Bush is close to winning.

@ Soundmaster: I agree with you completely. So many people over here are brainwashed to believe everything they see on TV. They want the world's problems laid out in black and white for them; therefore Bush, with his maxims and empty slogans, serves their needs.
It's ok to send off other people's children to die for oil, but a woman can't decide for herself to get rid of a fucking zygote?

It's supposed to matter to me who someone else is fucking?

Saddam killing Iraqi citizens = bad/Bush killing Iraqi citizens (what are we up to now, 100,000+?) = good?

The refusal to admit fault is a virtue?

"These are a few of my favorite things..."

Anyway, does anyone else find it strange that people living in the middle of goddamn nowhere cited the threat of terrorism as a high concern of theirs, and thus voted for Bush, while people living in NYC and the majority of densely populated cites, and thus, perfect targets for terrorism, voted overwhelmingly against him?