Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Well it looks like effigy got banned and we lost a slammer. He wasn't my favorite poster. But I suppose let it be a lesson to new people here. If you disagree with the regular dickheads here, its grounds for being banned.

wtf? What was it that got him banned? One of the reasons i like this place is because it's not run by some pansy-ass faggots ... i hope that hasn't changed.

Only person i remember getting banned from here was that one guy who kept on going on about what was "catchy" and what wasn't, i think we had knicknamed him "the catcher" and made a shit load of gif's of him :lol:
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Wonder if that album is gonna be really fucking short. (Last one was) I like the band but its kinda hard for me to justify buying albums less than 25 minutes long.
It'd be nice if bands would just call releases under 30 minutes an EP and stop dicking us around. They'd almost certainly sell a lot more.
Been getting less and less interested in slam over the past year or so, so I hardly ever vist this thread but just listened to the new Defeated Sanity and I gotta say, it doesnt mount up to Chapters...Sick fucking album regardless, but Chapters is fucking untouchable.

The new Devourment is very, very disappointing.

Stoked for the new Wormed this month too.
I checked out more Laceration and bought that thing from Sevared--- sounds very good.

I checked out more Scatorgy. I like they way they shuffle 4/4 and 6/8 blasting sections (kind of war metal-ish in this regard) and the sound is good and dirty. Not sure how the whole album will land--this vocalist might get tiresome--- but curious enough to check it out.

Putrified J sounds decent.
Not particularly a fan of the brutal side of death metal, but the originators like Disgorge and such are great.
Nowadays it seems too rehashed & people trying to 'out-brutal' one another.
How is anyone trying to "out-brutal" each other exactly? I was never a huge fan of disgorge either. Their early albums are marred by shitty vocals.