silhoutte and madrigal are good when you are flying

Mikael is God

Master of Bating
Jul 7, 2001
ok so i remember a while back i was smoking up and i came home and decided to listen to some fucking soft opeth shit man........ and im tellin ya when you listen to silhouete and madrigal when youare as high as a kite its like reallyl really awesome... everyone should be required to do it... the only way that you can listen to a band better then opeth.... is opeth when your high...
I feel high listening to softer passages. With no lyrics, your mind is free to revel in your own imagination. :cool:

One of my all time favourite things to do involves the following.

A mild summers night.
A skyfull of stars.
A bong and lots of pot.
A big stereo.
A few friends.
All the Opeth albums.

Then all is left to do is take these things outside and layback and enjoy. :D

Happy smoking.
Listening to Opeth while drunk is also very exhilirating, particularly My Arms Your surefire way to piss off all neighbours in sight is to let out beer-drenched screams of "DEMON...DEMON OF THE FAAAAAAAAAALLL! long after midnight...
The trippiest section in any of Opeth's music is the acoustic interlude in Under the Weeping Moon where the progression where the C sharpens on the fourth repition of the fifth chord.. and Mikael is doing effects and whammy bar stuff..

Opeth are exceptional enjoyable when high but I think they provide they same majistic experience even when you are sober unlike some bands (ie. Tool)
"trippiest section"? :erk:

i'm basically always stoned when i listen to music, though i can't say i listen to much of opeth when i bake
Don't do drugs!
There are not enough for everyone!

Not all drugs are good!!!
some are great!

I don't do drugs, so I can't just judge drugs, so I suppose you've been around.