Brutal/Slam Death Metal

i know i worded that post horribly, the slamming is sick and the album is good but what really makes or breaks a lot of stuff for me is the wall of sound production in brutal death metal. degrade, strapping young lad (not bdm but that wall of sound) aborted etc is what does it for me and is what is lacking on a lot of the albums/bands i hear. i guess i was using that example in that its a good album and is sick yeah but it just doesn't hit me really hard like the new skinless does if that makes more sense.

I have to agree with you here, when I want to listen to brutal death metal, I really need a good production and not a thin and low production.
Take Degrade, when I listen to that it's just as if the band is alive. The sound is so great and heavy.
When I want a weak production I will listen to 80's metal ;) (nothing wrong with that though :) )

Body: Anyone in or around the Boston area that can help us get a show for Saturday August 16 would be greatly fucken appreciated! We need this show set up with us, Malignancy and Sexcrement. Josh from Sexcrement is working on it as well so you can contact him through Sexcrement's page, or me on this page. Any help would be massively appreciated.

Hit me up if you can help out, thanks!
Mike "
My loins are quivering
so i know i'm a total leech here but again if anyone could recommend me something with really good crushing production like degrade, new skinless album, aborted's goremageddon etc i would realllyyy appreciate it. that kind of production along with pure slamming heavy attacking riffs just fucking rules but i don't know where to start to look for these bands since i haven't found that many with the good production like that while being good.
so i know i'm a total leech here but again if anyone could recommend me something with really good crushing production like degrade, new skinless album, aborted's goremageddon etc i would realllyyy appreciate it. that kind of production along with pure slamming heavy attacking riffs just fucking rules but i don't know where to start to look for these bands since i haven't found that many with the good production like that while being good.

Abominable Putridity - In The End Of Human Existence
The Katalepsy part of the Katalepsy/Fleshrot/Blunt Force Trauma split
The Ingested part of the Crepitation/Kastrated/Ingested "North-West Slam-Fest" split
My loins are quivering

They have a giant show coming up in New York with Malignancy and Macabre, if you're interested in traveling there... which brings me to the only reason I logged in today...

I just want you all to know that in approximately 9 hours I will be attending the Devourment concert... If I am killed or maimed in said pit, know that my life was complete and you may pull the plug.

Body: Anyone in or around the Boston area that can help us get a show for Saturday August 16 would be greatly fucken appreciated! We need this show set up with us, Malignancy and Sexcrement. Josh from Sexcrement is working on it as well so you can contact him through Sexcrement's page, or me on this page. Any help would be massively appreciated.

Hit me up if you can help out, thanks!
Mike "

I'd go.
so i know i'm a total leech here but again if anyone could recommend me something with really good crushing production like degrade, new skinless album, aborted's goremageddon etc i would realllyyy appreciate it. that kind of production along with pure slamming heavy attacking riffs just fucking rules but i don't know where to start to look for these bands since i haven't found that many with the good production like that while being good.

Have you already heared Benighted - Icon? They also good a very good production and it's is also a very great and sick band! Check it out!

I lately heared Despondency - God on Acid, also a great album, but I found the production a bit soft, but it isn't to bad either. I realy enjoyed listing to it. Live this band also kicks ass!
Have you already heared Benighted - Icon? They also good a very good production and it's is also a very great and sick band! Check it out!

I lately heared Despondency - God on Acid, also a great album, but I found the production a bit soft, but it isn't to bad either. I realy enjoyed listing to it. Live this band also kicks ass!

yeah i've heard benighted, i really dig them.
any1 know deamon, a fucking devastating Canadian band. man i don't care they're slam or not but they are a crushing brutal death metal. n they're album is amazing. i recommend u all to check them out asap.
I've seen the term 'fast slam' mentioned a few times, but what would some ones other than Defeated Sanity be? I absolutely love them.
When I think of fast slam I think of bands like Abysmal Torment, Decaying Purity and Amputated Genitals. Nothing too much like Defeat Sanity, beyond having a similar tempo. Embryonic Depravity are a lot like Defeated Sanity
Hey, you two guys, I've noticed you both bought the new PSG so I'm waiting for a review. It's absolute priority now ok? - :p