Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Fair enough... and atleast there is structure to the songs... I actually listened to Devourment for a while and liked them. Grind in general just annoys me though... hey lets all just randomly play everything and you scream and we'll pitchshift to where you sound like a jackass bullfrog (Negligent Collateral Collapse or Cock and Ball Torture come to mind) for 60 seconds.... put 30 of them on an album and someone will buy it. >_> That I dont like.
Whatever, I don't think what you are saying is that far off from the truth, but that is appealing to some people including me occasionally.
Let's keep that out of this thread.

Alter, you might like Flesh Consumed, I wrote a review of them on S-M the other day.

In future news, we should have an intie with Barrett (Sevared Records mastermind) up soon!
Thinking that people are going to keep ignorant comments to theirselves on a message board is more ignorant than anything they could of said. >_>

It's not much to ask tbh. I have no problem with people bashing things constructively but when they say things that are indicative of them having no idea what they're talking about, it bugs me.
When I think of heavy I think of slow/mid-paced, crushing and HEAVY, definitely, so to me Devourment is pretty fucking heavy. The way they compose their songs makes heaviness a #1 priority tbh.

But your opinion on this is just as valid as mine; I wouldn't let what I (or CC) say deter you from getting into slam/brutal stuff more (you already like some bands, though not really the Devourment-style stuff I guess).

Yeah, I like some of the faster paced stuff that still retains the chug riffs that sound great...Suffocation (Listen to the 2:50 mark in the song Leige of Inveracity), Gorgasm, Dying Fetus.

It's all about opinion.
I just listened to Saprogenic. I'll admit it's pretty interesting with the old school-style "evil" guitar tone but the vocals and drums ruin it for me. That's one of the major slam death set-backs for me. :p
Yeah the drums are the worst part imo, totally overdone double bass. The second album has a much more reigned-in vocal and drum performance but it sadly comes at the cost of most of the unique guitar riffs! NOES!
Alter, you might like Flesh Consumed, I wrote a review of them on S-M the other day.

I am really digging this. Correct me if I am hearing this wrong, but it sounds like old school Suffocation meets modern brutal death. Something I rarely hear. An ode to the old school style.
It sounds like technical slam, basically. Very techy California in style (Odious Mortem, new Decrepit Birth kinda shit?) with some of the Suffo-isms you mentioned.
I got a bunch of stuff at the Underground Alliance show in Tampa yesterday that ya'll would probably appreciate:

Corpse Carving - Grotesque Goratorium - Disemboweled Gorific Feast
Embryonic Devourment - Fear Of Reality Exceeds Fantasy
Infernal Revulsion - Devastate Under Hallucination
Insidious Decrepancy - The Inerrancy Of Profanation (plus more copies to resell)
Insidious Decrepancy - Texas Tormenting Tokyo 2005
Saprogenic - The Wet Sound Of Flesh On Concrete
Sexcrement - Genitales From The Porno Potty
Viral Load - Hillbilly Whore Hackin' Revival (Rerelease)

Plus I picked up an Insidious Decrepancy - Extirpating Omniscient Certitude t-shirt and a poster too. Spent way too much goddamn money.
Pretty much all of that is fucking awesome. Good job Noah.

The deals I got were pretty amazing too. Since I:rofl:x dropped off the tour, he left a few things in the van so they could recoup some costs, so all that stuff was really cheap. For 4 copies of Inerrancy, one of the DVD, the shirt, the poster, and the Viral Load CD, it was $50. I traded a copy of each of my releases for the Embryonic and Sexcrement, and the remaining three were just $10 each. Awesome deal.

This feels sort of weird for me, since the local scene is so dominated by these guys (there's approximately one in a hundred death metal shows down here that they aren't on), but I have a central Florida brutal death band that you guys may be interested in. Nailshitter, they're from Orlando, and they play pretty straightforward brutal/technical death stuff. If you've heard of them, my bad; I don't really know how far they've gotten outside our little scene, though their EP was released on a subsidiary of Brutal Bands.


I like them on record, but they're better live.
Nailshitter is not amused