Bashing light stuff in concert


Nov 27, 2003
COlumbus, OH
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Ok, seriously, who could possibly not like the lighter stuff!?!?

I saw Opeth last night at Cincinnati, OH, and before they played In My Time of Need, some ass in the audience screamed "Fuck that soft shit!" Of course, me and a few others yelled back with all sorts of...umm...creative ways to tell him to shut up. Mikael mentioned that it was part of their sound and if he didn't like it he was in the wrong place. Either way, after the song, you hear what sounded like the same guy scream "hey, that soft shit's pretty good...more soft shit!" It was pretty comical, and at least he came to his senses after that kick ass song. But i think there were too many people talking and the band thought the crowd was talking shit again, but they played if off like professionals. Awesome show, Opeth rules.

I hope i don't need to mention how much Devil Driver sucked ass. Moonspell was ok at times, but that skull pole thing cracked me up.

Opeth! \m/
Anyone who would make a comment like that probably just discovered Opeth on Uranium or something, and clearly doesn't get it. Not that it's bad that new people get into them, but if you're pissed that they are playing mellower songs you don't fully understand what this band is all about. Someone should have told the idiot that made that comment that he wasn't at a fucking Cannibal Corpse show...
Well, they do play the softer stuff waaay tooooo slow live. And even though I like Damnation, I thought the flow and momentum of the set was lost by putting those two songs in the middle.
Hahaha...That guy was right behind me, man that guy was insane. His eyebrow was busted wide open and he was bleeding all over the place trying to mosh and kept running into was really annoying but the crowd did crack me up :D Everyone kept talking and screaming random crap at the band and they even talked some stuff back to us with Mike telling us to "Shut the fuck up" hahaha that was great. The best random shout had to be "O'DOYLE RULES!" though :grin: It was a great show amazing performances by Moonspell(I caught their drumstick w00t) and Opeth, Devil Driver were shit though, The 9 foot guitarist was the only thing to look at or pay any attention to on stage
Medievalchimp said:
Hahaha...That guy was right behind me, man that guy was insane. His eyebrow was busted wide open and he was bleeding all over the place trying to mosh and kept running into was really annoying but the crowd did crack me up :D Everyone kept talking and screaming random crap at the band and they even talked some stuff back to us with Mike telling us to "Shut the fuck up" hahaha that was great. The best random shout had to be "O'DOYLE RULES!" though :grin: It was a great show amazing performances by Moonspell(I caught their drumstick w00t) and Opeth, Devil Driver were shit though, The 9 foot guitarist was the only thing to look at or pay any attention to on stage
Why does everyone bag Devil Driver? I personally am not a fan of them but for them to be playing along side Opeth they must be good in there own right, give them a break its hard enough getting up on stage let alone some immature dickheads yelling out shit.
really******loud said:
Why does everyone bag Devil Driver? I personally am not a fan of them but for them to be playing along side Opeth they must be good in there own right, give them a break its hard enough getting up on stage let alone some immature dickheads yelling out shit.

How about you do a bit of research and then see if you need to ask that again.
It is pretty disrespectful for people to be fucking saying shit about DevilDriver, especially noting how Mikael's commented at some shows on people giving them some respect even if they didn't like them. Granted, I've never heard DevilDriver, and from what I've heard about them, they probably arent Mike's cup of tea either, but take a cue from him and go chill at the bar or talk to some friends during their set instead of causing trouble.
haha, oh it was the guy with the bleeding face? I gave him some of the water they passed out after Devil Driver after i had a little to drink...looked like he needed it more than me :)

On another note, I seriously think i was the only person there who wasn't white. Oh well :P
I was the one who shouted "O'Doyle Rules." My family survived that carcrash off the cliff as shown in Billy Madison. O'Doyle is still alive and immortal. Don't fuck with us.

O'Doyle Rules.