Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Coprocephalic got boring after a few listens. It's definitely decent but not in my top 10. I already have a top 10 for 2013 and it's all good fucking albums. I'd have had to lie about 2012 to come up with 10 good albums.
Coprocephalic got boring after a few listens. It's definitely decent but not in my top 10. I already have a top 10 for 2013 and it's all good fucking albums. I'd have had to lie about 2012 to come up with 10 good albums.

my top ten for any year is all (or 90%) metal, but not any one metal genre. i never get tired of those 2012 kraanium and urogenital macrophage albums, and i'd put them on a list with altars of oblivion (doom), humiliation (death metal), coffins (doomy death metal), hellwell (epic metal), and wrathblade (epic metal). and the kill's make 'em suffer is one of the best grindcore albums i've heard in my entire life.

thanks for info on with immortality. glad to see slam-minded alive again. i may disagree regularly, but it's very well written and a good resource, so i hope to see more!
Slam-Minded isn't really back yet. I'm just trying to keep it alive until V5 (Andy) and cookiecutter (Nick) get back in the swing of things. They have girlfriends and lives now so it's kinda hard, :P. I'm not a good writer by any stretch of the imagination, but I have a passion for Brutal Death Metal.

Oh, new Suffocation is out. Surprise surprise, it's just a slightly better version of Blood Oath. Overall it's a huge disappointment and bores the shit out of me.
I'm not sure I even managed to sit through Blood Oath in its entirety. Turned it off every time... so I doubt I'll like this one either then.

Saw Shuriken Cadaveric Entwinement's second album was released by Sevared today. Nick always gave me crap for liking them. :lol: Will definitely be picking it up monday.

Oh and also new Carnivore Diprosopus and Goemagot in stock too.
Believe it or not, Relapse always sends their preorders early, and if you choose priority it comes a little extra early.
They arent slam (their ties to Cesspool of Vermin and Lust of Decay might lead people to that conclusion, I guess)... or at least werent.

I cant find samples of the new album at all. It's not even on M-A.
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Well it doesn't ship until the 19th, I ordered like 6 albums actually, the first time I thought I preordered the new Wormed album but I accidentally bought their original album :lol:

I changed it for the new Katalepsy which I've listened to in full already but the new Wormed wasn't there so...

Earlier in January, I ordered/pre ordered like 10 albums. All I've got left is the new Suffocation which shipped this past week. There will be plenty more though throughout the year. Ya, the new Wormed comes out next month. I've got to keep an eye on when I can pre order it!
New Devourment is decent but isn't anything special. New Suffocation was a huge disappointment. I can't even make it three tracks into the album without being bored to tears. :/
Earlier in January, I ordered/pre ordered like 10 albums. All I've got left is the new Suffocation which shipped this past week. There will be plenty more though throughout the year. Ya, the new Wormed comes out next month. I've got to keep an eye on when I can pre order it!

Heh step up. Wormed preorders are available on willowtip. Cd + patch for $11 and shirt for $16.

Preordering the cd gets you a free patch.


Get on these guys. haha.

c_zar you'll most likely love that Urethral Defecation album. It's total Begging For Incest styled slam.