Building a computer..

Well don't install it if you've got a computer which can't handle it

My computer could handle it just fine. It ran well with Vista, but it ran exceptionally with XP.

Turn off User Account Control, like I did within the first 10 minutes of getting my new laptop.

I didn't notice that option until after half a year of using Vista, sadly.
my vista is fine.

Vista is a bitch. I had it for a year or so on my laptop before I installed XP instead My main issue with it isn't the bugs, but rather that it slows down most computers a lot, the low compatibility, and of course...

You are trying to perform an operation that will most definitely not cause any harm to your system at all. Are you sure you want to perform this operation?
Windows has detected that you are about to perform an operation that will most definitely not cause any harm to your system at all. Please confirm that you are sure you want to perform this operation.
you can turn that off, if you havent already.