Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Devourment: founding members return after 10 years of silence to form MESHIHA!

Guitarist: Brian Wynn, Drummer: Brad Fincher and Vocals: Kevin Clark, have returned as MESHIHA in 2009! Many are aware that they were the creative force behind the 1999 release "Molesting the Decapitated" and the latter re-release "138" Check out thier video as they are currently writing for their NEW project MESHIHA!

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Colonize The Rotting - T.B.A. mCD
(Out Early 2010 on Sevared Records)

Holy shit!!!!!!! Debut release of one of the best bands I've heard in years. Ultra Brutal Ultra Guttural, Tech, Slam, Blasting Death Metal!! Featuring former drummer from Flesh Consumed. Try to imagine a mix between Disgorge (US, w/ Matti Way on vox), with some Flesh Consumed, and a dash of Cephalotripsy, Devourment, and you will have a good idea of what this amazing band sounds like. A MUST HAVE!!! And also a full lenght CD to follow!!
Where do you get those?

It's a store on myspace... but the myspace is inactive. You have to follow the email account to get ahold of the guy in charge. (yes, I dig pretty hard... I found the place on Jewski's myspace, I believe.)

I'll point you in their direction a little later. I dont have it saved on this computer.
Can someone recommend some slam/bdm with a considerable degree of melody? I don't necessary mean super-polished Gothenburgy stuff, just something that's not played on the first five frets of the two lowest strings. I realized that one of the things that turns me off the most about Devourment is that there's virtually no variety in pitch, just alternation between shitty clusterfucks of blasting and chug-chug stuff on the bottom strings; after a half hour this becomes incredibly irritating.
It's a store on myspace... but the myspace is inactive. You have to follow the email account to get ahold of the guy in charge. (yes, I dig pretty hard... I found the place on Jewski's myspace, I believe.)

I'll point you in their direction a little later. I dont have it saved on this computer. got me a respone pretty quick.