Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Zephyrus 33

Most of this must have been from my attempt to get into this genre. You can tell by those posts I gave it quite an effort. However, Wormed is the only band I feel desirous to give multiple listens. Everything just doesn't have that appeal. Perhaps if Devourment had Wormed's production, things would be different.
IMO the production on Butcher the Weak is fine. But the production on Molesting the Decapitated sucks, as the guitar tone is way too thin, and the mix is so muddy you can't make out what the guitars are playing half the time.
I demand you check out Abominable Putridity this instant.

Isn't that Mr. Clean's band?

Quit being a faggot. You hate slam because you approach it from a retarded standpoint. Of course it's completely untrue to metal's roots, and of course it's not meant to impress you through technical ability. Slam, through it's use of groovy rhythms and vile themes, is meant to reach you on a purely instinctual and basic level. It's something you put on while you push through the daily grind, or when you've had a horrible day and need to release a lot of built up tension. You can never approach it from the perspective of a true old school metal head and enjoy it. Recognize that it rests on a distant branch of metal evolution and enjoy it for its primal and intense nature. Excuse me for being extremely cliche here, but try stepping outside of your box and giving it a chance.

Lots of other genres do this better.

I honestly just can't get into slam. I've given it many chances and I just find myself not taking it seriously.
I've always been partial to Disgorge(US). Whenever I think of pure Brutal Deathmetal I think Disgorge :kickass:

Although they can come off as a bit monotonous of you're not really into that genre. But if you can dig them I would suggest starting out with Cranial Impalement and going from there.
Cranial Impalement rules :notworthy

IMO the production on Butcher the Weak is fine. But the production on Molesting the Decapitated sucks, as the guitar tone is way too thin, and the mix is so muddy you can't make out what the guitars are playing half the time.
I am a big fan of the MtD production, but I can understand how one wouldn't like it. I like its primitiveness.

That's your fault. Seriously. If you can't get into it by now, why even keep saying you can't? We know already. Just move on.
Seriously. I don't go in the doom and power metal threads just to whine about how I don't like that many bands from those genres.
Seriously. I don't go in the doom and power metal threads just to whine about how I don't like that many bands from those genres.

I don't, usually, but I had to make a point to the poster that was explaining slam and how people aren't giving it a chance.

For the record, I listened to Insider by Soils of Fate and it's undeniably catchy despite my general dislike for the style. :)
I honestly didn't like any of the other songs I heard but that particular song I mentioned was pretty catchy (in an un-gay way).
I actually like Soils of Fate. I didn't think I would like them, because they were described as wiggeri-ish, so I thought their music would have a wigger-ish tough guy hardcore feel to it, but it's pure slam death.
Wow.. Listening to the new Hour of Penance cd. Fast songs, great/heavy production.. Sounds fucking good to me.

EDIT: Now there's one cute little breakdown in Slavery In A Deaf Decay from 1:50 to 2:00 :lol: