Bullet for my Valentine

EtherForBreakfast said:

I'm one of those dudes who never cared about lyrics or what the fuck the guy was ever saying... I always think of and hear the vocal as another percussive or melodic instrument.

I second that.
EtherForBreakfast said:

I'm one of those dudes who never cared about lyrics or what the fuck the guy was ever saying... I always think of and hear the vocal as another percussive or melodic instrument.

I second that.

I hear your point but there is nothing unique about his voice....to me it sucks.....the melodies are very "stock" (hahaha lars).....
They're cheesy as hell in my opinion, but on the latest issue of Guitar Techniques, there's a fullpage 6505 ad with BFMV listed alongside In Flames, Enslaved and the oh-so-intrepid Ted Nugent. Hope that helps!
Christ the last few months sure brought in a whole slew of fucking hardasses... what the hell's in the water in Dec 05 and on?
Thats exactly what I thought when the song started. The guitars sound alot like Flynn and Co.

HEHE...i'm glad i'm not the only one then...but they actually have some good tunes...and I really don't care where they originate from as long as the music is cool...a bit to soft-ish for me sometime...but I like their attitude.. their doing what they want and don't give a shit what others think of it..so that's cool..
Its not one of those albums that I can sit and listen to every song. Though I was impressed however with the heavy distortion and "old school" metal riffs. Very good grooves on a lot of the songs. I'm not saying they're pioneers or anything, but definatley something different.
NathanSoulfracture said:
its not the fact that they suck, its because they are up their own arses that annoys people.

i wouldnt care if they were up their own arses if they were good and had reason to be. but theyre not.
I just realized that its kind of funny we have given this much attention....obviously they are doind something correct :(
IMHO Bullet are Britians answer to Machinehead. Ive never been a fan of metal for metals sake and it seems like alot of the 'power metal' suff is all very technical and clever but lacks songs either that or theyre just cheesey (again only my opinion). Bullet are able to demonstate there musicainship whilst still writing songs that stay with you.

Note that Im including Wales as part of Britian cos its a band I like. Any other conversation and its nothing to do with my country
HAHA! Wales is part of Britain anyway, and it's great! (So are sheep...).
There are plenty of good bands to come out of South Wales. fewer in the North maybe, but still some decent stuff. I think Bullet are ok. Dint like them to start with but eventually got their album... some good riffs and solos - a really good groovy part in the first song too. their abum has kind of worn-off quite quickly though, so i don't think it'd appeal to people wanting the complexity of most metal in their music.
J the TyranT said:
There's a lot more embarassing things about being welsh than BFMV... I seriously dunno WTF everyone's beef is.. they're Maiden-inspired with a few cheesy choruses... it get SOOO much worse than that out there...

lol J, ur so right. i have been diggin their album, even though on first listen, it sounded like a blatant atreyu rip off, but now that i heard all their riffs and interesting solos, i have to say they are more technically profficient than atreyu, unfortunately they are playing to a fanbase that imo doesn't care too much as long as they flip their hair to the side and wear bitch jeans on stage.

i see it this way. . . if this is pop? then good. i wish we were at the point where everybody accepts metal as the ultimate form of musical expression. its some earth is flat type shit going on but once they discover the power of the metal, there will be no backstreet boys pop, THIS will be the softest it gets on the radio. imagine that? then u flip on the ROCK station and hear some cryptopsy or something. just dreaming. . . but yea. . this band has some ear catching riffs.. thats about it. the vox suk /drums aint bad neither.

i love hearing screaming on a poppy radio station. even if its just one part of an emo song that has a screaming part, i just love the fact that you would NEVER hear that 20 years ago, but now its prevalent in bands such as story of the year, linkin park, silverstein, etc. etc. dont get me wrong though i dont like the bands, i just like the fact that they scream on the radio without melody. :yuk:
Off-topic post alert.

Wales is a beautiful country. I jumped (repeled) off of a huge dam there once. They got some fine lookin' sheep there, too.:D
oh yes, some fiiiiiiine looking sheep indeed. you just need a good pair of wellingtons - the back legs slot in nicely and you're away.

xmidihcx said:
it sounded like a blatant atreyu rip off

urm... i think they're pretty far removed actually, even on first listen.
Well, amidst all the controversy, I decided I should give them a listen, and I've gotta say I like what I hear. Reminds me a little of Atreyu and As I Lay Dying, except better than either of those bands. Some of the songs can start to sound the same after a while, but as far as technique, riffage, and style are concerned (all guitar-wise, of course), they're a really solid band, and they're more exciting to listen to than anything else I've heard from their particular kind of metal/metalcore/screamo/whatever it is. And although the songwriting doesn't vary a whole lot within the album, it too is a cut above most of the other bands in their genre. As far as the singer is concerned, I don't really have a problem with him. I'd compare the vox to Atreyu, except the clean vocalist (who I think is the drummer, correct me if I'm wrong) strikes me as more talented than this guy. The metal vocals are definitely better than Atreyu's, though. And I have no idea what the lyrics are, because my philosophy on that is about the same as EtherForBreakfast's. :p

AND, as always, when you get Colin Richardson and Andy Sneap together on a project, it's pretty rare for it not to sound awesome.
Honestly, I thought the album was mediocre at best. It sounded to me like Atreyu with the singer from Lostprophets and a chorus pedal layed over the whole mix (anyone else hear that, or am I going crazy - sounds like really bad fake doubling to me).