Brutal/Slam Death Metal

The closest thing I can really think of is Saprogenic - The Wet Sound of Flesh on Concrete. The tone is very dark and evil. Mainly tremolo riffs, but there are slammy breakdowns. It's a great fucking unique album!

Good rec. The guitar tone is more polished than that of Swedish OSDM, but the music is ace. Killer shit, both of their albums.
New CD of Poppy Seed Grinder will propably be out in the beginning of summer. Here are two new songs to listen to.
What do you think about the songs? I find them very good. I think I'll visit their show 6.3. if some of my friends or some bitch goes with me.
Yeah, the new songs are more varied sounding which is both good and bad; I guess I will have to adapt to PSG becoming more typically slammy, but it's good to see they haven't thrown all their old style away. Catchy!
Takes from Slam-Minded's Myspace:

Guttural vocals, slam breakdowns, groove, pinch harmonics, insane bass drops, blasting drumming...all components of brutal death,

Slams are rhythmic palm muted/semi-muted riffs which are mainly percussive and usually do not serve much of a melodic purpose. However, the best slam bands nowadays also throw in a bit of melody/different riff structures than just pure slam. Still, PURE slam riff-based death metal can be done amazingly.
So, would slam actually count as death metal? It seems to me that death metal has a certain basis in dark/Satanic imagery that wouldn't be nearly as much of a focus in slam metal.
Are you kidding...? Are Exhumed, Aborted, etc. not death metal now because they have gore lyrics? What are you talking about? Slam death is a style of death metal; it retains the rhythmic intensity, non-linear song structures and general playing style of death metal, instead taking it to the extreme of heavy groove combined with low-pitched, guttural vocals and often some other extra components. I don't see the argument at all.

Imagery means nothing; music means everything.
Uh, I wasn't trying to debate at all. I was asking a question because I know very little about slam death. And now you've answered it. We cool now? :)
Yes. :) Sorry for getting uppity. It's just that I wish people would listen and make educated judgments before making weird and incorrect claims. We have plenty of links to slam death bands; familiarize yourself!
Even though it is shameless self-promotion, go here and bookmark it. In case you somehow don't know, this blog is run by Nick (cookiecutter) and I. The bottom has links for any upcoming slam fan. Enjoy.
Yes. :) Sorry for getting uppity. It's just that I wish people would listen and make educated judgments before making weird and incorrect claims. We have plenty of links to slam death bands; familiarize yourself!

Yeah... I would, but it's not often that I'm in the mood for loud, chaotic music - especially if it's something I haven't heard before, and am not likely to enjoy. Plus, it's more fun just to sit around making annoyingly ignorant comments.
Yeah... I would, but it's not often that I'm in the mood for loud, chaotic music - especially if it's something I haven't heard before, and am not likely to enjoy. Plus, it's more fun just to sit around making annoyingly ignorant comments.

Slam can be pretty non-chaotic sometimes...check out some stuff from the new Abominable Putridity on is on the bottom of the main Slam-Minded page. It is usually pretty "chill" for slam death, which is cool. It can be kind of blasty, but it never gets spastic or chaotic.