We are getting so flush with quality brutal death metal releases this year it's really amazing.
The production on Defeated Sanity's album really does it for me and their many winding songs are so complex and often unorthodox it keeps me completely interested and I've played it a bunch of times already. Their best album and part of that is the production and overall guitar tone. The bass is clearly a huge part of what they do. It's a massive machine of excellent musicians that do it as well or better than anybody else.
Though I do like Katalepsy's Autopsychosis a bit better. That's in part due to the many devastating slams and overall most-powerful sound.
Guttural Secrete's album is really, really good, too. The complexity and cohesion are great. The only gripe is have is the guitar tone. The overall songwriting and musicianship is excellent. Huge win here.
Suffocation's new one is top notch, too. Another masterful production job and incredible work. I find myself going back to it often. Really like almost everything about it. The vocals are excellent. It has everything, really. Strange that it sounds a slight bit commercial compared to the others, but I think that's only because the band is just so good at what they do. They didn't change to please. They just keep getting better and that's tough to do when you're already a major player in the genre.
After those four it gets a bit tougher. The rest of the albums so far have bigger holes in their game. Devourment's is good but just not interesting or nasty enough. I like it plenty well, but it still falls short for me.
I'm still sorting out a handful of other bands which put out albums I like on the first couple plays, but I've yet to recognize which of them are standouts. More listens required. Euphoric Defilement, Blunt Force Trauma, Scatorgy, Goemagot, Laceration, and many more new ones - and all this from 2013 already!