Build a supergroup for your favorite genres

Nah, you can be proficient, you just can't ever instrumentwank.

well at least this one actually applies to me unlike most of your criteria. i'm curious to hear what you think is (ever) appealing about instrumental masturbation actually. it kinda goes against my approach to all artforms and probably my entire personality honestly.
Instrumentwank is a relative thing obvs, but the general trend would be that artists preferred by the UltimateGuitar crowd or the average nerd that worships Tool and Dream Theater would be disfavored by the in-crowd.
so you're implicitly saying that these bands are too similar to certain albums from the in-crowd canon for this to simply be a matter of taste? idk maybe. i suspect if you named a list of bands from that crowd most of us would have a mixed bag of opinions though. i'm prone toward praising scorned mainstream shit and shitting on beloved staples myself, hence why getting namedropped as the banner figure of this so-called movement automatically makes me dubious about the legitimacy of the whole thing. i don't even like sabbat (uk) or heathen much, you should pretty much be high fiving me m8
I don't think that you'd be the poster child for the in-crowd by any means. There is one obvious choice and the fact that he doesn't post here anymore actually reinforces that. This of course only being true if HBB is right and not speaking out of bias. ;)
so you're implicitly saying that these bands are too similar to certain albums from the in-crowd canon for this to simply be a matter of taste? idk maybe. i suspect if you named a list of bands from that crowd most of us would have a mixed bag of opinions though. i'm prone toward praising scorned mainstream shit and shitting on beloved staples myself, hence why getting namedropped as the banner figure of this so-called movement automatically makes me dubious about the legitimacy of the whole thing. i don't even like sabbat (uk) or heathen much, you should pretty much be high fiving me m8

Yeah, basically. I might consider making some kind of poll to address this. There's no reason a Heathen fan should call Testament generic, there's no reason a Fates Warning fan should dismiss early Queensryche, it's laughable that there are many that praise 90s Virgin Steele and hate Manowar, etc. The in-crowd effect can be observed at least somewhat in that "list of greatest bands" game/thread thing a few years back.

You're like an archbishop or some shit btw, not the king or queen. Phylactery is your altar boy.
Pretty sure I have more in common with Slayed Necros than Old Wainds, other than his hate for Agalloch. There's also Funerary Doom who has introduced to me to 3-4 new bands through the Mixtape game. Is she in the in crowd? Then there is DwellerintheDark who likes a lot of the same black metal.
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not that anyone was asking but pompey and david are probs the closest to me taste-wise. a main reason i continue to post here is that my tastes overlap with lots of you though. contrary to what hbb seems to think, i actually believe the balance in this community between like-mindedness and idiosyncrasy is about right, and there's no one that's just a clone of anybody else.
Duh, I'm a clone of you because we both rate The Chasm, Sacramentum, At the Gates and Slayer among the all-time best! It doesn't matter that nearly everyone here also highly rates most of those things. HBB is actually the only one I've seen post about his dislike for The Chasm.
I can see clear differences between all of the people who seem to be the core members of the in-crowd on this site. There are some overlapping tastes, but everyone has clear preferences that make them distinct to the others.