Brutal/Slam Death Metal

He's just mad because I offended him in the controversial opinions thread. he claims I got mad but then he went into a thread he never posts in to say a band I just said I like sucks.

In short: he mad.
Unfortunately, although there are a billion new BDM/slam bands, there aren't nearly as many new GOOD ones. And since it's a really, really specific sound with little variation from band to band it takes a helluva lot for one band or another to make themselves stand out from the pack. The top 10 lists on Slam-Minded are a good start but I really don't get the buzz around bands like Ezophagothomia or Body Snatch.

I've listened to damn near every album I could get my hands on and TBH after it all I always end up going back to the same ones.
Why does everyone in this thread keep recommending the same bands that have been discussed for ages?

I posted & recommended about 5 things from this year (Urogenital, Kraanium, Skewered, etc.) and defended newer stuff in general, but am new to this thread and also appreciate the repeats and older recommendations.
(And I've recommended heavy though not slam guys like goregrind masters Lymphatic Phlegm and Infested Blood.)

Feel free to point out something new and unknown that you like...

Regarding Abominable P's Anomalies... I like it, but I like In the End better, mainly because I dig the creepier singing on In the End and the inscrutable logic on In the End, and I don't like the arrangements on Anomalies, which are too, too often: Play the riff twice, play the next riff twice, play the next riff twice, etc. They don't do this all the time, but they do it a LOT.
"I really don't get the buzz around bands like Ezophagothomia or Body Snatch."

I agree here: Ezophagothomia is the living definition of average--tons of chugging mediocrity and no riffs--and although Bodysnatch has some great music, their singer terrible, given to rap & nursery rhyme phrases.
AtA are definitely slam. Someone at MA just doesnt like them.


Putrilage - Devouring the Gutted

Human Filleted - Hideous Sculptures of the Dead (plenty of traditional death vox here)

Fleshgrind - Destined for Defilement

Cephalic Impurity - Perverted Surgical Concept (vocals kinda lame but dat guitar tone)

Cenotaph - Voluptuously Minced

Gortuary - Manic Thoughts of Perverse Debauchery

Gorevent - Abnormal Exaggeration

Pus Vomit - Degrade the Worthless

Splattered Cadaver - Merciless Butchery

Vomit the Soul - Portraits of Inhuman Abominations

Embryonic Depravity - Constrained by the Miscarriage of Conquest

Enthrallment - Smashed Brain Collection

Ok I'm done. Hope I entertained someone.
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BTW any of you fuckers on Spotify should check out their outright insane slam/BDM collection. I'm always amazed at how much is available.
This one is slamming pretty good right now:

Katalepsy - Autopsychosis

half of this album is almost good as this song, especially doomwhore. other songs--like the claw is the law--are a little forced insofar as the attempt to be catchy.

The production on this album is good enough for me to like it even if the music was shitty haha, this shit is fucking great.
The production on this album is good enough for me to like it even if the music was shitty haha, this shit is fucking great.

that song is great--let me know what you think of the album, which i think really falls off by the end.

as for (sort of) recent and meaty old school death metal, i'll recommend the debut necros christos EP 'grave damnation' and the second hail of bullets 'on divine winds' (much better than the debut).

and the blasted pancreas album 'carcinoma' is one of the best goregrind album's i've ever heard---

and to bring it back to slam (albeit in an alternate form), i just bought and enjoyed the rather caustic & disruptive 'ultra guttural slamming goregrind' of nasty pig dick---

too many long intros on the album, but your ears do need a rest from the intense and ABRASIVE sound. simple, charming filth.
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