Building My Box


 Certified iPod Trainer
Jan 22, 2007
Baton Rouge, La.
This is probably gonna seem like a boring topic - since there are other threads that completely destroy what I am about to do.
[à la Eddy's Studio Build]
But - I still wanted to share it with somebody - seeing as I have no friends who give two squirts of piss about this type of thing.

My wife is evicting me. Well ... that might be a little harsh ... but she is strongly encouraging me to get my humble setup out of the house.
So I am gonna move my stuff into our utility room.

The only problem(s) are:
* very small space
* no insulation
* I have no money for this type of thing
* puny amount of equipment that I have doesn't warrant a space of its own
* I'm disabled, which means I will have to pay somebody, or ask family to
help out with this "deconstruction"

So, when given a bag of lemons, you make lemonade, right?
Yeah ... "and then that lemonade turns bitter, ferments and turns to pigswill"

The space is small. Really small. Like - a little larger than a jail cell.
20' (L) x 8' (W) x 9' (H)

Since the space is so small - nobody wanted to come out and give me some styrofoam insulation in the wall cavity.
I wanted styrofoam because I like the thought of being inside an ice chest when it's hotter than hell outside!
But apparently - due to my small size - nobody around here wanted to give Ol' Uncle Scott the blow job.
The (2) companies I spoke to said I just wasn't big enough for their efforts.
Fucker heads. How dare they tell me I'm too small. Don't they know that shit scars a man for life. Why's it always come down to size?? Doesn't my passion count for anything?!!!

So that means I'm gonna have to go with the regular stuff, I guess.

Next thing is the money factor. I have none. I haven't been able to work for apprx six yrs. Long story. The short version is this: five "operations" on my back; and probably half a dozen "procedures" done on my back, legs, and nerves (which are shot, by the way). I walk like the fuggin' Hunchback of Notre-Dame. I'm not much prettier, either! But I have to use a cane to get around. I need to paint some flames or something on the side of my cane ... or get one of those kewl ones that have a dagger "hidden" in the handle. Whoa! I'd give new meaning to "crip with an attitude"

But I digress.

So now I am wondering: should I even go through with this pain in the ass project? I only have a couple of things to put in the "Box." And that shit isn't even kewl enough to talk about.

You're fuggin right I'm gonna go through with it.
Fuck the nay-sayers!!!!!! And fuck my conscience, too!

So the small project begins.
(more to come in a moment - gotta go play Daddy for a bit)
Take care

So to meters your size is 6 (l) x 2.4 (w) x 2.7 (h)....
I think that isn't a bad size at all, I could think of even worse spaces!
If I can suggest have a look at the container build thread a couple of days know what..just check out the links here:
You've got a space that's pretty much the same as a container size..

If you haven't got the budget immediatelly, just try to do it slowely and put it together in a pace that you can afford.
It's easy and fairly cheap to make your own traps & that also shouldn't be the problem.

Good luck with the project, and keep us up-to-date!
Just made this one, hope it helps. Each square in the picture is 10x10 cm IRL

Very kind of you to post those links. I appreciate it very much.

But .... the damage has already started.
In addition - I have already bought my desk ... and now I feel like a schmuck!

So where were we?
Oh yeah .. I had to change some poo-poo diapers, but now I'm back.

On with the deconstruction:






So I let my two oldest sons take a proverbial whack at things.
I meant for them to remove my old Peavey Chorus 212 .... but that didn't happen.
No biggy. The pots already needed a change ... in addition to some other things. Guess you could say it's collecting dust.

As opposed to getting the standard pink fluffy stuff for my wall cavities - I decided to geaux with Johns Manville R-15


I know it isn't going to make any real difference with regards to me hearing what's going on outside, and folks hearing what I'm doin' on the inside ... but at least there will be some insulation where there was none before.

Considering I'm probably not going to be recording any live instruments in here any time soon, this will suffice for now. But there are some other goodies that I need to take pics of ... for the Low End GAS folks out there.

My brother is coming over in a bit (I hope) to finish the job my boys started.
I'm gonna be checking out some drywall later on today.
So I will follow up for anybody who gives a hoot.

Take care, and thanks for reading!

You go man!
You should totally do this, if for nothing else than the experience.
Sure it'll never be like Eddys studio or anything that size, but done correctly and you should end up with a result that is much better than the average bedroom most people around here have to deal with.
I will make sure to follow this closely and I wish you lots of luck!
You fuggin' rawk!
Thanks for the words of encouragement!

damn ... I keep looking at those pics from John Sayers.
Now it's got me thinking .....

It's not much of an update - but my brother came through for me.
He managed to complete the drywall removal & even swept up for me (I'm easily impressed).
So here are some more boring pics of the "Box" minus the old drywall:





Like I said - not much of an update - but when you consider that I can't do any of this shit by myself, it's a lot of much-appreciated-effort.
Anyhoo. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Be back soon.
Take care

Keep at it Scott! We know you've got heaps of spirit, we've watched your videos, they rawk!!!. Don't let the turkeys get you down, hang in there, chip away at it, you're making progress, you will get there!
My advice...if you want to help with sound proof, first put gypsum board between the studs right agains the current walls. So then on top of that (also between the studs) the insulation. Make sure that when you have applied your layer of gypsum you caulk every corner, side, screw placement etc.etc....
@ abt: too kind, Sir. Thank you for the words of encouragement. Thank you very much.

@ Funky Animal: I may very well give that a shot. When you say "first put gypsum board between the studs right agains the current walls" - are you referring the the inside of the outer wall, and in between the studs? Such as the last picture I posted?
Sorry to seem so ignorant ... but I am just that.

Thanks & take care!

Nah - I don't mind.
I have had some operations on my back. Gotta use a cane to get around - which makes everything else suck ass.
I know there are folks who are worse off than me - and I don't want to give the impression that my situation is as bad as it can get.
"Smile today - because tomorrow could be even worse!"
But that pretty much sums it up.
Thanks for asking, though.
Take care!

No problem man...we can't know everything..we're here to share our knowledge with I'm not a pro-studio-builder, but I've read books, allready build 1, and currently building a 2nd one, learning from my mistakes in the first one...

Here are the normal walls, untreated...I think he did a paintjob for something (the blueish)...

Then after that you need to do this:

Make sure you use acoustic caulk to fill up the edges..
@ Funky Animal: aha! I get it now. Thank you for clearing that up. And, seriously, thanks for all your input. Very good advice.

@ Jarkko Mattheiszen: funny how that works, huh? I'm with you. To a degree - I enjoy watching others do their thing in / on the studio front. I was worried that this would be considered a boring topic / thread due to it's small size, etc. But y'all have really been encouraging. Thanks very much.

Take care!

I think that the fact that it is a small space makes it more interesting in some ways. most of us don't have access to a large space or the funds to treat a large room/facility.
I'm not trying to put any pressure on you here man, but if this turns out cool, there's a good chance that it will inspire lots of other people on this forum.
hey Scott, just noticed that you've been posting more lately.. seemed liked you dropped out for some time. glad you made it back... maybe you were never "gone", but i know it didn't see you around for quite some time, personally.

good luck with the build-out!
@ Jackal_Strain: I hear ya, and that's a great point, too. But I'm afraid that what I will end with is going to be rather generic. I wish it could be said that this build will be unique, and I'm hoping that it will be, but the truth is I'm the cousin of Eeyore - twice removed.
We'll see where it ends up. But again - I gotta say that I really, really appreciate the words of encouragement. Seriously kewl, Sir.

@ Mr Murphy: you rewl! Thanks for the good luck wish, Sir. Hope everything is going well with you. Thanks for taking the time to check out the thread and reply as well.

Y'all take care!
