Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I laughed so fucking hard at this. Using the fact that they didn't use a fucking potato to record their stuff as an insult! That's fucking great :lol: EMG 81/85 guitar, Peavey 6505+, cab with V30's in Drop A tuning.

You and Someguy are so busy hurling insults, you really miss the point of what I'm saying about the music.

I'm saying that the AP album does not FEEL performed. It FEELS manufactured in a studio. When a kick drum is perfectly quantized and triggered to hell--as it is here--it is closer to a drum machine than a live performance. To me this sounds sterile. I could give a shit about the equipment.
Clarificationas to Effigy---

You picked a different AP. It was Remnants I chose. Lack of Oxygen is a highlight cut and I agree, not much tech there or in the album closer.

Kreator. When I said progressed, I mean their ORIGINAL progression back in the day. Flag of Hate and Pleasure to Kill (which I like) changed into sterile Extreme Aggression. Then they got simpler and more complicated--- it's back and forth. I'm talking about the original progression.
You and Someguy are so busy hurling insults, you really miss the point of what I'm saying about the music.

I'm saying that the AP album does not FEEL performed. It FEELS manufactured in a studio. When a kick drum is perfectly quantized and triggered to hell--as it is here--it is closer to a drum machine than a live performance. To me this sounds sterile. I could give a shit about the equipment.

It suppose to be fucking manufactured in a studio, I don't get your point.
It suppose to be fucking manufactured in a studio, I don't get your point.

Really? How is this hard to understand?

The point is that metal music---in theory--is PERFORMED by a BAND comprised of PEOPLE. Metal music is not the final computation of ROBOTS using COMPUTERS in a FACTORY. Albums may BE manufactured in studio, but i don't want them to FEEL manufactured.

I don't want to argue forever here, so I'll admit that this just might be a generational thing and how I grew up--I'm used to some breathing room and imperfection in most music I like, and perfect assemblies like this aren't my favorite. I'll take loose live drumming like Derek ROddy or the guy in The Crown or Frost over all of this cut and pasted stuff any day.

If the music is good enough (Pathology & AP), I can take the sterile assemblies, but I'd rather hear some passion and fire and personality.
I actually agree with c_zar here. The main issue I had with the new Abominable Putridity album was how robotic and sterile it feels. I prefer my brutal death metal to, you know, be a bit more atmospheric. Feel vile. Be disgusting. AP is squeaky clean.

Not saying it's a bad album by any stretch of the imagination, but I miss the foreboding atmosphere their debut had, even if it got incredibly boring after repeated listens.
I guess perfect examples of this would be like... listen to She Lay Gutted by Disgorge, or Gore Fucking Corpses by Gorepoflesh. Those albums just FEEL disgusting, and that's all due to the production. Same with the new Guttural Secrete. I have no issues with other people wanting good production for their music, really, I don't. But when brutal death metal starts feeling safe to me, that's when I draw the line.
Pretty easy concept really, no matter what side(if either) you tend to fall under preference wise. Certainly not something to be at another throat over.
I guess perfect examples of this would be like... listen to She Lay Gutted by Disgorge, or Gore Fucking Corpses by Gorepoflesh. Those albums just FEEL disgusting, and that's all due to the production. Same with the new Guttural Secrete. I have no issues with other people wanting good production for their music, really, I don't. But when brutal death metal starts feeling safe to me, that's when I draw the line.

Another example is older Dying Fetus VS their last two albums, their old albums are fucking disgusting sounding (in a good way of course) but their new albums actually have good production, I like both but if I had to pick between the two sound wise as long as the music is good, clean production is better.
I actually agree with c_zar here. The main issue I had with the new Abominable Putridity album was how robotic and sterile it feels. I prefer my brutal death metal to, you know, be a bit more atmospheric. Feel vile. Be disgusting. AP is squeaky clean.

Not saying it's a bad album by any stretch of the imagination, but I miss the foreboding atmosphere their debut had, even if it got incredibly boring after repeated listens.

That's a production problem, though, and it's kind of down to taste. I loves me some Brodequin and even some Artery Eruption, but AP's album came out so MONOLITHIC. The flipside of it not being as dirty is that it's infinitely more throat-punching.

For some styles, when they have kind of a loose sound overall, it's fine that it's lo-fi. But AP, Pathology, and a lot of bands benefit greatly from clean production. Seriously, hop in a car with a GOOD stereo system and throw on these albums. It's almost suffocating how heavy the sound is.

Maybe if you only listen through cheap earbuds and stock car speakers, all you notice is that the tempos have been quantized and can't hear the IMMENSE low end, but when you throw these albums through some quality speakers the better production becomes REALLY obvious.
That's a production problem, though, and it's kind of down to taste. I loves me some Brodequin and even some Artery Eruption, but AP's album came out so MONOLITHIC. The flipside of it not being as dirty is that it's infinitely more throat-punching.

For some styles, when they have kind of a loose sound overall, it's fine that it's lo-fi. But AP, Pathology, and a lot of bands benefit greatly from clean production. Seriously, hop in a car with a GOOD stereo system and throw on these albums. It's almost suffocating how heavy the sound is.

Maybe if you only listen through cheap earbuds and stock car speakers, all you notice is that the tempos have been quantized and can't hear the IMMENSE low end, but when you throw these albums through some quality speakers the better production becomes REALLY obvious.

I disagree, through any high end system/high end headphones (I own a 200$ pair of Sennheisers :/) it just makes me notice how clean and safe it is even more.

c_zar, no one knows where to get the album. Sevared used to have it in stock, but they ran out. The band doesn't respond to any e-mails/messages either.
A shame really, about that Gorepoflesh album. I remember passing on it a couple times because I didn't really like it like most of the guys here.

Also Aborted is one of the most boring deathgrind bands I can think of annnnd I tend to give less than 1% of a shit about the production on an album unless you can't hear the instruments or it produces audio clipping.
also getting a rare album from these guys. I'm uber stoked.
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Anyone still spinning this?


Should at least be in the top 10 for this year so far, great album overall.
Effigy-- do you have Coprocephalic on CD yet? It's certainly more intricate than my usual thing, but I liked the two songs I heard and pre-ordered from the label in early January and still haven't received.

Morguelord-- Thanks for posting. I'll probably order this. Nice and ugly.

Gundam-- With Immortality. Wow, what a terrible band name---sounds like it should be a goth "death metal" band with a soprano singer---but decent music and with good vocals. What's their best release?
Penis Leech sounds meh to me. Has some decent moments. A bit too tech at times.

With Immortality only has one album, The Aroma Of Spread Labia. I finally got in contact with a ex-member, who is compiling some of their releases to e-mail me. It's legitimately impossible to find it to download online, or to buy.


Get on this shit people.