Brutal/Slam Death Metal

In case anyone hasn't listened to them yet, Cephalotripsy has two new songs up. I am liking them much better than their previous music.
Frustrating. Some great sequences followed by utterly mundane interludes. Such potential.
I kind of agree with your statement, although I think I feel a little more positive about them than you do.

In case anyone hasn't listened to them yet, Cephalotripsy has two new songs up. I am liking them much better than their previous music.
Indeed, they do sound good.
That's true, since Devourment is different from brutal bands like Deeds Of Flesh. That said, there are many more "slam" style brutal bands than DOF-style riffing brutal bands, so CC isn't exactly off the mark saying that.

Enemy, the stuff you're asking for isn't brutal death, you want Carcass worship stuff in the vein of Necroticism. I'll recommend you check out Aborted - Goremageddon: The Saw And The Carnage Done and then maybe progress to The County Medical Examiners - Olidous Operettas.

hey, i checked out both those bands and while i liked the county medical examiners one, i was totally digging the aborted one, do you have any other recommendations like that style?
To me the Cephalotripsy album was like the opposite of boring! One of my favourites definately. I love the sound and the voice on the cd more than on those new songs, though theyre are musically more interesting.
Oh, yeah Cephalotripsy are the definition of PURE slam. Slow/mid-paced, breakdown after breakdown of ridiculous slam riffs. Makes Devourment proud, but I think sometimes it becomes even more insanely pure than the big originators. I also think sometimes that this hurts their appeal a little, which is why the new songs made me happier. When the debut originally came out, I went nuts over it.