Bush bashing = FUN!


kickass elizabethan style
May 2, 2001
Maryland, U.S.
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The "everybody take a look at this" thread has already become a Bush-bashing thread, but I just thought a new thread specifically designated for this would not be lacking in participants. :)

I work for a company that makes transcripts of all political speeches, events, etc (hearings of Congress, every speech given by a prominent politician) and then those transcripts are used in the Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, lots of other news sources. So I have the unenviable job of listening to EVERY speech Bush makes, even when it's not important enough to make the news.

Wow, let me tell you, he is not smart. Every time he speaks, I cringe/grimace/blush. What an embarassment to this country. Obviously he doesn't write any of what he says -- they already tried that and his aides put a stop to that very promptly. But he can't even READ his speeches properly. He can't get through a sentence without stumbling, and his body language is always inappropriate and forced.

You should hear the arguments we have at work over whether or not to clean up/correct his mistakes in the transcripts. We're instructed to clean up the smaller mistakes, but as one of the voters who were robbed in this country, I feel there should be a record of what an imbecile he is.

For instance, he gave an entire speech about drugs in South America using the word "cocoa" instead of "coca." Ok, TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. One you drink when it's cold, the other you snort (lord knows, he should know all about the latter seeing as how he's done it!). We changed it for him. :bah:

At all the recent international summits, every time another country's leader speaks, he says, "Good job, good job, man," as if he's the fucking host or as if his opinion means ANYTHING.

It's SO EMBARASSING. Most Americans have no problem with him, which is just shocking. Even people who didn't vote for him think he's doing a good job. Completely blind. I have never had less faith in the American public than I have since his election.

In a recent poll, 75 percent of the country thinks he's doing a good job. To put that in perspective, that would include not only all the people who voted for EITHER candidate, but an additional 25 percent who didn't vote. Or maybe all the people who didn't vote and the ones who voted for Bush. Either way, not encouraging. Get ready for 8 years.

I strongly recommend the book, "Is Our Children Learning?" by Paul Begala.

Here are some more quotes, to add to the ones on the other thread:

"This is Preservation Month. I appreciate preservation. It's what you do when you run for president. You gotta preserve." -- speaking during PERSEVERANCE Month at an elementary school in New Hampshire, LA Times, 1/29/00

"Sitting down and reading a 500-page book on public policy or philosophy or something." — asked to name something he isn't good at by Talk magazine, Sept 1999 issue.

"I saw the report that children in Texas are going hungry. Where? You'd think the governor would have heard if there are pockets of hunger in Texas." — George W. Bush, whose state ranks 2nd in total number of children living in poverty to Austin American Statesman, 12/18/99

Family values and compassionate conservatism, my ass. This guy actually instructed Texas government employees to deny low-income benefits to families (with children) who actually qualified.

Sorry this is so long, but I obviously get riled up on this topic. Join in!
I knew he was a moron, but not that it was quite this bad... Him being 'just' stupid was still a rather funny thing, but this stupid is scary already. I hope his people are keeping him on a short leash. >-/
I don't believe you guys. I thought you were better than this. Obviously, the guy has a problem speaking in front of people and collecting his thoughts on the spot, or reading aloud correctly. (I have the same problem...) And he is not a perfect president, but this is sad. Even we who would call ourselves the enlightened and thoughtful ones of the world have reverted to poking fun of people and placing the blame anywhere but on ourselves when things go wrong. None of you are perfect, just as Bush is not perfect.

I don't really like to listen to Bush speak because of his nervousness, or whatever the problem he has with public speaking is, but he's not a complete idiot, and I do agree with some of his policies, though I won't go into that. The point is that even if you don't agree with what he does; making a scene about it, surfacing embarrassing moments, harboring hate, and ranting about the horrors you think he will invoke is uncalled for, and undeserved.

Remeber this?:

"Unintelligent people talk about people,
Average people talk about events,
And geniuses talk about ideas."

Looks to me like you have stooped to talking about people. Congratulations on managing to lower yourselves to the level of the ignorant people who are going around beating American Arabs.

Lastly, Despot, you should be ashamed of yourself:

"I hate the guy with a passion... I wish he died yesterday."

He didn't kill anyone, and whoever of you speculate that he is the cause of so many deaths because of such and such a reason, that is speculation. In the end, there are an infinite number of things that cause other things to occur. He has not done anything worth wishing him dead, and even the idea of wishing him dead is on par with people in Palestine dancing in the streets.

I am disappointed to see all of this.
When I was watching his little speech last night, it looked more like Saturday Night Live. I expected him to break out in laughter, and another skit to start. It seemed almost fake - but this whole thing has looked like a movie anyways.

But, the president's real job is behind the scenes. I've never believed that the president needs to be the perfectly polished speaker, nor should public appearance be what we judge him on. It's policies and procedures, and it's the America I wake up to every morning that counts.

I dare anybody here to even attempt being in the president's shoes, even for one day. It's a job I wouldn't want, but whether I voted for the guy or not, I respect the position he's in.
Wow, Metalmancpa, I could really get along with you. Well said. And I think some of you have to admit, that at least he is honest. Just as Clinton was a compulsive liar, every person has his faults. Accept it. He hasnt accidentally shot any bombs off or mutilated the economy, and he's actual actions haven't been so bad. Lighten up, it's an overwhelming job; if I were ever president, I wouldn't talk to the media at all, because I would be too annoyed to say anything. I personally don't know how he tolerates them.
Being able to talk properly is obviously a big part of being a politician, seeing as how that is what a lot of people are going to be judging you for.

But even if he could talk, let's judge him by policy: Nevermind the environment as long as we make more money. Let's apply the death penalty generously. Let's also break treaties and spend billions on missilie defense systems instead of pre-emptive measures such as intelligence. While we're at it, let's just Piss People Off(tm) as much as possible.

It might be a respectable position, but this is not a respectable man.
Not everybody can be a good talker. That doesn't make a person an idiot.

Heck, I'm almost some kind of genius, but I'm horrible at talking to other people. I figure if the president is nervous talking in front of the country, it could very well be that he is is tired of being insulted for every little mistake he makes.

If you were in charge of a country that just suffered a major terrorist attack and spend the day on an airplane listening to reports and being zig-zagged across the country to avoid further attacks, I doubt you'd be able to step off the plane and make a brilliant speech.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
It's policies and procedures, and it's the America I wake up to every morning that counts.
Unfortunately his policies are what scare me.

Originally posted by metalmancpa
I dare anybody here to even attempt being in the president's shoes, even for one day. It's a job I wouldn't want, but whether I voted for the guy or not, I respect the position he's in.
Which makes it all the more unbelievable that an idiot like him is in that respectable position.

Originally posted by TyrantOfFlames
And I think some of you have to admit, that at least he is honest. Just as Clinton was a compulsive liar, every person has his faults. Accept it. He hasnt accidentally shot any bombs off or mutilated the economy, and he's actual actions haven't been so bad.
Lying about your lovelife and lying about policy are two very different things. The problem with politics these days is that catching someone in a policy lie is considered "attack politics." Bullshit. The fact that you're not aware of the EGREGIOUS lies this man has told says something about how much you pay attention to politics. But then again, I've always been interested in politics and I hear every white house, state department, and defense department briefing at work daily, so maybe I shouldn't expect everyone to be informed. But that's what scares me -- the average American doesn't know just how bad he really is.

Originally posted by Rogue27
Not everybody can be a good talker. That doesn't make a person an idiot.
No, see, GORE was a bad public speaker but an otherwise brilliant man, even if you didn't agree with his politics. Bush is both a bad speaker and not the least bit intellectually curious -- he himself has admitted that much (with a mind-boggling sense of pride). Those two attributes together equal someone not qualified to be president of the most powerful country in the world.
What the hell? Why is this still going? This is not something worth discussing. It does absolutely no good; it enlightens no one; it convinces no one; and it only serves to advocate ager spouting.

This is an unnecessary argument. And in my short time of being at this message board, I'm already unimpressed.
Originally posted by TyrantOfFlames
What the hell? Why is this still going? This is not something worth discussing. It does absolutely no good; it enlightens no one; it convinces no one; and it only serves to advocate ager spouting.

This is an unnecessary argument. And in my short time of being at this message board, I'm already unimpressed.

Couldn't agree with you more. He's just one man. We voted him in - so just deal.

I think we should start bashing ourselves, because this incident has definately forced garbage to rise to the surface. I thought this forum presented many decent topics, and the discussion were heated at times. But the opinionated side of most is coming out, and it's ugly. Why lower ourselves to name calling and finger pointing.
Lying about your lovelife and lying about policy are two very different things. The problem with politics these days is that catching someone in a policy lie is considered "attack politics." Bullshit. The fact that you're not aware of the EGREGIOUS lies this man has told says something about how much you pay attention to politics. But then again, I've always been interested in politics and I hear every white house, state department, and defense department briefing at work daily, so maybe I shouldn't expect everyone to be informed. But that's what scares me -- the average American doesn't know just how bad he really is.

Lina, you misunderstood my reason for mentioning Clinton's lying. I only meant it to serve as an example of the faults that are present in everyone. I wasn't saying what he lied about, or blaming him.

Complaining about a certain sort of comment in the form of such a comment that you've been complaining about is not a good way to gain credibility.

I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by this, Protocol.
I means, tyrant, that if you so want the arguing to stop, you shouldn't be arguing yourself. It makes you a hypocrite when you try to be the 'righteous party' while insulting people like that.

Do you want the fighting to stop or do you want to bite people back? You can't have both.
Lina, its nice to see you have done great things with your life unlike Mr. Bush. Its even better to see that you sit at your computer and change the world as you do. And i really respect the fact that you have the responsibility of dealing with this massacre and all the backlash it will have on our economic and living conditions. You are in line for person of the year as far as i'm concerned! Opinions are like assholes, some smells more than others, kinda like yours.
"Sitting down and reading a 500-page book on public policy or philosophy or something." — asked to name something he isn't good at by Talk magazine, Sept 1999 issue.

"I saw the report that children in Texas are going hungry. Where? You'd think the governor would have heard if there are pockets of hunger in Texas." — George W. Bush, whose state ranks 2nd in total number of children living in poverty to Austin American Statesman, 12/18/99

err, I actually find these responses quite moronic. a president that doesn't know about public policy or philosophy? and he actually admitted he wasn't acknowledged of such terrible conditions in the state where he was governor.
everyone here who has every been president of the united states, please raise your hand.


didn't think so.

no one here has the experience or authority to accurately judge the president's actions, because we have nowhere near the information he does, from all his different sources.

people have griefs with Dubya because of a simple thing: different goals. people say, "he's a nitwit; he can't speak" to mask the fact that they quite simply have a different agenda than the president. my family voted for him, because we prefer his goals, simple as that. Is he a wonderful president? no. is he a horrible president? certainly not. you just can't please everybody all at once.
Anyone here ever watch the McLaughlin Group (political discussion) on PBS? If you have (not that I expect any of you have), then I'm sure you know Eleanor Clift, the liberal mainstay of the program. Anyway, one day John (McLaughlin) asked the panel what they each thought the biggest misconception about Bush was (or something to that effect), and her response was that he wasn't the moron most people seemed to think he was. I've probably seen around 50 episodes of that show, and I've never heard her say one thing that might be considered even moderate, but she did have the class and intelligence to make that statement. I couldn't stand to hear the woman talk until that day, and although I never agree with her, I can at least respect her, which is more than I can say for probably 99 in 100 other liberals.

Point Two: Any of you who are old enough to remember (and/or have a clue) should recall how hated Clinton was at the beginning of his first term, people (not just conservatives) were counting down the time until they could get him out of office. I'm not saying I like or even respect the man (how could I?), I'm just saying that outside of his personal life, he is generally looked on as having been a decent President, despite what was thought of him early in his Presidency.

And beside all of that, do any of you whiners really think he has anything to do with running the country? Please.