Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Check Cotard Syndrome out on Facebook, I'm sure they have a way to buy their album through there.

I'll never understand peoples love for the new Katalepsy. It sounds so... safe.
I didn't find the Cotard Syndrome album to be very good. Particularly, the production was weak sounding and the guitar tone not my favorite. I'll give it another listen, but my initial impressions were that it's pedestrian.
I didn't find the Cotard Syndrome album to be very good. Particularly, the production was weak sounding and the guitar tone not my favorite. I'll give it another listen, but my initial impressions were that it's pedestrian.

It's not that good. It's really just dumbed down slam. But every now and then I like that kind of stuff.

Still shits all over the new Katalepsy though. Damn they fell hard. Thank god Guttural Secrete picked up the slack and released such a monstrous album.

New Goemagot and Scatorgy are way up there too.
Really don't get what there's exactly to like about the first Katalepsy album. It's short, two covers take up a chunk of it. Yeah when they actually decide to slam its okay but I can't even sit through it despite its microscopic length.
Really don't get what there's exactly to like about the first Katalepsy album. It's short, two covers take up a chunk of it. Yeah when they actually decide to slam its okay but I can't even sit through it despite its microscopic length.

It's nothing truly amazing, but it's definitely above average. The covers are fun as hell, especially the Mortician cover.

The new Katalepsy album sounds too clean, the vocals are obnoxious, and it's really not all that brutal.
Leroy--- thanks for the link.

Unlike most people on here, I like what gundam refers to as "dumbed down" slam far more than all this technical stuff that everybody else goes for, so I'll check it out. Simpler grooves in things like Kraanium, new Dysentery or Vomit Remnants are what I want.

But yeah, I like hated bands like Acranius and No One Gets Out Alive and Amputated Genitals and Nasty Pig Dick more than most of the sweeping picking tech slam and was sorry to hear Goemaggot "progress" from their decent demo like Deeds of Flesh and Abominable P and so many other bands "progress" from groovy/dirty/creepy death metal to mathematical protools assembly line stuff.

I'm a drummer and played music with two guys who could sweep pick with their eyes closed, and their riffs never had the feel of the less technical guitarists I jammed with.

I know people who write on here generally like tech, but there's a whole side of slam that is not at all technical and i want to recommend and support that stuff.
Leroy--- thanks for the link.

Unlike most people on here, I like what gundam refers to as "dumbed down" slam far more than all this technical stuff that everybody else goes for, so I'll check it out. Simpler grooves in things like Kraanium, new Dysentery or Vomit Remnants are what I want.

But yeah, I like hated bands like Acranius and No One Gets Out Alive and Amputated Genitals and Nasty Pig Dick more than most of the sweeping picking tech slam and was sorry to hear Goemaggot "progress" from their decent demo like Deeds of Flesh and Abominable P and so many other bands "progress" from groovy/dirty/creepy death metal to mathematical protools assembly line stuff.

I'm a drummer and played music with two guys who could sweep pick with their eyes closed, and their riffs never had the feel of the less technical guitarists I jammed with.

I know people who write on here generally like tech, but there's a whole side of slam that is not at all technical and i want to recommend and support that stuff.

I really don't understand how you think Abominable Putridty is tech, they AREN'T dude, 90% of the riffs on their last albums are fucking slams, you just listen for the tech riffs thrown in which btw aren't just "fillers" or whatever you want to call it, the guitarist fucking put them there because he WANTED to, its their music and they do what the fuck they want. "tech death" with sweep picking is Necrophagist or Obscura, not one of the most obvious slam bands in existence.

I don't like your overly critical view on everything, and the fact you claim to like things that other people don't like, you just sound like a "kvlt" guy that doesn't want to be in the crowd, as if there even is one considering slam/brutal is as far away from mainstream music as possible.

You seem to have to like every single thing about the band to even like them, you like slams yet you don't like Abominable Putridty who have some of the most catchy riffs in the whole genre, and you also don't like brutal death metal like Defeated Sanity, Condemmed, Disgorge etc. Why do you need riffs "easier to follow"? Do you have down syndrome or something?
Yeah if you think Abominable Putridity is in any way tech you must have a long history of concussions or something. They're practically the template of mid-tempo slamming.
I don't like your overly critical view on everything, and the fact you claim to like things that other people don't like, you just sound like a "kvlt" guy that doesn't want to be in the crowd ?

No need to get hostile-- I was just sad to see Goemaggot do what everybody else is doing. I've no interest in appearing kult, I just like different music than you do. You like Aborted and Cattle Decap (both completely terrible from what I've heard) and you think Carcass & Bottle Thrower and Destroyer 666 are "boring," so dude, let me tell you something: YOU are in a MASSIVE MASSIVE "kvlt" minority in terms of people who listen to extreme music. Aborted over Carcass? Really? I've been listening to metal for 25 years and have never cared either way whether I'm "in or out" of a crowd. Obviously on this thread some guys like the stuff I do and many do not. ANd on this thread I've learned about cool stuff too.

And I like both AP albums, I just think the arrangements and feel were better on the first and the the second has none of the creepiness, but instead many tech flourishes and short attention span tech-type arrangements. AP moved in the direction that many, many metal bands have for decades---back to guys like Destruction and Kreator---which is more tech, more challenging material to play, which FOR ME has less heart and atmosphere. Some bands get better as they play better (Emperor, Anacrusis and Megadeth) and many do not.
some guy--
speed isn't the definition of tech. i said the album was far more technical than the previous one, which it completely is. if it was total tech, i wouldn't like it.

Tech flourishes at---
--are the flourishes i'm talking about.

These moments are for the Necrophagist/Dragonforce generation.
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No need to get hostile-- I was just sad to see Goemaggot do what everybody else is doing. I've no interest in appearing kult, I just like different music than you do. You like Aborted and Cattle Decap (both completely terrible from what I've heard) and you think Carcass & Bottle Thrower and Destroyer 666 are "boring," so dude, let me tell you something: YOU are in a MASSIVE MASSIVE "kvlt" minority in terms of people who listen to extreme music. Aborted over Carcass? Really? I've been listening to metal for 25 years and have never cared either way whether I'm "in or out" of a crowd. Obviously on this thread some guys like the stuff I do and many do not. ANd on this thread I've learned about cool stuff too.

And I like both AP albums, I just think the arrangements and feel were better on the first and the the second has none of the creepiness, but instead many tech flourishes and short attention span tech-type arrangements. AP moved in the direction that many, many metal bands have for decades---back to guys like Destruction and Kreator---which is more tech, more challenging material to play, which FOR ME has less heart and atmosphere. Some bands get better as they play better (Emperor, Anacrusis and Megadeth) and many do not.

Just so you know, I wrote the review on Goemagot, and they didn't really evolve into what everyone else is doing. They have some tech moments, but most of the time it's old school Abominable Putridity slams, and really melodic odd riffage. When they do go tech though, it's tasteful. Their sound hasn't changed much from the demo, it's just much more fleshed out.
Their sound hasn't changed much from the demo, it's just much more fleshed out.

The Goemaggot song I heard on youtube sounded like a completely different band and very noodling, but I will check it out further on your say so.

And I ordered that Expurgate release you mentioned as well. Some pretty striking vocals on the two songs I heard and some good slams. Will see how the whole thing sits.

Ah, the Goemagot album has 11 tracks, a few of them are a bit more tech, but most are bare bones slammy goodness.

Expurgate has some great vocal lines. Check out 86 if you can find it. I can't stop singing along with "If you're lucky... you'll bleed to death".
c_zar, I don't really know how to tackle the random nonsense you babble in this thread. The "Necrophagist/Dragonforce generation"? Dude, you're trying to sound elitist and hipstery in a thread about fucking slam. Not to mention your odd affinity for absolutely fellating completely uninteresting bands for no reason that I can fathom beyond them not being particularly well known.

Calling those little slow 8-note licks that show up for one or two bars a "Necrophagist/Dragonforce" moment is just plain idiotic. You can't even put them in the same fucking zip code any more than if a melodeath band uses a blast beat you call it a "Phobia/Agoraphobic Nosebleed" moment. I get that you really, really enjoy your slam to be poorly executed and poorly recorded, but your reasoning and explanations make no fucking sense.
c_zar, I don't really know how to tackle the random nonsense you babble in this thread. The "Necrophagist/Dragonforce generation"

These licks are displays of musical proficiency, and to my ears, NOTHING BUT displays of musical proficiencym which is what Necorphagist and Dragonforce are about. That's what I'm pointing out.

I know you don't agree, but not sure how this is "babble."

The bands you call "uninteresting" that I like, I feel have heart and/or good musical ideas and/or a good vibe or all three. Production can be crystal clear or necro, depending on the music and what works. The AP has a decent sound, but certainly is triggered and quantized and spliced to hell in pro tools and doesn't feel remotely performed, but assembled.
No need to get hostile-- I was just sad to see Goemaggot do what everybody else is doing. I've no interest in appearing kult, I just like different music than you do. You like Aborted and Cattle Decap (both completely terrible from what I've heard) and you think Carcass & Bottle Thrower and Destroyer 666 are "boring," so dude, let me tell you something: YOU are in a MASSIVE MASSIVE "kvlt" minority in terms of people who listen to extreme music. Aborted over Carcass? Really? I've been listening to metal for 25 years and have never cared either way whether I'm "in or out" of a crowd. Obviously on this thread some guys like the stuff I do and many do not. ANd on this thread I've learned about cool stuff too.

And I like both AP albums, I just think the arrangements and feel were better on the first and the the second has none of the creepiness, but instead many tech flourishes and short attention span tech-type arrangements. AP moved in the direction that many, many metal bands have for decades---back to guys like Destruction and Kreator---which is more tech, more challenging material to play, which FOR ME has less heart and atmosphere. Some bands get better as they play better (Emperor, Anacrusis and Megadeth) and many do not.

Okay let me start with saying I think Heartwork is by far the best melodic death metal album of all time, truly genius. Kreator's old material is FAR more technical than their modern stuff, take this song

VS this song

Pretty obvious your wrong :)

Aborted is the best deathgrind in my opinion, goremaggedon pretty much defines the genre it makes no sense to compare them to Bolt Thrower, Carcass etc.

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The AP has a decent sound, but certainly is triggered and quantized and spliced to hell in pro tools and doesn't feel remotely performed, but assembled.

I laughed so fucking hard at this. Using the fact that they didn't use a fucking potato to record their stuff as an insult! That's fucking great :lol:

The last AP album has some of the best slam production I've heard, Pretty much the same with the newest Pathology. I'm pretty sure they recorded the same way, with the same equipment too, EMG 81/85 guitar, Peavey 6505+, cab with V30's in Drop A tuning.

I did not hear a single tech riff in that song, this on the other hand?

Full of beautiful tech riffs.
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