Bush bashing = FUN!

I agree, anyone who still insists on criticizing Bush in the wake of this hideous distruction is an asshole. Despite all of our imperfections, America is still the greatest antion on Earth, and no amount of terrorism will ever break our will to persevere and protect our freedom.
wow, and i thought opeth fans would be capable of a political discussion. i guess my timing was bad -- i didn't create this thread with the intention of linking it to the recent horrific incidents. i only brought it up because everyone was already bashing him on another thread.

however, i'm not going to pretend to support an asshole just because he's MY asshole -- I still think he's way out of his league. (and what about the reports that bush's team was warned about this THREE WEEKS AGO by bin laden's people?)

and there are plenty of *intelligent* conservatives with whom i disagree -- people who i wouldn't be embarassed of every time he deals with foreign countries. this isn't just about differing policy opinions.

it's exactly this kind of blind acceptance and complacency that allowed the election bullshit to occur and yet have NO election reforms seriously discussed in Congress. it's this american laziness that the rest of the world finds so unappealing -- we're way over here with only two neighbors whom we hardly recognize and our economy is (was) decent, so no one gives a rat's ass what's really happening in the world.

and by the way, justus x, i type and edit the transcripts of the mclaughlin group for work, along with meet the press, late edition, fox news sunday, this week, face the nation, and evans novak hunt & shields. none of the panelists on any of these shows are radicals on either end of the spectrum. the "liberals" defend bush and the "conservatives" defend gore, so i'm not swayed by your point.
Originally posted by Tribal
Lina, its nice to see you have done great things with your life unlike Mr. Bush. Its even better to see that you sit at your computer and change the world as you do.
so people aren't allowed to have political opinions unless they're currently running for, or are already in, office? are you not interested in current events? do you have no opinions on important topics -- or do you just not allow yourself to actually express them? either way you wouldn't be very interesting to talk to. and actually, not that this matters, but i am studying government and economics with the intention of going into public policy, so perhaps i am trying to affect change?
>Lina, its nice to see you have done great things
>with your life unlike Mr. Bush. Its even better
>to see that you sit at your computer and change
>the world as you do.

Come to think of it, this kind of attitude must be why you've got such a scandalously low percentage of voting people over there. Someone speculated that if swedes were allowed to vote in the u.s elections, a higher percentage of us would than of u.s citizens themselves. ;D
Hey, it's all cool if you don't like him because of previous actions or policies, and as long as you can back up your opinion with facts, you can express as much distaste as you wish.

I just don't like when people insult him because he's not a good speaker. That is just rude. Not everybody can be charismatic and eloquent every time they open their mouth.

That's all I was trying to say.

I wish "good interpersonal skills" automatically came with being intelligent, but sadly, that is not the case. "If I'm so smart, why the fuck am I lonely...?"
Originally posted by Lina
none of the panelists on any of these shows are radicals on either end of the spectrum

Heh, I guess you missed the episodes with Pat Buchanan.
Ok let me make this clear, what pisses me off about Goerge W are his policies. I think they are ludicrous, short sighted and the policies of an extremely small minded man. Yes, none of us have ever been the president, but I would like to think many people here could still do a better job then goerge bush. Basically I don't have nething against the man, just what he's doing and he scares me.

Y shouldn't we have a political discussion about this at this time? I think this is one of the more appropriate times to talk about it. Basically if Goergey boy wanted to he could start a major war here, and I don't feel safe when someone like him has that much power.

Indeed I'm not well informed here - I don't know him, but from the articles and interviews I've read I very much get the impression he doesn't think things through, or care about the world outside America

I agree, anyone who still insists on criticizing Bush in the wake of this hideous distruction is an asshole. Despite all of our imperfections, America is still the greatest antion on Earth, and no amount of terrorism will ever break our will to persevere and protect our freedom.

Asshole mayb, but surely part of that freedom is the freedom of speech?

What the hell? Why is this still going? This is not something worth discussing. It does absolutely no good; it enlightens no one; it convinces no one; and it only serves to advocate ager spouting.

This is most definitely worth discussing. Would you feel happy if you thought the most powerful man in the world couldn't handle that power? You're right, we can change nothing, but with most discussions on this board we can change nothing. Yet they still happen. Why? Because most people enjoy discussing things that are important to us.

I agree this may not have been the most subtely titled board, but I think its a valid discussion and you should let people continue
Originally posted by justus x
Heh, I guess you missed the episodes with Pat Buchanan.
buchanan was a guest, not a panelist. like i said, i TYPE AND EDIT the damn thing -- you're not going to be able to pull a fast one on me, so stop trying. and if you don't want to discuss bush, why keep coming back here?
Originally posted by Lina
buchanan was a guest, not a panelist. like i said, i TYPE AND EDIT the damn thing -- you're not going to be able to pull a fast one on me, so stop trying. and if you don't want to discuss bush, why keep coming back here?

What does 'pulling a fast one' have to do with anything? What the fuck are you even talking about? My point had exactly nothing to do with the McLaughlin Group in the first place other than the fact that the person I was paraphrasing had appeared on it. My comment about Pat Buchanan was not only intended to be humorous, but also had absolutely nothing to do with my previous post, so I really don't see why there is some attempt at a connection. I love having my intentions invented by someone else and handed to me.

No, I didn't come in to join in the Bush bashing, because of a spectacularly easy to grasp point I made in my first post: his term isn't over yet. And all two posts I made before this one, yeah, I'm really all over this thread.

I'll be over here waiting for the fresh new batch of words to be put in my mouth.
Originally posted by Xtokalon
I don't give a fuck about policies. I have a different concern.
But you know who doesn't have my respect? G . W. Bush. He isn't a tenth of the leader of either Pataki or Giuliani. And I can't help but asking, "this guy's our president??" In our complex social structures and hierarchies this guy is supposed to be the leader of our leaders? this fool who can do nothign but spout self-consicous cliches and "no-shit" statements barely articulated? This guy who clearly does not have his shit together, he's supposed to be our captain? Who are the morons who voted for this guy??

This doesn't annoy me nearly as much as his policies, I mean if he was doing a good job it wouldn't matter to me if he was a poor leader, as long as he was still getting stuff done

The role of the president, demands much more than a parrrot for certain policies. It demands a leader. Someone whom we can actually respect and find faith in. Bush is not such a man. And it appalls me that anyone who clearly cannot live up to standards of leadership and fortitude would ever have the dishonesty and self-lovoign arrogance enough to nominate himself for such a role.

Personally i think these two are quite strongly linked, people would have faith in him were his policies better. But I agree he is also a very poor leader

This thread does not represent simple "bashing." It's a legitimate and valid concern that any american should have over the loss of something that perhaps in another time was so elemental to the health of any nation (ie., leadership) I'm discontented to see this curr (Bush)count himself in the same line as great men who have graced our history.

Now why didn't I just say that? :goggly: Gr damn u and ur way with words ;)
As far as the quote of “small minds discuss people.” Come on. Even Einstein took a break from calculating equations and the likes to poke a little fun at someone, especially in this type of harmless manner (fucked up quotes) at a time when laughs are few and far between.

It’s understandable that a newer president doesn’t get respect until he’s finally done something great, but I don’t know of anything that done that I’d call great. I have to see what he’s going to do now. I wonder if in the back of his mind he’s thinking, “Damn, I never thought of the possibility of war. Shit!”
Let's not forget..... Clinton didnt do anything "great" in 8 years....... and it looks like he didn't have the balls to fight against terrorism so he left it for the following president to handle.......

....this type shit can go both ways and then some...
Originally posted by Oliwa29
Let's not forget..... Clinton didnt do anything "great" in 8 years....... and it looks like he didn't have the balls to fight against terrorism so he left it for the following president to handle.......
....this type shit can go both ways and then some...

No he didn't NEEDto fight against terrosrism cos they weren't causing him a problem
Originally posted by Oliwa29
Let's not forget..... Clinton didnt do anything "great" in 8 years....... and it looks like he didn't have the balls to fight against terrorism so he left it for the following president to handle.......

Clinton didn't do anything "great"? have you noticed the effect his presidency had on the American economy?
TyrantOfFlames had said that Bush didn't kill anyone.
He has.
He has sent something like 562 men to their death's on deathrow. Now you may say, "If they were on death row they would have deserved it", it's been proven (I'll try to find the statement(s) that say this) that nearly half of all inmates in Bush's state that he governed were wrongly convicted. AND well, what will killing these people do? Just one more tool of oppression...

Oh, he also said these somewhere.. I'll try to find out when exactly...
"I think most of these countries imports come from oversea's"

"We didn't get a peace settlement but we managed to secure a deal on banana's"