Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I was never a big Cannibal Corpse fan, but 'Kill' is pretty good and pretty different from what preceded it if you've not heard it, and (the new one) Torture has some winners like "Scourge of Iron" & "Intestinal Crank." Even if you hate CC's Tomb & Eaten (I don't like either), you might want to hear these new cuts to hear how they've improved over the years. The obvious singing on each beat vocal patterns are the worst thing about both albums--and tons of 'classic' death metal--but overall, these two albums are pretty decent.

Any other 'funeral' slam beside Gorevent and the others? I listened to two albums by Gorevent and liked some cuts, but found the consistency really lacking on both.

And do you know where I find a hard copy of that Gorepoflesh I read about on slam-minded...? That thing had a really great vibe, but I've been unable to find it, despite several attempts.

I've heard almost all of Cannibal Corpses material, and nothing really sticks with me. Tomb of the Mutilated is ok, everything else just bores me.

I personally love both Gorevent albums greatly, but hmm. Check out Medic Vomiting Pus, Infertile Surrogacy, Intracranial Butchery, Cranial Osteotomy (maybe).
Brutal Death Metal would not exist if it were not for Cannibal Corpse. I mean every brutal death metal band sounds exactly like Cannibal Corpse. Youtube/lyric video's are also dumb as hell especially when bands have stupid lyrics. For example the new Devourment lyric video and Dying Fetus. Such dumb fucking bands.
Anyone listen to the new devourment song, "50 ton war machine"?
That's what we've been talking about.

Brutal Death Metal would not exist if it were not for Cannibal Corpse. I mean every brutal death metal band sounds exactly like Cannibal Corpse. Youtube/lyric video's are also dumb as hell especially when bands have stupid lyrics. For example the new Devourment lyric video and Dying Fetus. Such dumb fucking bands.

I know where you coming from. Lyrics in brutal death/slam usually have no point. To me, they are mearly another form of instrumentation. So I dont see the point in making those lyric videos when it comes to music like this. Lets just listen to the music. Fuck the lyrics.
I'm not going to sit here and say am some smart/intellectual guy or anything because am not. And lyrics do not normally break or make a band, but seeing some of the new lyric video's and hearing what some vocalist is gurgling about and reading the lyrics while listening to their music. It's so stupid to me. Especially because the bands who tried this have such dumb lyrics. Who in their right mind even thought this was a good idea in the record business. It makes me wonder what the fuck is happening to metal music now.
Who cares :lol: its just music guys...

It's music FIRST and FOREMOST, which is inherently abstract.

I listen to metal because of the mood, the energy and the creativity of the MUSIC. In general, I just want the lyrics to support the tone of the music. Gross lyrics & art go with Lymphatic Phlegm and Dead Infection and Pathologist, just as Satanism fits Inquisition and barbarians fit Ironsword adn war fits Bolt Thrower.

My only problem with lyrics is when they are obvious joke lyrics--like Anvil--or the beat you over the head politics found in some thrash and grindcore. I just don't really like hearing singers go on about democracy and taxation, which can work against the otherworld quality of metal music.
I think all of the Pathology fans on here will dig the second Saprogenic album Ichneumonoid a LOT. Hints of Morbid Angel throughout, a little more technical and brickwalled than the atmospheric Saprogenic debut, but really SOLID.


Just well done, mean, powerful death metal.
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I thought you didn't like Pathology or Abominable Putridity? Have you ever gave Aborted a chance? Or the entire deathgrind genre? Aborted, Benighted, Cephalic Carnage, Murder Construct, Cattle Decapitation, Terrorizer, Exhumed etc..

I thought you didn't like Pathology or Abominable Putridity? Have you ever gave Aborted a chance? Or the entire deathgrind genre? Aborted, Benighted, Cephalic Carnage, Murder Construct, Cattle Decapitation, Terrorizer, Exhumed etc..

I like both bands---AP & Pathology both made it to the "recommended" section of my article and I've since bought more Pathology albums. Where I disagree with most people is that I like AP's first album more--In the End has better arrangements, better singing and a better mood, and I think Levi was the best singer in Pathology.

Cattle Decap, Terrorizer, Exhumed & Cephalic aren't my thing, but I don't know Benighted or Murder Construct (please advise) and only heard a couple of Aborted songs and don't really know them well.

Grind I like tends to be both creepy and groovy goregrind, though I do get into some of the assault stuff like Insect Warfare if the album coheres and the vocals aren't irritating. And I'm fine with drum machine and pitch shifted vocals if the mood is right.

Favorites: Carcass, Squash Bowels, Insect Warfare, Lymphatic Phlegm, Pathologist, Blasted Pancreas, Reek of Shits, The Day Everything Became Nothing, Skullhog, some Gruesome Stuff Relish, XXX Maniak & Nasty Pig Dick (I know people hate these), and later Impetigo, some Napalm Death.

I welcome any recs for this stuff as well---the grind thread is pretty dead.

I like both bands---AP & Pathology both made it to the "recommended" section of my article and I've since bought more Pathology albums. Where I disagree with most people is that I like AP's first album more--In the End has better arrangements, better singing and a better mood, and I think Levi was the best singer in Pathology.

Cattle Decap, Terrorizer, Exhumed & Cephalic aren't my thing, but I don't know Benighted or Murder Construct (please advise) and only heard a couple of Aborted songs and don't really know them well.

Grind I like tends to be both creepy and groovy goregrind, though I do get into some of the assault stuff like Insect Warfare if the album coheres and the vocals aren't irritating. And I'm fine with drum machine and pitch shifted vocals if the mood is right.

Favorites: Carcass, Squash Bowels, Insect Warfare, Lymphatic Phlegm, Pathologist, Blasted Pancreas, Reek of Shits, The Day Everything Became Nothing, Skullhog, some Gruesome Stuff Relish, XXX Maniak & Nasty Pig Dick (I know people hate these), and later Impetigo, some Napalm Death.

I welcome any recs for this stuff as well---the grind thread is pretty dead.

For Aborted, I would start with this album, to me its the perfect blend of grindcore and old school tech death (pretty much Suffocation + Napalm Death)

Their next album got heavier, lower tuned and is where they got "their" sound

Just start with this song then check out a couple more for MC

My favorite Pathology album was this one


The new one is really close though, better production and better solos. Pathology is probably my favorite BDM right now.

Benighted is a really good band, a lot of good albums, id recommend starting with their latest album, asylum cave.
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Thanks. I'll look into all of this when I finish work.
And yes, Awaken to the Suffering is my favorite of the 4 Pathology albums I have, especially tracks 1, 3 & 8.
So I got the new Katalepsy in the mail yesterday. I've listened to it probably four times now and I'm really surprised at how damn good it is. Autopsychosis is so much better than that awkward musick debut. They're no longer slam, shifting to brutal technical death metal. (With some slammy riffs) The music is tight and catchy, they ditched their old vocalist (number of death wee peepee peepee guy)

It's just solid all the way around.
So I got the new Katalepsy in the mail yesterday. I've listened to it probably four times now and I'm really surprised at how damn good it is. Autopsychosis is so much better than that awkward musick debut. They're no longer slam, shifting to brutal technical death metal. (With some slammy riffs) The music is tight and catchy, they ditched their old vocalist (number of death wee peepee peepee guy)

It's just solid all the way around.

I got it the other day as well. I actually have yet to hear Katalepsy before this album, so I'm not sure what differences there are. I do like the album though. And exactly what you said, it's catchy, more brutal death than slam, but with slammy parts ;)
They were just a slam band honestly. A fairly thick and heavy one, but just never a favorite. Their first full length is really weird too, it's only 24 minutes long and two of the songs are a cover of symphony of destruction and a reworked version of the mortician song "rabid"

Here's the song I was mocking by the way:

Holy shit they finally released an album?

Double edit: god DAMN this sounds like Killing on Adrenaline mixed with slam.
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They were just a slam band honestly. A fairly thick and heavy one, but just never a favorite. Their first full length is really weird too, it's only 24 minutes long and two of the songs are a cover of symphony of destruction and a reworked version of the mortician song "rabid"

Here's the song I was mocking by the way:

Holy shit they finally released an album?

Ahh, yeah, I already like their most recent album better.
Posted this one before, but I've got to post it again. This song (and whole album) is groovy as fuck. And the vocals by Ruben Rosas as the end are kick ass. I read on SOF's Facebook page they are working on a release this year.


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Not a huge fan of the new Katalepsy. I feel it tries too hard in places, and the songs go nowhere. It even has some deathcore breakdowns in it (not that I'm against that). I greatly prefer their debut.

People, get the new Blunt Force Trauma damnit. Top tier Jap Slam.
on SOF's Facebook page they are working on a release this year.

Cool. I like the SoF album I have (the one you posted). It kind of compares to Vomit Remnants, but with less strangeness (eg. more regular riffs), but also better production and musicianship. Looking forward to something new...
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