Bugera 333xl Troubleshooting?

Ok, I'll try to find a fan tomorrow and try it out.
BUT I did come across this (you may have seen the comment on my yt video about someone suggesting it was a switch regulator heating up)- http://acapella.harmony-central.com/showthread.php?2619108-Bugera-Channel-Switching-Fix
It seems like their problem is overheating aswell, and even though the guy on youtube said it only caused problems when the footswitch was connected, I think this may still solve my problem. Dunno yet though. I'll try and isolate the problem to it either being a heat problem or not, and if it is, I'll go this route and see what comes of it (unless anyone on here has any other ideas.)
I have been having the exact same problem with my Bugera 333xl. It will work fine, until ive been playing through it for an hour and a half to two ours or so, and then it will start making that sound and switch channels. Its been at a friends house for awhile, so I havent been using it as much, and I have been meaning to take it to a local shop and see if they can help me, as this is my first tube amp Ive ever had, and I wouldnt feel comfortable messing around inside of it as I know absolutely nothing about electronics and amps and such. But I have only had mine for a couple months nw, and it has been doing this since like three or four weeks or so after I got it.