Bush got pwned on tha debate


They All Knew Golgotha...
Feb 20, 2004
I watch bout 2/4'ths of it then i just turned to WOAI
To just listen to the whole thing.
But to the good part.
My family is both Republican and Democrat, well my dad side is all republican
but my mom's side is all Democratic.
My mom gives to the WWF, Sierra club, and local charities monthly.
While my dad gives nothing doesn't do shit.
when my dads's dad died who was a veteran of WW2 Bush sent us a certificate saying he was a veteran, well i know bush is a retard and makes funny faces on accident, but i like the fact he does care about the soldiers and sends out certificates..or if not all presidents had to do that..

Well on my moms side of the family,
My uncle was in Vietnam from mid 60's i forgot.. been a while since i had a talk with him about this.
Well i know the war affected my uncle, and he only told me some of what happened, he was an Radio OP, carried around the 45 pound radio.. Had an M16 of course i'd prefer the M14.. one of his friends, i forgot if he was in his platoon or not, he got sniped near the eye's died. he started to shake when he told me this too when i was aroud 10.. and when we talk to him he acts strange...but he's kool.
my moms dad commited suicide.
but he had an car accident that injured his brain..before
and my granma died early 90's she had ALS.

Then my dads side of the story.
his parents were hardcore (lol)
dad worked at the Texarkana prison from the um...mid 30's to 40's
he retired before he died... my granma babied my dad, and guess what, she still does (lmao) everytime i see her she calls me Stevey
and kool thing after my granpa died my granma was giving my dad and my uncle his weapons, she gave my uncle the pistol, and we got (don't have here, my mom would go berzerk) the shotgun 12G pump action made in the mid 20's.. and my granpa used Solid slug shells..he was real badass.

To the nitty gritty
On my view of politics since i'm 18
after watching both the Democratic and republican conventions
from plain and simple crap. Bush is a dounce, seriously, he makes himself look like an dumbtard on purpose, he started randomly talking out his fucking ranch on the debate, wtf. we know you had DUI's in the past and was bumped into the National Guard (surprisngly) My bro showed me some pics of Bush when he was a young adult, and holy fucking cow.. his head was tilted on his body, the worse factor was his face.. and still is, Kerry's face is psycho he looks fucked up too.. Bush was babied by his dad as of my dad got babied to and still does..

And i noticed Bush is letting these lumberer companies cut down some State Parks, and i asked my dad, he didn't say shit, and i just said "Wow that show you how much Bush cares about our envirornment" and he's letting all the rich people not pay fucking taxes,.. and the fucking oil wells, how the fuck?
I don't really like Kerry nor Bush, fuck it, democracy is too old... and we didn't fucking invent, we Americans use other ideals, look at the light machine gun M249, M1A1 Abram, the uranium armor was part of a european company, the M249 was from an european company and looks somewhat different, i went to go fire on off and the Air Force base here. oh i love it.

well i'm done ranting,
i'm sure some intellectual person will reply and complain in a mature matter saying "how little you know" wouldn't be the first time, and make a big reply and fucking quote every sentence i made, which is fucking gay.
1. Am I the only one who read this whole thing?
2. Alright Stevey, your session is up for this week. see you next week.
3. I'll take ham and eggs with a side order of pancakes. Oh, and some coffee.
4. Who is this crooked headed Bush guy you keep talking about?
5. Accupuncture might help in this case.
hypocrisy86 said:
well i'm done ranting,
i'm sure some intellectual person will reply and complain in a mature matter saying "how little you know" wouldn't be the first time, and make a big reply and fucking quote every sentence i made, which is fucking gay.
First, let me tell you that you're a gay jew. And you really don't know that much. And I'm not going to waste my time quoting every retarted sentance you wrote. You're gay for wasting your time writing this ratarded post.
chris-o-fer said:
MAN! Your good.

Mom always said so, but I never believed her.
She also said that If I ever put my mind to something
, that it would pay off in didvidens.
I don't know what a dividen is.
And who the fuck knows if I am spelling dividen right.
Now, about those Waffles.
Cryptkeeper said:
First, let me tell you that you're a gay jew. And you really don't know that much. And I'm not going to waste my time quoting every retarted sentance you wrote. You're gay for wasting your time writing this ratarded post.

Why am I laughing so damn hard? This has to be the funniest thing
I have read in a long time.
I need to get out more.
GreatPhoenix said:
Hehe, this is the lamest excuse for a political discussion thread. :p

This could hardly be considered a discussion; it was more of a rant...and an ill-formed one, at that.