Brutal/Slam Death Metal

And since the original is semi-rare now according to eBay, it shouldn't be too hard finding the yellow one (though personally, I think it's friggin' ugly).
If I see another girl on myspace say "baller" in any way,shape or form I will annihilate them with endless hateful picture comments.

I am liking Degrade due to Slam-Minded.
If I see another girl on myspace say "baller" in any way,shape or form I will annihilate them with endless hateful picture comments.

I am liking Degrade due to Slam-Minded.

Swedish Degrade? I find them really boring. They sound exactly like Skinless to me.
I mean holy fuck this is like seriously next level fucking Devourment worship. 4th listen today right now. Dear God.

You really weren't kidding.

:hypno: Wow.

Jesus fucking Christ it's great.

Edit: After the first spin I'm going to say these guys are basically on the same level as Devourment.
Just posted this (part of a bulletin) on Myspace:

the 2008 slam update. Keep current on all your favorite slam as Nick and I do the research for you, and present you with the inside scoop. Who got signed to what label? When the fuck is the new Devourment coming out (yes there is gonna be a new one, more on that when we eventually talk to Chris)? Who the FUCK is Decaying Purity and why the FUCK are they so fucking awesome (they totally are)?! ALL these questions shall be due time.


If slam-minded has a myspace, I'd like a link.