disemboweled – Hymns of Massacre
Disfigurement – Privilege of the Sickest Pleasure
Disfigurement of Flesh – Psychotonic Abnormal Dismemberment
Drift of Genes – Excruciating Severe Laceration
Engorgement – Excruciating Intestinal Lacerations
Epicardiectomy – Abhorrent Stench of Posthumous Gastrorectal Desecration
Fall of Mankind – Frolic Among Remnants
Festering Remains – Stabbed Beyond All Recognition
Forceps – Humanicide
Gastrorrexis – The Dark World of Parasitic Infections
Genocaust – The End of All Things
Gutfed – The Reign of Pure Madness and Contagious Perversion
Guttural Slug – Intercranial Purgatory
Infected Flesh – Concatenation of Severe Infections
Omnihility – Biogenesis
Putrid Pile – Blood Fetish
Sagrado – Mass Sufferings of a Human Being
Secreted Entity – Horrifying Hallucinations of Ungodly Activities
Skewered – Skewered
Slowly Rotten – When the 7th Life Ends
Swine Overlord – Anthology of Abominations EP
Urethral Defecation – Indulgence to Death EP
Urogenital Macrophage – Perversion and Sickness Destroy the Human Race
Virulency – Unbearable Martyrdom Landscapes EP
Visceral Decay – Obsessive Pathology to Eliminate the Scum Human Race
7 H.Target – Fast-Slow Demolition

Outside of a select few albums (7 H.Target, and Corpocephalic mainly), I can't get behind this list. So many of it sounds way too samey. Slam, while still being my favorite genre, is quickly getting oversaturated with garbage.
I have a very low tolerance for slam at this point in listening to it. 95% of it is just fucking annoying. Minus what balls posted here's some that have stuck with me throughout the years...
I just realized most of the guys I used to talk slam with here are gone. Big Post incoming...

Regurgitation - Tales of Necrophilia

Eternal Suffering - Drowning in Tragedy

Visceral Disgorge - Ingesting Putridity

Suture - Skeletal Vortex

Defeated Sanity - New Song

Insidious Decrepancy - The Innerancy of Profanation (may have a soft spot for this one because i've had several conversations with Shawn.)

Saprogenic - The Wet Sound of Flesh on Concrete (possibly the most evil sounding slam ever recorded)

Sintury - Disgorging the Dead

Internal Bleeding - Voracious Contempt

Vomit Remnants - Supreme Entity

Goratory - Sexual Intercorpse

Get rid of that boring ass Visceral Disgorge, and I love you.
I have a very low tolerance for slam at this point in listening to it. 95% of it is just fucking annoying. Minus what balls posted here's some that have stuck with me throughout the years...
I just realized most of the guys I used to talk slam with here are gone. Big Post incoming...

Regurgitation - Tales of Necrophilia

Eternal Suffering - Drowning in Tragedy

Visceral Disgorge - Ingesting Putridity

Suture - Skeletal Vortex

Defeated Sanity - New Song

Insidious Decrepancy - The Innerancy of Profanation (may have a soft spot for this one because i've had several conversations with Shawn.)

Saprogenic - The Wet Sound of Flesh on Concrete (possibly the most evil sounding slam ever recorded)

Sintury - Disgorging the Dead

Internal Bleeding - Voracious Contempt

Vomit Remnants - Supreme Entity

Goratory - Sexual Intercorpse

A long reply...


First off thank you for the recommendations.

I already like Insidious Decrepancy & Vomit Remnants, so yes, right on there, though the InsDec album I have doesn't have much slam, just cool tremolo licks, solos and good vocals.

Wormed I find interesting, but (like Nile) it requires so much work to comprehend, I'm not sure the enjoyment at the end is worth the effort work. If Wormed blew me away (like say Wolf's Lair Abyss or Lost Horizon or Necroticism ), I'd be 100% up for the challenge, but I don't like their jangly/weird sound enough to study that thing. Definitely interesting and deserving of its cult status.

I bought:

Saprogenic - The Wet Sound of Flesh on Concrete

Regurgitation - Tales of Necrophilia

Eternal Suffering

Internal Bleeding

That Saprogenic is really distinct, and I look forward to getting it in the mail. I can understand why Krow says it's evil, and it is, but most of all it, to me it is MEMORABLE MUSIC. My advice is check out Urogenital Macrophage and (for non-slam old school evil death) Goatlord.

Internal Bleeding reminds me of Sermon of Mockery, which is the first album of this type I ever got into, though InBl is less inscrutable.

And yes Krow, I found a lot of the other older bands you posted to have a better vocal timbre, and marginally more interesting rhythmic ideas, though some had less interesting riffs and obvious Corpsegrinder/Deathclok singing. I've probably listened to 10 Defeated Sanity songs and if I heard any of them again, I doubt I'd recognize one of them. Good musicians, high energy, but nothing sticks. I'd rather hear Krisiun if I want guys rocking the hell out of mediocre ideas. Visceral Disgorge, Goaratory and Sintury are the same for me-- ephemeral experiences.

Regarding the "they don't make 'em like they used to" idea all over this thread, I'm going to put in my different opinion as a guy listening to metal for 25 years (and playing metal for 20), but new to slam as a genre, though I knew bands like Suffo & Pyrexia when they came out.

Although there is a fair argument to be made that slam is more "samey" sounding these days, the argument that I'll counter with---having bought/heard about 50+ slam albums and sampled about 150 slam bands from different eras (so I'm not any kind of expert, but somewhat informed)---is that the slam style is now more DEFINED, for better AND for worse.

Some of the older stuff sounds like Cannibal Corpse with slam parts and a lot of the old stuff just sounds like Suffocation with simpler riffs or sloppier playing or more gurgling. Things like the new Kraanium, Begging for Incest and (my #1 favorite slam album) Urogenital Macrophage don't sound like a slamming CC or Suffocation: They sound like a different kind of death metal focused on the pocket and the tangibility of the chug and abstract vocals.

Sure, the difference between Epicardiectomy and Cephalotripsy ain't so big. And Carnal Disfigurement and Disfigurment of Flesh don't even have names that are different.

And yes, sub-subgenre is clearer and there are more bands, but Urogenital Macrophage, Kraanium, (new) Dysentery, the 2 very difference Abominable P albums, Putrid Pile, Wormed, Pathology, Begging for Incest, Coprocephalic, Afflictive Emasculation, Chordotomy, No One Gets Out Alive all sound very, very different.

Nothing "samey" going on with any of these guys.

Again, Balls & Krow--- thanks for the recommendations.

I really appreciate it!
The fact that you cite No One Gets Out Alive just goes to show your lack of quality control when it comes to slam. They're some bottom of the barrel stuff.

I understand what you're trying to argue, but I apologize, I'm tired of all of these bands popping up that revolve SOLELY around the slam riffs. It's not entertaining music. You need a good mixture of fast and slow in BDM.
The fact that you cite No One Gets Out Alive just goes to show your lack of quality control when it comes to slam. They're some bottom of the barrel stuff.

I understand what you're trying to argue, but I apologize, I'm tired of all of these bands popping up that revolve SOLELY around the slam riffs. It's not entertaining music. You need a good mixture of fast and slow in BDM.

1. I like a mix of tempi, but come to slam for the slam.

2. How much No One Gets Out Alive have you checked out? Bottom of the barrel?

Here's an example that has two Putrid Pile-caliber riffs that I dig more than any hooks I've heard by Defeated Sanity, Cerebral Effusion, Devourment, etc:

The vocals are indeed super cricket, but the music is MEMORABLE. They're not great, but good stuff & play at a variety of tempi, though do favor mid-paced slam. None of the best songs from Like a Lamb, is online, but that thing has a live drummer as well.

Also, any idea where I can buy hard copies of the Afterbirth demo & that Gorepoflesh album?
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UNBIRTH album will be out on march 2013 through Amputated Vein Records!! check it out!!

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Here's 3 of the 4 tracks (minus the intro) from this EP which is coming soon. When it drops buy it here.
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