Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Really!? I find both Being Killed and Pathology to be tight and catchy bands that fill my needs for brutal death.

Also, is Guttural Engorgement any good?
Did you really? Sorry, I forgot. Fuck Digested Flesh is amazing. Being Killed and Pathology are really good but brutal death metal is far from my thing.
Anyone a fan of Flesh Consumed? I just heard their first full length, "Mutilate, Eviscerate, Decapitate" today and liked it quite a bit. The production is nice, and quite heavy, and there are many blasty sections that put off a somewhat technical vibe.
I'm horrible at comparing bands to other bands, but if I had to make a comparison, I would say maybe a little Infernal Revulsion with crisper production and a bit less brutal, but slightly more technical.
I just got Devourment's '1.3.8.' and 'Butcher The Weak' yesterday, and they are both pretty amazing, particularly the latter. Yes, I realize I'm very late to the party.

"I just saw Heat yesterday."
"That movie came out like twelve years ago."
"Yeah but I want to talk about it now."
Devourment is pretty much worthless other than their hilarious lyrics and insane vocals. The riffs arent even riffs...just random chugs.

Gorgasm is probably my favorite brutal death band. Highly recommended.

And i fuckin love dying fetus. Gotta love those random sweeps in the riffs.
Devourment riffs are definitely NOT "random chugs", and I suggest you give them more chances before writing them off. Or at least go listen to clone bands who often seem to have better production than Devourment. For instance, listen to Abominable Putridity.

Gorgasm and DF are OK in my book though.
I dunno. I can probably count on one hand an instance where they use a fret higher than the 3rd fret on the low E string....(probably the low F string, since they tune so low).

Also, I havent written them off. They're fun to listen to for a few laughs every now and then. But I like music with a bit more substance and variety. Not just pig squeals and chugs all the time, with the odd gravity blast and open E tremelo picking.
It's not about how technically good they are, especially in a genre such as slam/brutal death, which usually includes lots of primitive sounds and rhythms. They're not that funny at all, besides the lyrics. The music is pretty convincingly "brutal" and so far no slam band has written a better song than Babykiller or Postmortal Coprophagia.