Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I'm pretty sure you think about brutal death metal too much honestly, because you talk about it more than anyone else in this thread.

So you guys might be interested in checking out deepsend records. I've bought from them in the past, but looking through their store today I found several out of print slam albums there and other stuff I couldn't find elsewhere in the states. Oh and buy three get one free too.
I'm pretty sure you think about brutal death metal too much honestly, because you talk about it more than anyone else in this thread.


So you guys might be interested in checking out deepsend records. I've bought from them in the past, but looking through their store today I found several out of print slam albums there and other stuff I couldn't find elsewhere in the states. Oh and buy three get one free too.

I've used them before. They're another good site. Fast too.
Was very happy to find Septycal Gorge - Erase the Insignificant and Embryonic Depravity's full length there. the only place I found them this side of Italy... Both worth checking out btw, especially ED, who released an awesome album and a great split with Gorevent.
I don't think the problem is that he thinks about it too much, more like he thinks about it in kind of a dumb way too much. UM ain't special at all and their hooks don't hold a candle to oodles more polished bands, I have no clue why you're fellating them so hard.

Side note: Dehumanized. Aw yeah. This album is good.
UM ain't special at all and their hooks don't hold a candle to oodles more polished bands, I have no clue why you're fellating them so hard.

I 100% agree with Krow-- I do think about it too much, but I think about everything too much. My "dumb way" is how I got hired to write for metal magazines back when they mattered. It's also how I learned to write and play music, be a chef, be a cinematographer and make a living as a writer--now a fiction writer.

Analyzing art is how I learn, so to me it's the exact opposite of dumb.

To be clear: I'm not "fellating" Urogenital Macrophage. At this stage, UM is the best slam I've heard--in terms of what I want from slam-- but it doesn't compare to my all time favorite albums like Phoenix Rising (D666), Rust in Peace, Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk, Animals, Drama, Close to the Edge, Roller, Mob Rules, Heaven and Hell, Vol. IV, Minus Morgul, At the Heart of Winter, For Those Once Loyal, Grave Damnation, Heartwork, Defenders of the Faith, Open the Gates, Mystification, Crush the Insects, So Long Suckers, Minotauri II, Secret Treaties, Spectres, Red, etc.

That's the stuff I worship.

UM is the best of something I think is getting more interesting right now as it differentiates itself from technical BDM. Someguydude doesn't like their sense of melody---I understand. I think it's great and don't agree.

I've learned that most people on here---if not everyone---like technical BDM. Other than Nile, I don't like tech BDM too much. I like what's happening in slam--simpler, more space-- and where it's going. Kraanium. Abnormity. AP. Begging for Incest. Vomit Remnants (yes, I know this is older). Dysentery. None of this sounds like tech BDM, except some of the new AP.
I'm still confused, he says he likes this genre when its "slammy" and the new Katalepsy is fucking full of that, so catchy and easy to listen to. The best thing about the album is it isn't the same thing over and over again, maybe you think its too technical at parts but there is certainly all out slam songs, I've listened to the whole thing 3 times so far :)
first post around here! i used to be into metal years ago, started to miss it, felt it was time to listen to as much metal as I could this year.

two groups who have already caught my ear are Katalepsy and Guttural Slug... I've read enough of this thread to see that you all respect Katalepsy; how about the slug? i heard they use a drum machine which might put people off but I enjoy what they make and feel they have a sense of humour..
"By Venom Entitled" from Soreption's forthcoming new album Engineering The Void due out in 2013.

Album cover:
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So after czar's repeated suggestions, I'm giving Urogenital Macrophage a shot... and I have to say the only real gripe I have with it is the drumming. It's really loud... and Tick ticka tick tick tick tick ticka tick tick. It's just an annoying sound really. Other than that, it's solid almost goregrindy slam, which I like... but yeah, the drums kinda ruin it.

Here's something that shows some real promise for me:
Orgiastic Rebirth - Corridors of Repugnant Suffering

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Oh another bdm album I thought was solid from this year. Kinda standard I guess but FUCK those riffs.

Fadihat - Addicted to Kill
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