Brutal/Slam Death Metal

The new Devourment has some good moments and it's no doubt an upgrade from 'Carnivore', but it falls short from what I expected. I'm one to usually keep my expectations realistic, too. I just didn't get as many sick riffs and the guitar tuning and tone doesn't give me goosebumps or anything. It's good and I like it well enough, but it's not Defeated Sanity, Katalepsy, Guttural Secrete, or Euphoric Defilement. All albums were better so far this year. I also like the new Suffocation better. I'll be giving it some more listens, but I think it's the sound and specifically the lack of riffs and songwriting that isn't as good as some others. I'm not writing it off by any means.
The new Katalepsy, and Suffocation do nothing at all for me. I've heard it all before, done better. The new Devourment is slightly above that for me, but overall it's just... it's not what was expected. And beyond that, it just doesn't feel brutal anymore. It's too safe.
The new Katalepsy, and Suffocation do nothing at all for me. I've heard it all before, done better. The new Devourment is slightly above that for me, but overall it's just... it's not what was expected. And beyond that, it just doesn't feel brutal anymore. It's too safe.

I did feel that song they uploaded was pretty "safe" as you say, and the lyrics are mostly intelligible, which is clearly a negative point with such lame-ass lyrics. It's not bad though, and I haven't heard the full album so can't judge, but I don't think it'll too Carnivore or the previous ones.
I did feel that song they uploaded was pretty "safe" as you say, and the lyrics are mostly intelligible, which is clearly a negative point with such lame-ass lyrics. It's not bad though, and I haven't heard the full album so can't judge, but I don't think it'll too Carnivore or the previous ones.

Slam/BDM really, really shouldn't upload lyrics videos. There are roughly zero bands in the style without throwaway gore/horror/scifi lyrics so putting up a video that puts all focus on it is just silly.

Anyone direct me to where i can pick these up? been looking for that UD since the 4th, cant seem to find a way to order from any link amputated vein has on band camp or whatever- i posted the ep a few pages back I think, CAN NOT wait to hear this lp. My most anticipated so far this year. Craniotomy sounds decent too, probably worth picking up at the same time.
Slam/BDM really, really shouldn't upload lyrics videos. There are roughly zero bands in the style without throwaway gore/horror/scifi lyrics so putting up a video that puts all focus on it is just silly.

Its because relapse not the bands themselves, they did the same thing with Dying Fetus last year, and the song was similar in a lot of ways. Also Devourment and Dying Fetus are much more popular than most brutal/slam death metal bands ( especially DF, they have videos with 2+ million views on YT )
gundam--- thanks for the provocation link. sounds pretty good and i'll try it out, though i'm not sure how the shouted sort of hardcore vocal parts will land with me, which are typically not my thing (though sometimes fine in grindcore).

spitbucket--- i got UD through amazon. i think it's coming from overseas.
Its because relapse not the bands themselves, they did the same thing with Dying Fetus last year, and the song was similar in a lot of ways. Also Devourment and Dying Fetus are much more popular than most brutal/slam death metal bands ( especially DF, they have videos with 2+ million views on YT )

I've noticed this too. I think Relapse didn't get the memo. They must not realize brutal death/slam is not about the lyrics. Like I've said before, the vocals in this kind of music are merely another form of instrumentation.
gundam--- thanks for the provocation link. sounds pretty good and i'll try it out, though i'm not sure how the shouted sort of hardcore vocal parts will land with me, which are typically not my thing (though sometimes fine in grindcore).

spitbucket--- i got UD through amazon. i think it's coming from overseas.

thanks - yeah i just saw it. $32... uhhh I think i'll wait for bandcamp if it ever shows up.
Got my new Devourment album today also. I'm thankful for that slipcase. Makes the album art not look as shitty. Will spin it when I get home tonight.
Okay so who has listened to the full Devourment CD so far? "Carved Into Ectasy" is easily the best song on the whole album, followed by "heaving acid"

As for Defeated Sanity, I think my favorite track has to be "perpectives" just fucking destroys you're eardrums ( in a good way )

As for Suffocation, I really love the feel of this album. My favorite tracks are "sullen days", starts with a beautiful intro then smashes your face in, "My Demise" and "Rapture of Revocation" were also great tracks.

Guttural Secrete, what can I say? Some fucking brutal shit, all the songs are listenable, production is a bit better than their last album, really fast brutal parts and catchy slams. Very impressed.