Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I don't think anyone has the right to take a life.

Except you?

When I'm under hallucination I do.

These voices from god, these hallucinations, do you still experience them?

Yes I do.



Do you ever feel violent?

Yes I do.

What do you feel like doing?

Killing people.
I don't think anyone has the right to take a life.

Except you?

When I'm under hallucination I do.

These voices from god, these hallucinations, do you still experience them?

Yes I do.



Do you ever feel violent?

Yes I do.

What do you feel like doing?

Killing people.

shit, what is that from?
Yeah, some definite grind influence.

"The dead won't bother's the living you gotta worry about" is also sampled at the beginning of Malignancy's "Ignorance Is Bliss."

Also, Nick and I frequently quote the whole Festering Vomitous Mass thing on AIM. I'll do a line and he'll go "wat" then I'll do more and he'll start completing them. We know there's something wrong with us :zombie:

Also SB yeah add us as a friend on Myspace, we kick ass.
No, they don't. :erk:

Do to me. They have that same style of NYDM groove. Not really much in the way of true 'slam' as I see it. But eh, to each his own.

What do people around here think of Poland's Incarnated? I've had 'Pleasure Of Consumption' for about a month now and I'm starting to dig it a bit. It's sort of like if Vader or Decapitated did full-fledged brutal death metal, but with a guitar tone that sound's like early Mortician's bass. Very filthy and crumbly, but with more tonal definition.
I am listening to Poppy Seed Grinder at the moment. I was curious about them because I live in Prague :) I will definately go to a concert soon and report.

edit: they don't do anything soon except some festival not in Prague. I will see about it.
Also, Nick and I frequently quote the whole Festering Vomitous Mass thing on AIM. I'll do a line and he'll go "wat" then I'll do more and he'll start completing them. We know there's something wrong with us :zombie:

Haha, I recall at least one other band (brutal death one if I'm not mistaken) sampling a different dialog from that. Where the hell is that from anyway?
Bands I've been spinning the last couple days:

Mindly Rotten
Nihil Obstat
Amputated Genitals
Devoured Decapitation

I can't get enough of Columbian DM. Carnal and Saproffago are right up my alley.
I already heard Ancient Necropsy, Goretrade, Carnivore Diprosopus, and Internal Suffering. Good stuff. I'm really trying to check out the Columbian bdm scene right now, since I think they currently have the best bdm scene.