Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Extermination Dismemberment : Awesome shit, crazy thick sounding production, extremely punishing fucking gain just the way it should be, as a bigger fan of slam than more technical/brutal stuff I would say this is the former, pretty much all out slam, the drums are actually really awesome and the vocals are like the ones in Euphoric Defilement, kinda deep in the mix but also guttural as fuck, the song posted (twice) gets better by the end too IMO.

Orgiastic Rebirth : Also awesome, very brutal with tons of slams, I really like the vocalist, so fucking low haha. The production has the same uber brutal gain and edge, this one isn't a complete slam fest but the slams in it are fucking awesome.

Bacteremia : Probably the most brutal, pretty much the same as the other bands otherwise :lol: not as much slams.

Splattered Orgasm : I don't like the production TBH, sounds to smooth/polished but the music is good, reminds me of old school BDM.

I'm too lazy to look for links for the bands just posted with album covers right now, ill check em out probably after dinner :Shedevil:




Fuck yes.
Anyone ever noticed how many slam/bdm/death albums start out with the "flies around dead shit" SFX? Not complaining, it works, but damn it happens a lot.
Just got an album by Repulsive Dissection, which I think is pretty cool, especially for the technical side of brutal death, which is usually not my thing.
My guess is Effigy would dig it.

Really cool Demilich vocals and some fine higher grindcore/fry vocals interspersed.

I had that album once, I grew really tired of it. Always gave me a headache.

One of the best guitar tones I've ever heard, just FUCK! If they get a better vocalist and release a album with the same guitar sound I would shit a skyscraper out of my ass.

This I really like for what you pointed out; the guitar tone is evil. I always liked the slow chugging slam bands that you can groove to.
New rule, re: Tramatomy. If you're releasing an EP that's just over 11 minutes long, you don't get to have a minute and a half long intro. I shouldn't be listening to something that's as long as a Spongebob cartoon and going "okay guys, quit stretching this shit out".
Anyone have an idea what the new Vulvectomy is tuned to? One of the comments made me realize it doesn't sound like the regular Drop A that 90% of these bands seem to use.

This is actually really good, the sound is actually pretty similar to old school Dying Fetus, this might actually be in my top 5 BDM albums so far.
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Anyone have an idea what the new Vulvectomy is tuned to? One of the comments made me realize it doesn't sound like the regular Drop A that 90% of these bands seem to use.

Haven't thought about it, but I have learned that most bands will tell you if you ask them on Facebook. 7 H. Target, Aeon, and some others have given me their current tunings in recent months.
Haven't thought about it, but I have learned that most bands will tell you if you ask them on Facebook. 7 H. Target, Aeon, and some others have given me their current tunings in recent months.

I found out already, I kept trying to jam with the music for the entire album and it definitely is in C# standard (for anyone who doesn't know, that's what Dying Fetus and Suffocation use)

I guess they worried more about the guitar tone being brutal than the tuning, unlike Abominable Putridity and Pathology who both tune to Drop A and have a much smoother/polished kind of sound.

And i'm 90% sure the Total Despair album is tuned to C# too, I had my guitar set for Drop A with 13-62 strings and now that i'm at C# my fingers are probably double the size from blisters :lol: