Building My Box

Thanks very much, Good Sir!
I'm hoping that the insulation hanging process gets started today ... if not tomorrow.
But I will definitely post some more pics.
I really do appreciate your interest.
Take care

Since you have a small room you do need a shit load of treatment!!! So keep that in mind. pics & keep us up to date..

Building threads are awesome to follow. I will need to start my thread soon also....if I only could get the pics of my camera...but it's not here right now.
Right on! Here are some more boring pics.
Not much has happened in the past few days - I've been feeling a little bit ill - and my brother has been working.
But he was able to come over today and hang the insulation for me:




Like I said - not very interesting at all - but I wanted to show it somebody nonetheless!
Might get to hang some drywall tomorrow ... all depends on my brother, I guess.
Thanks for checking out the thread.
Will update soon!
Take care

Rawk'n'Roll, peoples.
So here is the update ...

My shit-cock-fuck-head-ass-munch brother decided to get fucked up at a crawfish boil the other day.
That's the short version.
I had to hire somebody to come out and HANG the drywall - not finish it (because I can't afford that type of work) - JUST hang it.
But ... hey! It's all good. Some of my fellow rednecks decided to hook me up on short notice.
Here are some shots of the drywall which still needs to be floated (or whatever you wanna call it) - but I gotta admit that I am high as a fuggin kite!
I'm pumped up and ready to get in the ring with Mike Fuggin Tyson ... to eat his ear for lunch!!



Thanks for taking the time to check it out. You folks rewl!
Take care & will be back in a bit.

I hear ya, Sir. It's taken me a long time to get where I am, and I consider myself to be very fortunate.
I guess what I'm trying to say is if it's something you put your mind to - that you'll find a way.
I'm startin to sound like Gandalf. So I'll leave it at that!
Thanks very much for taking the time to check out the thread - and for the reply as well.
Hope you take care!

Nice work man! So, insulation is in, gypsum is, now painting..painting..details...details..the most boring stuff..because you have to wait long periods of time to let it try..blablabla..

What are you going to do for treatment?
This looks really good man!
This is a very critical stage and I know it's tempting to rush things to get to the fun parts of the building process, but hang in there and pay attention to every detail and you'll be happy later.
Hey Scott. If you bought 4 of those, you will still need about 8 more ... :/

You might wanna think about making those yourself. Even if you buy all the materials and pay someone a 200 bucks to assemble them, you'd be cheaper off.
Reading this makes me want to do my detached garage...If only I had money, haha. I've got a 24x28 garage that is nothing more than a place we dump our junk and store our lawnmower. My wife keeps telling me I should turn it into a studio, but I know it would cost too much. I wish I knew more about building stuff so I could do it myself...
Hey Scott. If you bought 4 of those, you will still need about 8 more ... :/

You might wanna think about making those yourself. Even if you buy all the materials and pay someone a 200 bucks to assemble them, you'd be cheaper off.

Holy crap! You're right - that'd be a lot of money
I may have to look into doin' just that.
Thanks for the input, good Sir!

Reading this makes me want to do my detached garage...If only I had money, haha. I've got a 24x28 garage that is nothing more than a place we dump our junk and store our lawnmower. My wife keeps telling me I should turn it into a studio, but I know it would cost too much. I wish I knew more about building stuff so I could do it myself...

Fuggin' A!!!! Do it, Nate!! that'd be one hell of a big place (IMHO).
just buy one of those little rubbermaid sheds from Home Depot or something, put your lawnmower, etc out there ... and throw the rest of the stuff away!
If your garage is insulated - you may be one step ahead of the game.
Even if you have to do it one piece at a time - just jump in with both feet!

When my stuff is done - it's (more or less) gonna be a well insulated room with my treatment and equipment (which isn't a lot).
Sure it'll have a security system connected to my main home security - but other than that - that's all I can afford right now.
I can't afford building a nice cabinet to place my monitors, and I can't afford to "sound-proof" the room entirely.
But the way I see it: it's a hell of lot better than where I was before this started ...
not to mention, when I'm making tutorial videos there won't be any children laughing, fighting, or crying in the background either!
But that is just my humble opinion. For what it's worth.
Thanks for the reply!
Take care

Starting to look really nice! Read the documentation of John Sayers, you can learn a lot from it.
Since you have a fairly small room you need lots of treatment. My control room will be about the same size and it will have a load of treatment to prevent standing waves and stuff.
thanks for the input, Sir.
I will do just that ... hopefully gonna start painting in the next day or so.
The color that I picked out will not look much different than the raw drywall ... it's a grey color.
I would've gone black ... if my wife wouldn't have minded!
So I went with grey ... it's still METAL!!!


I think this is the color ... and then my treatment is: off-white / cream type of color.
I was thinking about letting my kids rub their hands in some blood red / crimson type color, and then wiping their hands on the walls ... but I'm still thinking about that one!
Take care
