bush, haha

Spinaltourniquet said:
Honestly, you guys have no idea what your talking about, Bush has more than doubled the broken down economy of Clinton (who allowed the major companies to lie about their finantial status, and now who the Bush admin. is bringing to justice)....the man has brought us out of the biggest recession the nation has ever seen (which isn't a recession, but the exposing of the truth).

He may not have the smarts of a 12 year old, but what makes him great is that he surrounds himself with experts who know how to deal with the situation.Nobody in the world is smart enogh to run a country, but it dosen't take a genious to know what is right.

The only thing you really take in, is your liberal propeganda, which you voice as fact without thinking. Maybe if you really did your research, you'd find that he is actually one of the better presidents this country has seen. Even with a liberal/democratic bias media he still has well over the majority in approval rating (the highest in US history)!(where Clinton didn't even have a majority of electoral votes, and one of the worst approval ratings ever witnessed!!!)
The dollar was already down. He is actually bringing it up! Unemployment has nothing, if very little to do with the presidency. You should be thanking the unions for that. As for Social Security, That as well has nothing to do with the presidency, It was just a matter of time (with the baby boomers) but, I am against ALL gov't subsidaries and he's trying to keep it together. (so there's 1 bad thing that I've seen in this entire thread)

That's the only way anything works out!!!!!!!!

AND you forgot that Clinton couldn't help nutting on Mrs. Lewinsky's dress...I mean shit, think about it...do you want a president with bad aim?
thebigyetti said:
Thu Jun 12, 5:41 PM ET

He's a real dork that Bush.. :lol:
Stefan86- I still dont think anyone can say that Bush as a PERSON is a good president. Maybe the administration does good work (have no idea about that), but it has nothing do with him.
The guy is just president because his father was anyway..

See but what makes him a good pres. is that he listens and works cooperatively with his administration. Doing so allows him to pass legislation, and accomplish other works. He always has the final say and over 80% of the plans he has put in action He created!
Yeah...we can see what he created...I won't start a discussion about this. If you think he's a good president than obviously I can't change your mind and I don't even want to. It would be a waste of time to try to.
Bush is not helping himself whit all the shit going around.. He almost died eating a pretzel. He's not a TOTAL moron who suck ass like the prime minister we have in canada, he still can do great thing for is country, but is name is now the name of the one who started war, and this will never be good for him
Hey guys, espacially those coming from the promised land... (USA)

Read "Stupid White Men" by Micheal Moore!

He did an intense resaerch about this fucking asshole called "president" of the US (Allthough he was never really elected but cheated to become president)


...Cut spendings for libraries by 39.000.000 $
...cut spendings for further education of doctors for children
...cut spendings for the development of renewable energy-sources by 50%
...stopped passing of laws that should reduce the percentage of Arsen in your drinking water!
...cut means for the development of more ecological and economical cars and vans by 28%
...abolished reglements that made it easier for the state to punish firms that broke laws and wasted nature
...let Gale Norton make proposals to use national parks for oil and gas drilling
...broke his promise to spend 100.000.000 $ for saving the rain forest
...cut spendings for the Community Acces Program that coordinated the helped supplied people without insurance in public hospitals and private clinics
...denied a request that would have made it easier to get information about chemical accidents
...denied the acception of the US to the Kyoto climate protocol against the global warming (as nearly the only in the world)
...denied an international rule for the better enforcement of the bio-weapons convention from 1972
...cut education-programs for jobless by 200.000.000 $!
...cut spendings for reperations on public buildings by 700 billion Dollars
...cut all spendings for consultancies on abortion
...applied to the plan of Gale Norton to use the east coast of Florida for oil drilling
...wanted to stop the AIDS-department in the White House
...cut the Financial Help for students who broke a drug-law (while other sentenced murderers still get money)
...boxed through a tax reducement program, where 43% of the money goes to the richest 1/100 of the Amis
...Cut spendings for programs against child abuse by 15,7 billions
...proposed the abolishment of the program "Reading is fundamental", where poor parents receive educational books for their children for free
...wanted the development of "Mini-Nuclear bombs", which would have broken the treaty for disarmament
...appointed Micheal McConnel, the leading Opponent of the divide of state and church as federal judge
...appointed the opponent of the movement for civil rights, Terrence Boyle, as federal judge
and so on...

A nice guy, you see... :OMG: