Brutal/Slam Death Metal


Been patiently waiting for my copy from Permeated Records. Their bigcartel says release date Dec. 14th. Get one for yourself here.
Here's the 3 tracks from there Promo 2011 from youtube.

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Just got Defeated Sanity's Psalms of the Moribund and Chapters of Repugnance in the mail today. I'll be giving them a good listen tomorrow. Ordered them from Comatose Records. Fast shipping even with the holidays. Very impressed with Comatose's customer service.
Just got Defeated Sanity's Psalms of the Moribund and Chapters of Repugnance in the mail today. I'll be giving them a good listen tomorrow. Ordered them from Comatose Records. Fast shipping even with the holidays. Very impressed with Comatose's customer service.

Those albums have been my soundtrack for being hammered and playing shooters with my friends. There is nothing like popping heads while an aural assault of blast beats pops your own XD
Those albums have been my soundtrack for being hammered and playing shooters with my friends. There is nothing like popping heads while an aural assault of blast beats pops your own XD

I must concur that Defeated Sanity does not have engaging enough music to be anything other than a soundtrack to something else. Energy and tight musicianship don't make up for their lack of interesting riffs.

(Well...I'm having fun here...I know you didn't mean it this way, but I find them boring and hookless...)

Has anyone heard the new Katalepsy?
Yikes. They've become a poor man's Abominable Putridity, and I mean the new, too technical AP, not the better, older slamming AP. The vocal lines make Corpsegrinder seem innovative. Other than the first two songs on Musick, I don't really believe in this band and I've already given this thing away. There was nothing I ever wanted to hear again.

Although not slam, I am really floored by the goregrind album I got by Lymphatic Phlegm called, Show-off Cadavers. Generally, I find grind to be too short attention span and caustic (except for Carcass and Pathologist), but this thing flows from one song to the next, has a creepy mood (sort of like Hate Forest) and great hooks.

And I just got Surgically Hacked by Pathology, which is good, though not as slamming as Legacy, which is cool, and Awakening, which is my favorite. Still, the production on Surgically is better (maybe not the peaked level on the floor tom) and this vocalist Levi is the best of the three, largely because of timbre (read: growls) and his location in the mix.
I must concur that Defeated Sanity does not have engaging enough music to be anything other than a soundtrack to something else. Energy and tight musicianship don't make up for their lack of interesting riffs.

(Well...I'm having fun here...I know you didn't mean it this way, but I find them boring and hookless...)

Has anyone heard the new Katalepsy?
Yikes. They've become a poor man's Abominable Putridity, and I mean the new, too technical AP, not the better, older slamming AP. The vocal lines make Corpsegrinder seem innovative. Other than the first two songs on Musick, I don't really believe in this band and I've already given this thing away. There was nothing I ever wanted to hear again.

Although not slam, I am really floored by the goregrind album I got by Lymphatic Phlegm called, Show-off Cadavers. Generally, I find grind to be too short attention span and caustic (except for Carcass and Pathologist), but this thing flows from one song to the next, has a creepy mood (sort of like Hate Forest) and great hooks.

And I just got Surgically Hacked by Pathology, which is good, though not as slamming as Legacy, which is cool, and Awakening, which is my favorite. Still, the production on Surgically is better (maybe not the peaked level on the floor tom) and this vocalist Levi is the best of the three, largely because of timbre (read: growls) and his location in the mix.

Man, I think you're just too damn picky.
Defeated Sanity is one of the best bdm bands, current and possibly ever. Then again he doesnt like Devourment so I just skim him posts, honestly.
I've always been picky.

It helps me keep my collection down to a reasonable 1800 disks/records (even though I listen to about 150-200 new albums a year and have for decades) and is why I was hired as a music critic and also how I learned to write music. In general my criticism is from the standpoint of how I think things could be better, as a fan, and what I like.

But yeah, I need well written riffs in extreme music. And I don't hear that in Devourment and Defeated Sanity. I hear fingers moving on a fretboard and time changes and no songs.

I like about half the stuff Krow & Balls mention, which is more than most review websites, and why I'm here. And despite Krow skimming my posts, he recommended a ton of good stuff, which I appreciate.
And one other thing...

There is often a conservative approach that one must like all of the "classic" or "influential" albums in all the metal genres, be it Sabbath, Slayer, Death, Morbid Angel, Bathory, Priest, Maiden, Darkthrone or whomever, and there's certainly good & great stuff in there, but also stuff I don't like at all.

On a board like this--where I point out WHY something doesn't work for me--my hope is to hear WHY something works for someone else, not just, "Devourment and Defeated Sanity are awesome and you're an idiot if you don't like them."

It seems like the discussion of ideas & album recommendations are the main points of a place like this--- pretty much every negative thing I point out on here I try to counter with a positive recommendation of something else.
TBH I don't think Defeated Sanity is the best in the genre. If I want really busy and suffocating BDM, I'll take Gorgasm or Human Mincer. For pitch-perfect slamming, gimme some Abominable Putridity or later Pathology. Defeated Sanity, while awesome, always felt "sloppy" to me.

The inherent problem with slam is that since the riffs are intentionally chromatic and not "melodic", once you've found a handful of bands that do it really well there's not a huge need to go elsewhere. I went through all of the top 10 on Slam-Minded each year they've done it and at the end of it I have maybe one or two albums I'll listen to again because they're all incredibly similar, but some just do it a bit better than others.

Vis a vis Devourment: if they had better production on earlier albums I'd listen to them a lot more. Unleash the Carnivore is really the only one I give many spins because the earlier ones sound like they're coming out of an answering machine.
This page sums up why I don't post in this thread any more. :lol:

Shit I don't even look here for bdm news any more. This used to be my favorite thread on gmd. Slam got trendy and gay too though, not just the thread I guess.
Yeah, Slam is super trendy these days. I keep hearing Orchidectomy and Body Snatch on top 40 radio, and you wouldn't believe the number of Ezophagothomia shirts Hot Topic sells now.

Oh. Wait. No. That's stupid and clearly not true.
I prefer the way Molesting the Decapitated sounded to the other Devourment albums. They're all great, but MtD sounded raw and just had an awesome tone IMO. The others have clearer production and I don't think they're over produced or anything, but I'd really like to hear another Devourment album sound like MtD did. Oh, plus Ruben Rosas was on vocals back then.
Yeah, Slam is super trendy these days. I keep hearing Orchidectomy and Body Snatch on top 40 radio, and you wouldn't believe the number of Ezophagothomia shirts Hot Topic sells now.

Oh. Wait. No. That's stupid and clearly not true.

First off, none of you faggots that post here now would even know about Orchidectomy if I didnt post it... and second off, I mean the fucking explosion the genre has went through in the last couple years.


Full lengths released with "brutal" in the bands genre by year (according to MA)

has went from
2007 - 95
2012 - 153

I just hate what the genre has become. I'm pretty sure I liked about 2 releases from this year. Where as most people in love with the genre fucking love every single release no matter how god awful stupid it is (chug chug chug *breakdown* for a half hour... sounds an awful fucking lot like deathcore at this point)and how annoying the vocalist tries to be.

Did I mention you can now buy Defeated Sanity and Pathology (signed to the very trendy Victory records) cds from most major music retailers? They arent popular though bro. Fuck I preorderd the new Defeated Sanity from amazon.

To say the genre hasnt exploded in popularity is just being blind.
First off, none of you faggots that post here now would even know about Orchidectomy if I didnt post it... and second off, I mean the fucking explosion the genre has went through in the last couple years.


Full lengths released with "brutal" in the bands genre by year (according to MA)

has went from
2007 - 95
2012 - 153

I just hate what the genre has become. I'm pretty sure I liked about 2 releases from this year. Where as most people in love with the genre fucking love every single release no matter how god awful stupid it is (chug chug chug *breakdown* for a half hour... sounds an awful fucking lot like deathcore at this point)and how annoying the vocalist tries to be.

Did I mention you can now buy Defeated Sanity and Pathology (signed to the very trendy Victory records) cds from most major music retailers? They arent popular though bro. Fuck I preorderd the new Defeated Sanity from amazon.

To say the genre hasnt exploded in popularity is just being blind.

I bought the last two Pathology albums from Hasting's here in a small town in Missouri...

And you're right, I heard about Orchidectomy from you, and I thank you. But, hey! I'm no faggot! :err: