Bulb/Periphery - New Superior 2.0 Test


Jan 4, 2007
So i have been making some progress on my s2.0 mix, and im really happy with the way this is sounding.
I used a section of the Periphery song "Ow My Feelings!" for the mixtest and since its only that and not a full fledged song or anything i didnt bother to record any of the layers, so just the 2 rhythm tracks, bass and drums. And the drums are actually programmed by Orbo to match the way he actually plays them!

So for the first time, im personally happier with this mix than i am with any of my dfhs mixes, and i plan to keep on working and tweaking it of course, but this will probably be the basis for the Periphery album's mix.

Anyways you can hear it here:

drums are killer, what do you use for bass and guitars? killer as well.
Now that's what I'm talking about! It's too good!

It's too bad I can't personally enjoy this type of music. But I can tell that mix ROCKS!!!
you worked on the kick, huh? The kick is sounding better but I still feel you could get something a little more agressive. You probably know more about this than me already, so... yeah...

I love your snare, dude! and at around 2:04, those guitars sound AMAZING!
well my jaw just dropped. Thats a pretty sweet mix there bulb, definantly improved since the last one. I just cant get over how good you snare sound is.
Is there alot nuendo effects on it? or is this mostly just s2.0?
Kudos to the programming as well!!
Hurry up and get your band to Canada:)
I have to say that it's way over-compressed for my liking. I got a headache about 30 seconds in from all the pumping. Symptomatic of Superior 2, the cymbals are way too isolated also. They just jump around all over the stereo image, rather than sort of flowing across and spilling over. The guitar sound has never been my thing, but that's of course one of the many personal taste things. The separation and the mix fundamentals seem quite good, so it all sounds quite solid together. I'm just glaring at the finer details, I guess.

I'm glad you're happy with it, as long as it gives you a good basis for the album as such.
thanks a lot guys

moonlapse, yeah dude i may have a problem because i LOVE the way the pumping sounds, i know its sort of a love hate thing, and its technically wrong and bad, but i dont know something about it just puts a smile on my face, halp!1

jess.oceans: suprisingly this is done mostly inside superior 2, just a very slight eq and compressor to bring it all together and help it sit nicely, but thanks to the nice open sound it gives (partially due to not having to process it to hell) i can also now get away with using very few plugins on the whole mix!

rex: i know the dfhs kick had more of a metal sound to it, but to tell you the truth i just have so much trouble going back to dfhs mixes because those drums just sound so machine-like in comparison, i really want to work with this mix, its not quite there i know but i feel like im making slow but steady progress and hopefully within the next, oh i dunno, decade i might be happy with the mix haha!
Bulb, can you give us some details on your snare within S2.0? It sounds great. Is it the NirZ snare? Are you enveloping any of the tail off? What's your effects set up & levels on the 3 mics? Do you buss them as well? Thanks for any info!
Bulb, can you give us some details on your snare within S2.0? It sounds great. Is it the NirZ snare? Are you enveloping any of the tail off? What's your effects set up & levels on the 3 mics? Do you buss them as well? Thanks for any info!

im using the gms hasch (sp?) snare, cutting the tail of the snare off just slightly and as for the settings i honestly dont know anymore, i was trying so many different things haha