Brutal/Slam Death Metal

AmpGen is awesome, Pus Vomit is awesome, Egemony is average-to-slightly-above-average (better than Infinite Defilement at times, worse than, say, Insidious Decrepancy), Asphyxiate is solid (listening now, too).
Thanks for the tips Cookiecutter and Malice13231!! I havent checked Pathologically Explicit, Grindethic, Mutilated, and Nice to Eat You Records yet, but I will soon. I know Sevared (never ordered) and Comatose (ordered last week, currently waiting for 8 cds!). Comatose's service was excelent and fast. Here in Finland we have only one distro (works as a label too) that is selling BDM. Its not expensive, but has a very small catalogue at the moment.
Thanks for the tips Cookiecutter and Malice13231!! I havent checked Pathologically Explicit, Grindethic, Mutilated, and Nice to Eat You Records yet, but I will soon. I know Sevared (never ordered) and Comatose (ordered last week, currently waiting for 8 cds!). Comatose's service was excelent and fast. Here in Finland we have only one distro (works as a label too) that is selling BDM. Its not expensive, but has a very small catalogue at the moment.

If you're looking for an European distro for heavy music then you might try Obscene records distro. They ship a lot of Sevared and Permeated (also Razorback and others) and they have a huge grind catalogue too. However, some of the brutal/slam essentials are still missing, like the latest Human Mincer or Inveracity (i.e. the best). Anyways, I've ordered many times there and it always went completely alright. Rec'd.
AmpGen is awesome, Pus Vomit is awesome, Egemony is average-to-slightly-above-average (better than Infinite Defilement at times, worse than, say, Insidious Decrepancy), Asphyxiate is solid (listening now, too).

I'd agree, except i'd switch Egemony with Asphyxiate. Egemony bored me a little. I'd take Infinite Defilement over Egemony, tbh.

EDIT: I'm listening to Egemony again, and I changed my mind. The first couple tracks are lacking but once 'Law of Karmic Retribution' starts, I'm hooked.
infinite defilement bored me the first time i listened. i think ill giv it another shot...and the egemony cd is pretty sick.
AmpGen is awesome, Pus Vomit is awesome, Egemony is average-to-slightly-above-average (better than Infinite Defilement at times, worse than, say, Insidious Decrepancy), Asphyxiate is solid (listening now, too).
Thanks for the info. I'll have to check those out.

Extirpating The Infected - Vaginal Saw Entorturement MCD
Out Now


Vomitous - Surgical Abominations Of Disfigurement MCD
Out in October


Vulvectomy - T.B.A.
Out Winter 2009


Hideous Deformity - Defoulment Of Human Purity
Out in 2009
Extirpating The Infected - Vaginal Saw Entorturement MCD + Vulvectomy - T.B.A. -> damn, those covers are sick!! :D
That's fucking weird. My prog/power friend likes Krallice. For no reason. They're like the only extreme band he likes. It's disturbing.

In other news, Barrett just randomly released the new Sepsism album after 6 years of silence from them...pretty good if generic band, wonder if they've changed at all. Extirpating the Infected is out too, as is the new Yogth-Sothoth EP + demo CD.