Bulb/Tesseract snare smack- comp/limiter q?


Aug 29, 2005
Normally I go for a more "organic" drum sound, but I'm looking to get some serious punch for some industrial-flavored tracks. I'm wondering what kind of compressor or limiter settings Bulb, Tesseract et. al use to get the punch they do on their tracks? Is there parallel compression involved? Is much of it a limiter on the master bus? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Not to advocate piracy (or to say I'm doing it :)), but why do you have to be a registered DFH user?
+1 on the parallel comp.

send your snare to a good buss comp, and smash the living daylight out of it...anywhere from 12-20db GR, with a huge ratio. bring this up under the regular snare, and you'll get more smack than layne staley and kurt cobain at a seedy hotel.
If you are a registered DFH user, there was some settings the Meshuggah guys posted up for their drum processing - its sounds EXACTLY like the Tesseract/Fell Silent sound to me.

That would be sweet if someone could post these over settings here....
+1 on the parallel comp.

send your snare to a good buss comp, and smash the living daylight out of it...anywhere from 12-20db GR, with a huge ratio. bring this up under the regular snare, and you'll get more smack than layne staley and kurt cobain at a seedy hotel.

do you guys usually parallel comp each type of drum? or the whole kit

i have been doin the whole kit but im thinkiung that might not work for what im going for

i guess i should do kick, snare, toms, cymbols each on their own bus
do you guys usually parallel comp each type of drum? or the whole kit

i have been doin the whole kit but im thinkiung that might not work for what im going for

i guess i should do kick, snare, toms, cymbols each on their own bus

Usually the whole kit to beefen things a bit overall, and in addition I use another parallel comp just for the snare to smack it all the way to hell and back. Seems it's the only way I get the snare to pop out enough in the mix :)
Usually the whole kit to beefen things a bit overall, and in addition I use another parallel comp just for the snare to smack it all the way to hell and back. Seems it's the only way I get the snare to pop out enough in the mix :)

OK cool

i was trying to get that snare sound in that clip you heard but had no luck with par. comp on the whole kit

if i keep learning at this rate, ill be a pro in a month or two:lol::lol::lol:
do you guys usually parallel comp each type of drum? or the whole kit

i have been doin the whole kit but im thinkiung that might not work for what im going for

i guess i should do kick, snare, toms, cymbols each on their own bus

it depends on whether i'm working with actual acoustic drums, in which case it'll all go to a parallel comp, or whether i'm programming, in which case it'll depend on the samples i'm using
If you are a registered DFH user, there was some settings the Meshuggah guys posted up for their drum processing - its sounds EXACTLY like the Tesseract/Fell Silent sound to me.

I'm a registered DFH user and I can't find those meshuggah settings anywhere on the toontrack site. I can't think of anything else to type in their search thingy. All I could find was a "Sonor of Metal" template.
I'm a registered DFH user and I can't find those meshuggah settings anywhere on the toontrack site. I can't think of anything else to type in their search thingy. All I could find was a "Sonor of Metal" template.

A long time ago I remember downloading a "Licking What You've Bled" zip file, it had screen shots of all the effects, etc. and a .dfh file.

Go to the users download area and look under demos, or project files, or something like that.

I may go try and find it myself.
Cool thanks for the info man.

EDIT: Cool! I found it. Thanks man! "Licking What You've Bled" were the magic words. I guess when I scanned through the demos I was too focused looking for "Meshuggah" That I didn't notice that one of the zip files was named after one of their songs. I'm a doofus. For anyone else out there, the location (assuming you're a registered user and can get into the free downloads area) is extra downloads> superior> demos> LickWhatYouBleed.zip.
Cool thanks for the info man.

EDIT: Cool! I found it. Thanks man! "Licking What You've Bled" were the magic words. I guess when I scanned through the demos I was too focused looking for "Meshuggah" That I didn't notice that one of the zip files was named after one of their songs. I'm a doofus. For anyone else out there, the location (assuming you're a registered user and can get into the free downloads area) is extra downloads> superior> demos> LickWhatYouBleed.zip.

Thank you ! :oops:
