Brutal/Slam Death Metal

First off, none of you faggots that post here now would even know about Orchidectomy if I didnt post it... and second off, I mean the fucking explosion the genre has went through in the last couple years.


Full lengths released with "brutal" in the bands genre by year (according to MA)

has went from
2007 - 95
2012 - 153

I just hate what the genre has become. I'm pretty sure I liked about 2 releases from this year. Where as most people in love with the genre fucking love every single release no matter how god awful stupid it is (chug chug chug *breakdown* for a half hour... sounds an awful fucking lot like deathcore at this point)and how annoying the vocalist tries to be.

Did I mention you can now buy Defeated Sanity and Pathology (signed to the very trendy Victory records) cds from most major music retailers? They arent popular though bro. Fuck I preorderd the new Defeated Sanity from amazon.

To say the genre hasnt exploded in popularity is just being blind.

LOL holy shit dude. Get a glass of apple juice and take a nap. It sounds like you're getting a little riled up.

Also I'd like to congratulate you on being a hipster with slam metal, haha. That's kind of a neat achievement. "Yeah I liked these bands before you could buy them on Amazon!" :lol::lol::lol:
I bought the last two Pathology albums from Hasting's here in a small town in Missouri...

And you're right, I heard about Orchidectomy from you, and I thank you. But, hey! I'm no faggot! :err:

Faggot as in general message board user. You're cool balls. :)

Also, typical you mad comeback from sgd is boring.

I miss cookiecutter and V5. :(
Always down for a discussion but when you're the one coming out with "BLURRGH FAGGOTS RAR I HATE POPULAR THINGS" then there ain't much for me to work with. You're like a girl laying all comatose and bitching that the sex wasn't any good. Meet me halfway here.
SomeGD-- thanks for your thoughtful response. I really dig later Pathology, and the harmonic progressions evince their musical knowledge-- tracks 1 & 8 on Awakening are stellar. And Unleash the Carnivore is the one Devourment I like some of, so I agree there as well.

I'll concur with Effigy & SomeGD that Krow is the grumpiest guy on here, dismissive and angry with his repeated, 'It ain't like the old days' comments about the music and the thread and the posters.

It sounds like a lot of why he hates new slam is because it's no longer as "obscure" as it once was and that's just as bad as liking it because it's popular (...maybe even worse).

Who cares about "obscurity" or "the scene" or sales or quantity of bands?-- I think you should enjoy music because you like the music. Very simple.

Overall, when a band makes good music, I WANT them to do well and sell records. Why not reap the success of producing quality art? Priest, Sabbath and Carcass all sold tons and tons of records. Great records.

If Krow hates the new slam-focused direction of the genre--which is also implied in his rants--then I'll recommend the recent albums by Kraanium, Begging for Incest, Putrid Pile, Dysentery, No One Gets Out Alive, Abominable Putridity, Insidious Decrepancy, Afflictive Emasculation, Pathology and [my favorite] Urogenital Macrophage. Mixed tempi and a variety of riffing techniques in all of these bands. Urogenital really has such great material (despite some clunky drumming) and I can't recommend them enough.

Trying to talk rather than argue...
Id say Pathology and Abominable Putridity are the best slam bands there is, something pretty obvious with this genre is there's WAY more bad bands then there is good, and if the band is as popular as AB and Pathology (they have 200-500k views on youtube) then that means their at LEAST a decent band, so if anything, popularity is good in this case.
LOL holy shit dude. Get a glass of apple juice and take a nap. It sounds like you're getting a little riled up.

Also I'd like to congratulate you on being a hipster with slam metal, haha. That's kind of a neat achievement. "Yeah I liked these bands before you could buy them on Amazon!" :lol::lol::lol:

Hahaha exactly my thoughts. "95 albums were released 5 years ago, this year 130! Holy fuck it's so popular it sucks now!"
I think what Krow is meaning is not so much that "Oh it's popular, everything sucks." It's more of the scene becoming engorged with such a ridiculous amount of bands that 1. They're all hopping on the bandwagon and 2. A majority of them suck. I generally agree with Krow, this thread has become a pitiful mockery. I wish Malice, cookiecutter and V5 would come back.

P.S. That no One Gets Out live was honestly the most pitiful thing I've ever heard. And that's coming from a guy who has never actually disliked anything that was actually slam. Until that.
Malice was awesome. He'd send personalized messages regarding releases he thought you'd like based on what you posted you liked. Also morguelord gets where I'm coming from, granted I was in a bit of a bad mood yesterday. Easier to take it out on people you don't know, ya know?
P.S. That no One Gets Out live was honestly the most pitiful thing I've ever heard. And that's coming from a guy who has never actually disliked anything that was actually slam. Until that.

I seem to be the only one who digs NOGOA, but I'm a riff guy, and it's all about the riffs there--I think they're both instantly grabbing hooks, as good as top notch Putrid Pile--but unfortunately none of the best cuts from the real full length with the real drummer is available--- Stop Animal Experiments & You Are Better Off Dead & Addephagia. These sound very different and maybe they're up somewhere else, though you might still think NOGOA is garbage.

I'm curious who your favorites are...?

In any case, in defense of new slam, check out a favorite from Urogenital Macrophage:

And here's a great one with some old school feel from Skewered:

I'd prefer a more guttural approach with Skewered's singer, but man is this grabbing & immediate material right from the opening.

And Krow's recommendation of Saprogenic's The Wet Sound of Flesh on Concrete was superb. That thing is consistently creepy, exciting and filthy. One of the best albums I've heard in this style--and any type of metal--though I feel it's halfway between slam and something like Krisiun, maybe even some of the scary war metal guys like Conqueror & Axis of Advance (though much tighter than that stuff).
GREAT recommendation! Thanks.

Favorite cuts:
Force Fed Excrement

Remnants of Cephalotripsy
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And a few other new tunes I dig...

A favorite from Begging for Incest

(Those slow motion harmonic pinches at 0:18 are great. I wish the singer did less singing--and made fewer Human Rejection-type fax machine noises--but I like this album.)

And a sick one from Kraanium--

(They milk the hell out of that main riff at the end. In a good way.)

And one from the dramatically improved Dysentery---

(They rock the hell out of this material.)
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More stuff that introduced me to the genre:

Beheaded - Ominous Bloodline

Abysmal Torment - Epoch of Methodic Carnage

Infected Malignity - The Malignity Born From Despair

Septycal Gorge - Growing Seeds of Decay

Aversion to Life - Ritualized Murder

Putridity - Mental Prolapse Induces Necrophilism

more later
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Thanks again for the links to the tunes.

I'm really getting a sense of why you find new slam dull---this is all intense stuff that you like. I'm a fan of some Krisiun & Hate Eternal (who I saw on Conquering, back when they still had Jared [RIP]), and it's cool to hear this level of intensity drop into some slam sections. And speaking of intense, I'm curious if you like the relentless churnhouse known as Brodequin and the crazy no-time signature madmen known as Infested Blood?

Of this second batch of Krow Kuts, Beheaded and Infected Malignity are my easy favorites. I checked out other tracks on these albums and will get them. Thank you once again.

I look forward to your next post.

And I would dig older creepy stuff too like Pyrexia & Repudilate.

A question for everyone...

Does anybody know where I can get HARD COPIES of:
Afterbirth Psychopathic Embryotomy demo
For those interested, Devourment preorders will start the third at relapse. I'm sure there will be some limited vinyls if you're interested. Personally I don't like the album art enough to warrant getting the vinyl... In fact I find it pretty bad in a bad way.

Edit: yes I like Brodequin.
Brodequin is the shit. They're like the pinnacle of ultra-dirty BDM.

Putridity... I just can't do it. The first time I heard their latest was the first time I'd heard the band and yeah I was blown back by it, but after a couple spins I realized it had no real qualities to it. Just a nonstop barrage. Cool for a bit but needs some dynamics or else it gets boring.

And yeah, that Devourment cover is just yet another "lots of goopy corpses strewn about" thing like pretty much every cover out now. Guttural Secrete, Inveracity, Kraanium, Despondency, plus a hundred others I know I can't remember. It's sorta like how every sludge album has to have a cover drawn by that dude from Baroness.
LOL they're awful but listen to Instruments of Torture a bit and you'll find yourself going back to it over and over. There's just something terribly infectious about it.

SIDE NOTE: I really think Abominable Putridity's "Anomalies..." is one of the best slam albums period. Not in the sense that it's original or added something new, but if I had to say "hey this is what slam is" I'd put it on. Each song is just slamtastic, plus the big and beefy production. Much as I loved "In the End", this just feels like a more refined version of it. Sorta the "Snatch" to "Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels".