Brutal/Slam Death Metal

This just looks fuckin' awesome. It isn't too cartoonish and it's not over the top.
Read your article, understood your reasoning, still massively disagree.
I think you're just looking at everything to be "slamtastic" and ignoring the more "brutal" end of things where groovy riffs are less the focal point in comparison to a thick, bludgeoning atmosphere.

Plus you rave about UM's vocalist for using squeals while denigrating BfI's for doing the same?

Thanks for the reading the article--

Genre definitions change, and my opinion is that slam is more defined for better and for worse and some of the old school 'slam' bands are really brutal death metal that have some slam sections. That Saprogenic album that Krow recommended is GREAT, but to my ears, it is a brutal death metal album with some slam parts. Half of the songs don't even have slams. This does NOT make it better or worse, but different from what the term now seems to mean or will mean to most people in the near future. This is about better or worse, but a clear use of terminology and a shift in genre.

This is like how Black Sabbath is not a doom metal band, but created the doom metal genre. Sabbath has plenty of doom songs-- Vol IV, Heaven and Hell, Masters of Reality, and Mob Rules are amongst my very favorite albums ever-- but bands like Candlemass and St. Vitus took the idea of their doom songs and turned that into doom metal but holding to it more firmly. I think that is what is happening in slam right now. I've been writing about brutal death metal and death metal for 15 years, but am intrigued by what slam-centric death metal does that is different.

Bottom line: Having 4 slam breaks in 9 songs does not seem like it should be classified as 'slamming death metal.' It can be great--like that Saprogenic album--but it seems like brutal death metal. And that article is about slamming death metal.

Regarding the Urogenital Macrophage vocalist: he does all styles---I am not against squealing, but the playful approach-- ie. squealing in pop music, limmerick and rap like patterns. There are no moments of singing on UM as bad as what the vocalist in Begging for Incest does throughout the duration of Gutted like a Pig. Also, UM vocalist occassionally squeals. 80% of the vocals on Begging are squeals.

Also, be sure to hear UM in high def-- the posts on youtube are mostly bad low res and since the production is rough, music is lost.

Vocal ideas are more important to me than vocal timbre.
Nah, I really like it too. It's surely better than standard bdm artwork.

So guys Pathology was easily my favorite slam album of the year. Anyone want to recommend me an al um or two from their favorite list from 2012? Do NOT want a big list of shit... And I'm curious about Beheaded's latest.

Urogenital Macrophage is easily my favorite slam from this year. Goatlord & goregrind ugly. Beware of low res versions, since it's rough & you'll lose some music.

Kraanium Post Mortal Coital Fixation

Begging for Incest. Orgasmic Mutilation. Great riffs but too much squealing.

Skewered. I like this less than the other three---it's half good--but vocals are closer to David Vincent than pig noises. Bound and Gutted is a great song. From what I know of your taste, you might like this and UroMac the most.
"ABORTED To Play Goremageddon 10th Anniversary Shows In April"

Sounds interesting. Who's pre-ordered all the albums coming out next month? I've never been so excited.
Nobody wants to fucking recommend music in this thread so ill try.

I've posted some stuff--Skewered, Urogenital Macrophage, Dysentery, Nasty Pig Dick--- and heard little or no response, other than a couple of people hating No One Get Out Alive, which was better than nothing.

From what I've seen--and I'm new here--there isn't much sense of a discussion on this thread, and I've spent (wasted?) time trying to explain my views (which are indeed different than most) and discuss the music when few others bother to articulate anything.

Such as...
I think that the new Katalepsy is bad and sounds like an Abominable Putridity knock-off with a deathcore singer--I'd certainly never know these were the guys who did 'Gialo,' which was a creepy and distinct song. The new album has a thick sound, but nonsensical arrangements and irrelevant technical bits thrown at the edges of riffs to "spice things up" rather than build good riffs or songs.

Now the reply I expect on this thread is either---
A. Silence.
B. "You're stupid. That shit rules!"
---rather than why people actually like something.

I'll recommend this swirling highlight from Afflictive Emasculation--

And I really dig the Torsofuck/Lymphatic Phlegm split I just got, though it isn't new. I prefer Lymphatic Phlegm (goregrind band), but here's one of the slamming Torsofuck tunes--

Simple & minimalistic, but nice progression at the end with the wailing lead guitars.

I look forward to your silence.
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Urogenital Macrophage is fucking terrible. Sorry dude. God-awful production, uninspired riffs, they're just a bland copy of a copy of a copy. I still have no clue how you could call them the best slam band out there. It's like having a guy tell you about all the nuances in his can of Bud Light.
I really cannot fathom how any human being that is into this genre not liking Katalepsy, seriously. The only similarity between them and Abominable Putridity is the use of slams. Otherwise there are close to no similarities at all, maybe go into detail on how you don't like it? The guitar playing is technical, yes, but what the fuck is wrong with that? You seem to disregard everything in this genre that has less simple riffs than the majority, plus the singer is even less deathcore sounding than matti way, 50%~ of the vocals on this record are low gutterals, and I think the technical guitar playing easily makes it stand out.

This record gets even better the more I listen to it, the riffs are well arranged, and there's some parts that I listen to and just think, how the fuck did he do that? And not only is the only brutal as FUCK, they actually kind get into a more mellow/progressive mood, with the clean part and epic guitar soloing near the end, then at the last song kick your fucking face in again.

Almost forgot, regarding Dysentary, their a really good band, the only "recommendation" from you I've actually enjoyed if my memory is right. I was already familiar with Skewered, pretty decent band, fun to listen to but they don't stand out at all, just typical slam/brual death metal.
Thanks for responses.

I've gone on at length here about Urogenital Macrophage and written reviews as well for wormgear and Metal Archives---

---but in short, though it is sloppy and flawed, I think UM has better hooks--more in a creepy old school way--and more musically varied vocals than almost any of these bands.

And who exactly are they copying? Cause I haven't heard that band (though they may exist).

I relish the Necros Christos debut, "Grave Damnation," and Demigod's "Sullen Eyes" and of any slam album I've heard, that UM puts me in that primitive and creepy-evil headspace. Saprogenic does so as well, but not in a primitive way, and with far more straight up BDM propulsion.

Clearly, 95% of the people on here and into BDM prefer far more technical music than I do. To me, one good simple Goatlord riff is worth a million Necrophagist arpeggios.

Re: Dysentery. Glad you liked something.

And I don't like Matti Way---vocals on the new AP are a step down from the debut--so the comparison between him and the new Katalepsy guy doesn't help this guy's case---his vocals spoil the mood throughout the new Kat. My AP comparison is that both bands jumped up significantly with more technical playing--which usually isn't a good thing, unless you're Judas Priest recording Painkiller--but in the case of Katalepsy, the technical bits sound like what they are technical bits, not technical riffs, which is what AP achieved. In short, the tech on the new Katalepsy seems showy rather than a new level achieved by improving musicians.

I tend to prefer death metal with more atmosphere that is more primitive...this is why I'm getting into the slammier side of slam rather than the tech side.

Emperor-era Ihsahn is a rare example of a guy whose chops improved and on IX Equilibrium, he used everything he learned to write more complicated riffs and music and arrangements.