Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I've heard a lot of people talk about Wormed, so I decided to check them out, because they sound like something I would enjoy.
I have to say that they have a chance to be one of my favorite bands. I think I'll check out Devourment next.
I've heard a lot of people talk about Wormed, so I decided to check them out, because they sound like something I would enjoy.
I have to say that they have a chance to be one of my favorite bands. I think I'll check out Devourment next.
Wormed is somewhat unique but they are not a huge departure from most slam death. I would suggest you also check out Goretrade, Cenotaph (Tur) and Malignancy. Not terribly similar but all I think a little more "intelligent" so to speak than your average guttural slam.
I dont consider devourment to be very heavy at all. They just lack the intensity that other death bands have. Suffocation, Gorgasm, Bolt Thrower, Cannibal Corpse, Dying Fetus...all heavier than Devourment IMO. And these are strictly death metal bands.

But my opinion of heavy isnt "low" stuff. Its intense, fast, brutal and has lots of emotion and aggression.
When I think of heavy I think of slow/mid-paced, crushing and HEAVY, definitely, so to me Devourment is pretty fucking heavy. The way they compose their songs makes heaviness a #1 priority tbh.

But your opinion on this is just as valid as mine; I wouldn't let what I (or CC) say deter you from getting into slam/brutal stuff more (you already like some bands, though not really the Devourment-style stuff I guess).
Here's a new band from Malaysia. They may be new but they're awesome! Check em' out!

Hey, not too bad. Drums have a crap muffled sound but the riffs I can pick out are really cool and almost Californian sounding. Nice!
Devourment will Butcher the Weak, Incarcerate will Butcher the Rest!

they sound pretty good. I would agree with V5 about the CADM influence. Maybe also the slammier parts of Defeated Sanity and Malignancy. I like how the vocalist sounds like he is above you
Does this kind of music get really old really fast to anyone besides me? ... I mean... at first its pretty awesome... with the fucked up voices and whatever... but it starts to bore me after 2 or 3 listens through... kind of like grind. It just cant hold my attention like most metal.
Not dissing it or anything though... just the genre itself reminds me of grind. Then again I can listen to Mortician for hours at a time... and over 50% of their songs sound exactly the same after the movie soundbyte (if there is one)so I guess I dont have much room to talk.
The genre doesn't have much in common with grind which seems to be a common misconception. There is a fair amount of overlap, but you could say that about death and black metal which are probably more similar than grind and brutal death. I think I understand what you mean though when you say it is like grind here.
Fair enough... and atleast there is structure to the songs... I actually listened to Devourment for a while and liked them. Grind in general just annoys me though... hey lets all just randomly play everything and you scream and we'll pitchshift to where you sound like a jackass bullfrog (Negligent Collateral Collapse or Cock and Ball Torture come to mind) for 60 seconds.... put 30 of them on an album and someone will buy it. >_> That I dont like.
Fair enough... and atleast there is structure to the songs... I actually listened to Devourment for a while and liked them. Grind in general just annoys me though... hey lets all just randomly play everything and you scream and we'll pitchshift to where you sound like a jackass bullfrog (Negligent Collateral Collapse or Cock and Ball Torture come to mind) for 60 seconds.... put 30 of them on an album and someone will buy it. >_> That I dont like.

Holy shit... you use more dot dot dots (...) than I do.