SSJ4SephirothX said:Damn it, for a while I thought I was going to be the only American who posted in this thread before I scrolled down but who caresI've never rode one of those "Mind Reading" things, so I don't know how difficult they are. Probably not at all considering they are driven by movement, thus is why they are called the "Mind Reading" thingies. Bush is a jackass and will probably be re-elected but I do have to hand it to his ass for correcting Clinton's mistakes as Clinton did for Bush and Bush did for Reagan. It's strange when someone, anyone, a normal person crashes on a machine like that, it's no big deal. But when someone famous like the President does it, it's fucking hilarious. He's a human being too. Not like he's superhuman or anything. He is a buttpuppet though
NP: Guns 'n' Roses - Welcome to the Jungle
what the hell is a buttpuppet? Buttmuppet I could visualize, like Kermits gay brother palying in the Buttmuppets, but a buttpuppet?SSJ4SephirothX said:"He is a buttpuppet though"
Bloodred_T said:WTF? I saw it on slovenian national television.....What an event! I hate stuff like that! My time is very precious!
The dollar was already down. He is actually bringing it up! Unemployment has nothing, if very little to do with the presidency. You should be thanking the unions for that. As for Social Security, That as well has nothing to do with the presidency, It was just a matter of time (with the baby boomers) but, I am against ALL gov't subsidaries and he's trying to keep it together. (so there's 1 bad thing that I've seen in this entire thread)Posted by Mammoth---Then man is making the Dollar plummit, unemployment rise while at the same time the social securities such as free medical care and all that stuff does'nt work!
That's the only way anything works out!!!!!!!! stefan86 - Things would be so much better if i were the dictator of the entire world
Spinaltourniquet said:you'd find that he is actually one of the better presidents this country has seen.
Spinaltourniquet said:Honestly, you guys have no idea what your talking about, Bush has more than doubled the broken down economy of Clinton (who allowed the major companies to lie about their finantial status, and now who the Bush admin. is bringing to justice)....the man has brought us out of the biggest recession the nation has ever seen (which isn't a recession, but the exposing of the truth).
He may not have the smarts of a 12 year old, but what makes him great is that he surrounds himself with experts who know how to deal with the situation.Nobody in the world is smart enogh to run a country, but it dosen't take a genious to know what is right.
The only thing you really take in, is your liberal propeganda, which you voice as fact without thinking. Maybe if you really did your research, you'd find that he is actually one of the better presidents this country has seen. Even with a liberal/democratic bias media he still has well over the majority in approval rating (the highest in US history)!(where Clinton didn't even have a majority of electoral votes, and one of the worst approval ratings ever witnessed!!!)
The dollar was already down. He is actually bringing it up! Unemployment has nothing, if very little to do with the presidency. You should be thanking the unions for that. As for Social Security, That as well has nothing to do with the presidency, It was just a matter of time (with the baby boomers) but, I am against ALL gov't subsidaries and he's trying to keep it together. (so there's 1 bad thing that I've seen in this entire thread)
That's the only way anything works out!!!!!!!!
Stefan86- If i would live in a country with a religious rightwing president/establishment i would probably drown myself