Bush needs to get a screening.......


Jul 14, 2003
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Here's a story that isn't getting as much coverage as I think it should. Yesterday World Net Daily was reporting that in July George Bush will announce a sweeping new mental health initiative that will recommend mental health screening for every U.S. citizen.

In 2002 Bush set up something called the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health. The goal was to study the U.S. mental health service delivery system. Soon the commission will deliver its report, complete with a suggestion that government schools would be in a "key position" to screen 52 million unfortunate children who attend government schools and the 6 million adults who work there. The commission is going to recommend that this screening be linked somehow with treatment .. including medications.

Are you comfortable with the idea of your friendly local government school screening your child for mental problems, and then recommending or perhaps even requiring certain medications?

Now .. without delving into details, here's something else you need to know. The commission will recommend something called The Texas Medication Algorithm Project (TAMP) as a model for the medical treatment of Americans, and government school students, found to be suffering from medical problems. There is evidently some relationship between huge pharmaceutical companies and TAMP. One of these companies, Eli Lilly, has some rather extensive relationships with George Bush. George Bush (41) was once a member of the Eli Lilly board of directors, and George Bush (43) appointed a Lilly chief executive to the Homeland Security Council.

I'll have much more to say on this if and when the predicted initiative sees the light of day. For now, just consider the idea of your local government school screening your child for mental diseases. And also consider where and how you are going to receive your screening!
