Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Listening to the new Hour of Penance now. I like it. It's very blasty, but not slammy; it's pure brutal death but not at all slam death. I really like good bands of this style, though I like good slam death a lot as well.

That being said, does anyone have any recommendations for good pure (ie not slam) brutal death?
I can't really think of anything off the top of my head that has no slam influence, since pretty much anything influenced by Suffocation has some in it. My recommendation would be to check out California DM or releases by Unique Leader. You might find some boring stuff though.
I can't really think of anything off the top of my head that has no slam influence, since pretty much anything influenced by Suffocation has some in it. My recommendation would be to check out California DM or releases by Unique Leader. You might find some boring stuff though.
I know what you mean. This style is either hit or miss. It can be awesome or it can bore you to tears. You have shit like Decrapit Birth, and great stuff like Deeds of Flesh, Extreme Violence, Hour of Penance, etc.
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How surprising! :rolleyes:

Anyway, Severed Savior are the worst example of uber generic CaliDM done bleh-worthy. The new Decrepit Birth is good (but not really brutal).
You am talk about slam death sometimes (your posts are mainly like "help me find more good slam11!!!!" or "omgwtf Human Rejectiona re teh gay!!!").

I know what you mean. This style is either hit or miss. It can be awesome or it can bore you to tears. You have shit like Decrapit Birth, and great stuff like Deeds of Flesh, Extreme Violence, Hour of Penance, etc.

I've always been partial to Disgorge(US). Whenever I think of pure Brutal Deathmetal I think Disgorge :kickass:

Although they can come off as a bit monotonous of you're not really into that genre. But if you can dig them I would suggest starting out with Cranial Impalement and going from there.
Human Rejection's vocals kill it. I hate pig vocals. I hate it!

Yeah, can't stand them either. I always thought pig squeals were the lowest form of death vocals. Like that's what you get when you simply can't pull off a proper growl.

ReeeeeT! BuuuuuR! REEEEETTTT! :Puke:

I doesn't help that all these lame-ass deathcore bands just love the pig vocals.
Human Rejection's vocals kill it. I hate pig vocals. I hate it!

Yeah, can't stand them either. I always thought pig squeals were the lowest form of death vocals. Like that's what you get when you simply can't pull off a proper growl.

ReeeeeT! BuuuuuR! REEEEETTTT! :Puke:

I doesn't help that all these lame-ass deathcore bands just love the pig vocals.

I'm offended. :p Torture Of Decimation is somewhere in my top three slam albums of '07. I really, really love the vocals, but they're clearly not for everyone.
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Quit being a faggot. You hate slam because you approach it from a retarded standpoint. Of course it's completely untrue to metal's roots, and of course it's not meant to impress you through technical ability. Slam, through it's use of groovy rhythms and vile themes, is meant to reach you on a purely instinctual and basic level. It's something you put on while you push through the daily grind, or when you've had a horrible day and need to release a lot of built up tension. You can never approach it from the perspective of a true old school metal head and enjoy it. Recognize that it rests on a distant branch of metal evolution and enjoy it for its primal and intense nature. Excuse me for being extremely cliche here, but try stepping outside of your box and giving it a chance.