Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Now that I actually bought a Devourment CD, I read they lyrics. Holy shit! I haven't laughed that hard in a while. I know they aren't serious, and it sounds like they are meant to make you laugh, especially if you are an extreme misogynist like me.;)
The are equal to that of Soulja Boy of death metal.
Except Soils of Fate know how to write songs.

Now that I actually bought a Devourment CD, I read they lyrics. Holy shit! I haven't laughed that hard in a while. I know they aren't serious, and it sounds like they are meant to make you laugh, especially if you are an extreme misogynist like me.;)
I don't think they're meant to make you laugh, but I know what you mean. I think we are all just so jaded that we find the extreme violence funny.
I don't know.. Good horror movies should make you scared or something.. This

I'll hack you limb from limb
Grab each body part and stick my cock in
The blood on my dick gets me high
You've been butchered, I spit on you


It's like a parody or something. And I don't think they failed anyhow. :)
It's not slammy at all and seems really boring and try-too-hard-to-be-technical with no emotion or anything...however, it also sounded promising to some degree unlike the last one...and the one before that. My favorite of their is actually the s/t.
It's not slammy at all

That might have something to do with the fact that they're not a slam death band, I dunno

Seriously - it took ages before I realised truly how awesome Origin is. However, they finally clicked with me about a year and a half ago, and I've been worshipping them ever since that moment. I think it's wrong to claim that they're "trying too hard to be tech", unlike tech-wankery like Spawn Of Possession's latest etc., Origin's technical parts are tasteful and far from being over the top in my book. Also, I dig the whole futuristic, clinical cold vibe they've got going on.

PS: If you don't like "Perversion Of Hate", you're gay and/or wrong.

Edit: Page 59 sniped like a biatch
Sup peoples. I ran across this thread while looking for new bands to check out so I thought I'd join up to get some recommendations.
I've been getting into the slam/brutal/deathcore lately.
I've been a fan of hardcore for over 15 years and have always listened to a bit of death/grind/gore here and there. I found most of it boring. I'm not a fan of nonstop wall of sound 100mph the whole way through the song stuff. Or really technical, all over the guitar stuff. So when I happened to come across some of this style of music in this convo a few years ago I was hooked. Metalcore was never hard enough, death metal was just not catchy enough. At least the bands I was listening to. Basically if it doesn't have breakdowns it it,,,I don't listen to it. Also if it has solo's I turn it off. Just my opinion.
I'm not some myspace teenager going through a phase. I've been a fan of metal and it's variations since the late 80's.

Anyways I'm looking for some new shit I may not of heard about.
Looking for some slam/groove with some pig squeals basically. Big fan of waking the cadaver, misericordiam (great deathcore pig squeals), katalepsy, the day everything became nothing, carnifex. I could go on all night.

I've been really digging the Inhuman dissiliency songs off the digested flesh split. Really like "succumbed by dissolution" song. Hard to find that kind of style in this music. Everything just flows and the vocals are sick in sound and how they move with the music. The first song on the newer "wormed" album has some similiar flow in parts.
I'm not really feeling Inhuman dissiliency's other releases though. The songs on the vomitous split just didn't do it for me. Maybe it was just the production.
So what's up? Give me some suggestions that'll kick my ass.

For all you breakdown fans check out "the faceless - Leica" song. One of the best breakdowns I've heard recently(about 2:55 mark). The rest of the song sucks though lol. Love what they did with the bass drum. Of course any "bury your dead" song has sick breakdowns. May not appeal to you guys though.
Anyways i'm on SLSK also. I tried to get in contact with VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV guy but you were afk. My name is the same as it is here. Holdin about 16k all different genres. Even bob dylan whats up.