Bush got pwned on tha debate

sumairetsu said:
This could hardly be considered a discussion; it was more of a rant...and an ill-formed one, at that.

Get out the VETO!
"Waitress, where's my coffee?"
As in the political realm, we must CUT THE PORK.
Then we must fry it up!
Get Out The Veto!!!!!
Originally Posted byTB666

An insult.
*pulls out a pistol and shoots seraphim Belial*

*gets shot*
*falls down*
*gets up*
i challenge you sir to a duel! waffles and bacon are the choson weapons!
hypocrisy86 said:
when my dads's dad died who was a veteran of WW2 Bush sent us a certificate saying he was a veteran, well i know bush is a retard and makes funny faces on accident, but i like the fact he does care about the soldiers and sends out certificates..or if not all presidents had to do that..
Lol don't be a retard. You actually believe Bush gives a fuck about your Grandad enough to write his family a fucking certificate? Christ...
Cryptkeeper said:
First, let me tell you that you're a gay jew. And you really don't know that much. And I'm not going to waste my time quoting every retarted sentance you wrote. You're gay for wasting your time writing this ratarded post.

Also note how bush can't say his speaches correctly nor do anything right durring an interview without someone coming and whispering into his bird ears
He was born rich and will die rich..

and for you're info i'm not gay nor a jew how fucking old are you 14?
LMAO, if you're old enough to vote i feel sorry for you *gay jew*

Fuck man, i watch C-span Fox news and CNN yea i know CNN is anti-bush but oh well.. and listening to WOAI is irritating Rush FAT limbaugh can go suck dick, little tard needs to lose weight...
And also i live in Texas a republican State, dering!...
All you fat slobby republicans can go suck donkey dick with your hick pals
you don't know shit for shit son, all you know is from republicans themselves, you don't get the story from both sides, you dumbfuck.. now go eat shit and die *gay jew*

PS: he still got pwned on the debate.